Chapter XVII

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Crystal's POV

I walked towards peter who was staring blankly outside the window. He's upset. Maybe it's because of the fight that the professor mentioned earlier. I patted his shoulder and he still refused to look. I thought about the variety of choices for me to make him realize it's me. I chose to silently kiss his cheek. just as i was about to kiss him, he lifted his hand to hit me. I quickly put my hands up. Hoping it'll stop his hand or at least reduce the force. I braced myself for the pain. But, it never came. I opened my eyes to find his hand which he stopped before it hit me.

"Cry-Crystal? Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I thought you were Hank."

"Yeah, it's okay. I get that that was just you reacting instinctively." I said with a slight smile.

"So, What happened between you and Hank?" I asked again.

"Oh, It's nothing. You don't want to know." He said.

"If you won't tell me, You do know that I can still read your mind, Right?" I chuckled

he chuckled but didn't say another word. I decided to take a look inside his mind. I traveled through his recent memories. I found the memory in which he was entering the infirmary. and... What? Hank?! How could he?! I was filled with rage. I went out of his mind and I started to make my way out of the room to find Hank and kill him myself. just as I was about to open the door, Peter caught me hand and pulled me towards him.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"To go and find Hank." I answered truthfully

"Why are you trying to find him?"

"Because I want to kill him myself."

"Crystal, You have to understand that he did it because he thought u were dying. I Guess he was trying to do CPR or something." Peter Explained.

"Let him explain to me himself."

I walked out and made my way to the lab in which I presumed Hank would be in. I opened the door and see him looking into a microscope. I walked towards him, tempted to kill him right there. I can burn him to death. or freeze him to death. or maybe I Could just tear him to pieces. my hands were shaking, Causing the items around me to shake and float. That was when Hank realized I was there.

"Look, Crystal. I'm sorry. It's just.. when you turned purple, I Panicked and I thought trying to give you CPR was a good idea. I'm sorry, Crystal." He pleaded.

"The next time you do it, I won't hesitate to kill you." I threatened.

I then walked out of his lab and back to the professor's office. Peter wasn't there. But, the professor was. he looked at me with a look between thinking and curiosity. I was confused in why he looked at me in such a way. that is until he made it clear to me.

"Crystal, I want you to move here. You need proper training in how to control you powers and I can help you. Soon, I will Re-open my school for the gifted. I'd love to have you as one of my first students." He said

I didn't know what to say. the fact that he just asked me to go to his school as a student makes me feel... wanted. valuable, powerful, strong, smart, Dangerous

"How much is the monthly fee?" I asked

"For you? It's free, darling." He said with a wide smile.

I thought about his offer. Maybe, it is best if I just move here. That way, I'll be able to learn how to control my powers and still get formal education. Maybe Peter would move in here too. I decided to accept his offer and move here.

"Okay, Can Peter come too?" I asked

"If he wants to. Maybe you can ask him. He is welcomed here at any time as well."

I gave him a slight smile before I walk outside, leaving a mind message for him.

'I'll go ask him' I said.

I walk down the hallways. Peter wasn't there. I look in the basement, He isn't there either. I look everywhere and he was nowhere. I gave up and sat under one of the trees. I felt a gush of wind and I saw a silver blur. I knew it was peter. I tried to mentally freeze him. But, I failed. I decided to use my energy powers to try and stop him from running. I focused on the energy around me and I could feel his energy. I lifted my hands and blasted a ball of energy towards him. It stopped him. But, it hurt him. He laid down on the ground holding his leg. The ball of energy I blasted at him was too strong, It dislocated his leg.

I felt so guilty. I don't know how many times I've said sorry to him. I focused on the energy around me again and gave a slow, steady, calm flow to his broken leg. It healed almost immediately. I felt like I hurt him. I am dangerous. I can hurt him.

"I'm so so so sorry, Peter." I said again.

"It's okay, Crystal. Besides, You healed me already. That was awesome!" he said.

I gave him a slight smile before he held my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. We walked around the mansion's massive garden. He then took me to a little white bench under one of the trees and we sat there. he puts one of his hands on my shoulder. Maybe, this is the right time to tell him.



"Um... The professor offered me to move in and learn at his school. he's re-opening it soon."

"Oh, and you accepted?"

"Yes, and I was wondering if you would like to join me?"

He hesitated to answer for a while. He started avoiding eye contact and I could feel an awkward tension rising. I figured he didn't want to.

"It's okay if you don't want to." I stated with a smile

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just, I'm afraid something's gonna happen to my family while I'm gone." he said.

His words made me realize how much his family means to him. I am a little bit disappointed that he isn't going to move here. But, I can still see him. Maybe I'll visit him or he'll visit me.

We walked back into the mansion. Then, I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I couldn't breathe. Black dots appeared in my vision. I'm not giving up this time. I won't let my powers to control me. I must control my powers.
I looked over at Peter which was looking at me with a shocked expression. 'It's okay, Peter. Let me handle this.' I told him. He nodded in response. I started my process in controlling my powers. I could feel the energy around me. The energy was suffocating me. I lifted my hands and absorbed some of the energy. I could breathe again. But, I was full of energy. I have to release some of the energy in a good way.

I went outside and I decided to give it to the earth itself. I kneeled down and I touched the ground beneath me. I started to pour a steady flow of energy. The dead grass around the mansion started to grow healthy again. The flowers bloomed, and the wind blew calmly. It was peaceful. I stood back up and I realize Peter was staring at me in a strange way.

"Cry-Crystal? How did you?" he stuttered.

"I transferred the energy around me to the earth." I explained.

"No, no, no. Not that." he stated.


"Your body. It's looks like actual Crystal." he said.

I looked down and I saw it.

My body was made of something that looks like Crystal.


Hey guys! Sorry for the REALLY LONG chapter. I just thought it'll suck to divide it into two. Andddd whaddya think 'bout Crystal being in her crystal form? Reminds you of something? *insert winking emoji* ehehehehe. Leave it in the comments if it reminds you of something :)

Thank youuuuuu ♥

~ Felicia ~

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