Chapter III

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Crystal's POV

Peter and I followed a guard holding a tray of food. I used my powers to hide us from the other guards. Then we went into the elevator. That was when the guard turned and saw us. A wicked smile appeared on Peter's face. He then took a roll of silver duck tape and quickly took the guard's uniform and duct taped the guy to the wall of the elevator.

I kept my eyes on him until he looked at me with an awkward look. And I realized, he was trying to change into the uniform.

"o-oh sorry" I stuttered and turned around.

I resisted the urge to look and just stayed in normal time. In just less than a second, he tapped on my shoulder and motioned for me to hand him the tray. I handed it to him then i used my powers to quickly write a memo saying "mind the glass." and sticked it to the tray. Peter chuckled when he saw it and the elevator made a bell sound. Signaling that it was time for me to hide on the side of the elevator.

I let Peter walk through so he can open the door. He walked through, acting like a guard. While i sneaked behind him and mind tricked the other guards. He dropped the tray through a hole on the floor and it landed next to the prisoner's head. The prisoner woke up, read the memo, then looked up to the both of us. Peter smiled while I crossed my arms and gave him an underestimating look. Just to upset him, I was bored and I thought it'll be funny.

Peter put his hands on the glass and started tapping on it vigorously. The hlass shattered and the prisoner climbed out.

The prisoner spoke, "in 3 seconds those doors are going to open, and 20 guards are gonna be there to shoot us. "

"we know, That's what we're waiting for, get ready." I said.

Peter stood next to him and held his neck. We have the same habit when it comes to taking people with us. The prisoner looked confused and asked,

"what are you doing?"

"I'm holding your neck so you don't get whiplash." Peter answered his question.


"whip-lashhh" peter said slowly. I chuckled when i read the prisoner's thought, 'how old is this kid? And who is this other kid?' I was about to answer when the door opened, Peter ran through the guards.

I stuck to the plan, i used my speed powers and walked through them while wiping their memories. Then i ran into the elevator, just before it closed. I looked at the prisoner, he looked dizzy, then i glanced at peter. At first glance, i didn't really noticed he was changing with speed. Then i realized what he was doing and i couldn't help looking again to make sure. Then i went back to normal time. Well, that was awkward.

"so-sorry" i said.

"yea.. It's fine. You didn't know" He answered.

'what are these kids talking about?!' the prisoner thought.

"You're good, it'll pass. Happens to everyone" Peter said to the prisoner.

"You must've done something pretty serious. What did you do? What'd you do? What'd you do? Why did they have you in there?" Peter asked.

"for killing the president" the prisoner said.

Peter hummed "oh, wow" then glanced at me and the guard. Then he mouthed "Sh*t!" to us. I gave him a 'not bad' look.
"anything i'm guilty of, it's fighting for people like us" the prisoner said again.

"you take karate? You know karate, man?" Peter asked, yet again.

"i don't know karate, but i know crazy." he said.

'relax dude, we're not insane.' i told him(telepathically).

"how did you?- oh, I see. Are you charles' Daughter?"

"Charles' what?!" I screamed.

Peter looked surprised and the prisoner turned to us.

"oh, sorry. I just assumed you were, because of your powers."

'that's not all i can do, genius' I said to him. I read his mind, his name was Erik.

The door opened to Charles saying "sorry, I'm not very good with violence." then he looked back at us.

Erik looked confused and said "Charles?"

Charles turned around and gave him a punch in the face. I chuckled.

"Good to see you too, old friend" said Erik.

I looked at Peter and I studied his face. Something about him seemed... Different. I ignored the world and i took time to study his thoughts. I looked at his memories. He's 18, he has 2 sisters, he lives with his mother, he's a loner, he has interest in me... Well, who wouldn't be interested with a mutant with so many different powers?

I snapped out of my trance when the things around us started shaking. A thought of my brother came to me. That was when the guards shot. My mind was blank. I'm gonna die. Then I saw peter speeding up and messing around with the guards. I sped up too and realized I could just move the bullets away, so I did. Peter knocked out all the guards. We returned to our. position and time went back to normal.

That was also when I realized, I stood right on the bullet's path. I moved it so it wouldn't hit Charles. But it hit me on the stomach instead.

"Crystal! What happened?" Hank asked, confused.

"ah, crap" I said, frustrated.

"can't you heal yourself up already, we gotta hurry." Logan said.

"Well, genius. I heal others, not myself!" I said, annoyed.

"damn it. Peter, carry her out."

and with that said, Peter kneeled and put one of his hand on the back of my neck and the other on the back of my knees. He carried me bridal style. He ran outside and put me into the car.

I used my powers to freeze my stomach a little bit, just to numb it. And I tried to pull the bullet out. It wouldn't. It hurts so bad. Peter saw me and he took a first aid kid. He took a pair of tweezers and walked to me.

"hold on, this is gonna sting a little."

he pulled my shirt up, just to get a clear view of my wound. Then in a fraction of a second, he poured alcohol on it.

"AH! Motherf-" I cursed, but then cut off by Peter,

"shush, watch your language."

then I froze my stomach again, hoping it won't hurt as much. He used the tweezers to pull it out. And, he succeeded.

"There, the Bullet's out." he said, while giving me a calming smile.

Then, he took a needle from the first aid kid and a string. He's gonna stitch it, isn't he?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop, you're not a doctor! I'm don't wanna die cuz some kid tried to play doctor and stitch my wounds!" I stated, kinda freaking out a little.

"calm down, I trained with the red cross. I used to be interested in medical stuffs. Not anymore now."

he said. He started stitching my wounds. And that was when i blacked out.


Soooo, what do you think of the story? Is it good? Is it bad? Too complicated? Just tell me in the comments! Don't forget to vote if you liked ittttt ♥

Thank youuuu~~~

~ KoohiiKori <3

Edited : Hey guys, i know it has some capital letter problems there. But i just edited my writing style and it's pretty annoying. Sorry i made a lot of mistakes.

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