Chapter V

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Crystal's POV

I was lying on Peter's bed, trying to get some sleep. But, I couldn't. I know it hasn't been that long, but i feel like I needed to see Peter. I decided to check on him. I stood up and walked over to the couch. But what I saw gave me chills. Peter was laid on the floor next to a pool of blood. He had a knife on his back. I couldn't help shouting and screaming. Then... I cried. I can't heal someone that's already dead...

That was when I woke up. My eyes slowly opened, revealing the ceiling. I was so afraid. I needed to check on Peter, but I'm too afraid to walk to him.

"P-Peter? Are you still A-Awake?" I stuttered out.

"Yeah, what's up?"

again, in a fraction of a second, he was already standing next to the bed. He doesn't look tired...

"I just... Had a Nightmare. I just needed to check on you. And um, you can sleep here if you want. I'll sleep on the couch." I offered.

"No, I'm okay sleeping there." he said with a smile.

Damn, that sweet, sweet smile of his. I realized i was staring, so i looked away awkwardly while Peter scratched the back of his neck. It was super awkward.

"So, do you wanna tell me the nightmare?" he spoke, breaking the awkward tension between us.

"uh, it's nothing. I was just, paranoid. It's fine, I'm alright." I said.

"well, if you say so. I'll just, keep you company. I'll catch the nightmares and drop 'em off on Antarctica" he said, then chuckled slightly.

I flashed him a smile before saying

"Goodnight, Quicksilver."

he smiled, "Goodnight, uh, ___? We gotta get you a Mutant name." then he gave a slight laugh.

"yea, maybe." I answered. Then i laid back, preparing myself to sleep.

I felt the bed shift. I turned around to find Peter lying down next to me. Looking at me, right in the eyes. I was trapped in the beauty of his hazelnut eyes. His lips were slightly parted, and our faces were merely inches away. I could feel his warm breath coming from his mouth. He looked down at my lips before looking back into my eyes. He leaned closer to me, and I leaned closer to him. He put one of his hands on my cheek, tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ears. He pulled me to him pressed his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync, and with every second and every movement I felt stronger. I felt whole. We broke off after what felt like hours but it was probably minutes.

I woke up feeling fresh. I tried to rub my eyes but Peter's arms are not letting me. He was hugging me like a little boy. He's really cute when he's asleep. I couldn't contain my smile. I smiled really widely, and I can't stop.

"You shouldn't try to hide it, you know. You have a very beautiful smile." He said with a smile.

His eye fluttered open, revealing a pair of beautiful hazelnut eyes. I kept smiling and looked up at him. He leaned down to give me a quick kiss. I buried my face on his chest. He hygged me tighter. We stayed like that for a while.

The door clicked open, and Peter's mom walked in. I look beside me, and Peter isn't there.

"Hey, Crystal. Are you feeling better?" his mother asked me.

"Yea, Ms. Maximoff. Thank you for lrtting me stay last night... I was hurt pretty bad." I said.

"It's okay, you can stay here anytime. Now, where's Peter?" she asked again.

"Here. I slept here." he said, sounding like he was grunting.

Peter's mom chuckled, "You know, you're a very bad liar, peter." she said, laughing.

"Crystal, it's okay if you and Peter are in love. It's totally fine. If you need somebody to talk to, I'm here to help. Now, I'll go make breakfast." She said, walking out.

"and don't give me a grandchild just yet!" she said, jokingly.

Peter and I exchanged looks. We were both confused.

"well, that was weird." Peter said.

"yea, now why don't you come back here?" I said.

He chuckled and walked to me. He then got onto the bed and hugged me.

About 15 minutes later, Peter's mom called us over.

"Kids! Breakfast's ready!"

Peter stood up and stared at me for a little bit.

"Can you walk yet?" he asked.

I didn't answer because i couldn't tell. I sat in the bed, and I slid my legs to the side of the bed. I stood up, perfectly fine.

"whoa, you healed really fast." he commented.

"yeah, but I heal people much quicker." I chuckled.

We walked up the stairs to the living room. I saw Peter's mom, and two girls. One was probably 8 or 9 years old, and the other was about my age. I assumed they're Peter's sisters. The older one was drinking what seems to be coffee. And the younger one was eating pancakes. I sat across the older girl and Peter sat next to me. I read their minds, learning their names. Hm, Lorna and Wanda.

Lorna looked at me and gave me a smile. Wanda hasn't laid her eyes on me. She had a blank expression and she seems to be deep in her thoughts. Peter coughed, waking wanda from her deep thoughts.

"Oh, hey Peter." she said, looking at peter.

Then she noticed me and looked a little confused.

"Hey, um... My name's Crystal, I'm Peter's friend. Nice to meet you." I said, awkwardly.

"Hey, my name's Wanda." she said.

She had no clue that I already knew. I mentally chuckled. I looked at Lorna, who was struggling with her hot cup of tea. 'why is it so hot?' she thought.

"Here, let me help." I said.

I touched the cup and chilled it a little bit. Just enough to cool it down a bit. Wanda was still in her deep thoughts. I started to get curious about what she was thinking. I decided to read her mind again.

'Does he like me? Or does he like her? Even if he does like me, would he still like me if he knows about me being a mutant?' That was all she thought about in an endless loop. Before i could say anything, Peter's mom placed a plate in front of me and another in front of Peter. She made us pancakes and waffles.

"What drink can I get you, Crystal?" Peter's mom asked.

"Um, I'd like anything." I chuckled awkwardly.

"okay then." she said.

Then she gave me and Peter a cup of Orange Juice.

'This is what you always drink in the morning, isn't it?' I telepathically ask Peter.

'Yea, not always though.' he answered.
We all finished out breakfast and I insisted on doing the dishes. I felt bad for Peter's mom, she seemed tired. After I finished, I sat on the couch in rhe living room with the others. That was when I felt someone else in my mind. I know who's in my mind. Wanda.


Heheheheheehhh, how about a cliffhanger???? Hehehehhehehehehehhhhh. Well, it's not really gonna be excruciating, cuz so far, I've updated everyday :v well, since it's summer break, I have a lot of spare time. Meaning, when school starts i will update less. Maybe one update every two days or a three days. So, like how this book is going? Give it a vote and let me know!

Thank youuuuu! ♥

~ KoohiiKori <3

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