Chapter VIII

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Crystal's POV

I was talking to Ben at the candy shop. He went to the back and he got me a cup of coffee. We talked a little more about our lives. Suddenly, my head started pounding. My vision became blurry.

"Ben? My head's pounding."

"I know, it'll be over soon." he said.

"What? What did you do to me?"

"What's necessary"

"P-Peter..." I managed to choke out before I blacked out.


I came back to my senses. My head's still pounding. I heard Ben's voice. I peeked and saw that he was talking on the phone.

"When are you going to get her then? What? I can't keep her that long! She's going to wake up at any second! Wha-but- fine, if you don't pick her up tomorrow, she's not yours anymore."

Hearing my own brother say that hurts me so much. I reached into his mind.

"Crystal, stop. I know you're in my head. Just, stop."

I opened my eyes, holding back my tears.

"Why? Why would you hand your own sister to some crazy guy that doesn't have the slightest bit of humanity?" I said between sobs.

"Because, Crystal. You are the key to set me free. If I hand you over, he gets one of the most powerful mutants in the world. He doesn't need me to kidnap other weak mutants."

"How could you..." I said, crying louder.

"Would you rather have me handing Peter over? Or Lorna? Or Wanda? You know, I was supposed to hand them over."

"What? How did you know that Peter, Wanda, and Lorna are mutants?"

"Oh, Crystal. You don't know anything about me. Telekinesis is only one of my powers. I can also tell if someone's a mutant." he said with an evil grin.

I decided to shut up. I'd rather die than have Peter and his family pay. I kept silently crying for hours and hours. Ben left me alone in the room after an hour or so. I can't believe my own brother would kidnap me and sell me for his freedom. He's not humane. He's insane.

After I stopped crying, Ben walled into the room with a plate of food. He sat in front of me and scooped the food with the spoon. He lifted the spoon to my mouth. I looked away. I'm not eating whatever it is he's giving me. He violently grab my face and threatened me.

"Eat, or I'll take Peter too."

He knows my weakness. I ate the food he gave to me. 15 minutes later, he walked out with the empty plate. And I was left sobbing again.


Peter's POV

I opened my eyes to see a plain white ceiling. I sat on the bed and looked around me. It looked like a hospital, but luxurious. The door slides open, making a whsssh sound. It was Hank.

"Hank? Where am I? What happened to Crystal?" I asked rather quickly.

"Calm down, Peter. You're in the professor's mansion. This is the infirmary. You passed out after-"

"After I found out Crystal was kidnapped by her brother." I cut him off.

"Yes, about that. We think we know where she is. Stryker's facility is not too far away, but since stryker is in Vietnam, taking mutant soldiers, we think Crystal is still with Ben."

I felt happy. I mean, I'm still worried about her, but I'm happy that we've found a clue on her whereabouts.

"So, are we going to go save her?"

"Yes, but we'll need help. And without the professor, it'll take some time."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Hank gave me a proud smile. Then he walked over to the other side of the room. I stood up, and he walked out of the room. I followed him. He walked to what seems to the the professor's room. He pulled out a stack of files and started checking them one by one. I used my powers and read all of them in a split second.

"What did you find?" he asked.

"Nothing. These mutants are either sent to Vietnam, dead, missing, or their location is unknown." I answered with a troubled tone.

"Well, I guess that leaves us with no backup."

I thought about anyone I know who might be able to help. Then, it hit me.

"I know! Wanda and Lorna!" I said.

"Who and who?" Hank asked, he looks super confused.

"My sisters."

"You have more than one sister?"

"Yea, well... Maybe we can take Wanda but not Lorna. Wanda's my twin and Lorna's still a little kid."

"I think I've met Lorna. She's the one that likes dressing up as a Princess, right?"

I chuckled. "Yea, that's Lorna."

"Well, she's our only backup. So, let's get her."

I took Hank to my house. I knocked on the door, and Wanda opened the door. She looked surprised and worried when she saw me.

"Peter! Thank goodness you're okay!"

I chuckled awkwardly and I went inside with Hank. I took wanda with Hank and I to the basement.

"So, what's so important that you need me to listen and help?"

"Crystal's been kidnapped."

"WHAT?!" she screamed.

She's still struggling to control her powers. Red mist started projecting out of her. Items started shaking and moving.

"Calm down, Wanda. We're gonna save her." Hank said.

"I was just starting to be her friend. I'm not letting anyone hurt my possible future sister in law."

Her tone might be intimidating. But, her words made me blush. The thought of me and Crystal getting married motivates me to save her even more. If Stryker hurts her, I'll kill him.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's save Crystal." Hank said.

We then made a plan and head straight to where Hank predicted Crystal to be.


Thanks for reading! OML like it's already in the Top 40 for #EvanPeters? Awesome. Although it's only got 30 ish views :v still awesome. Hehe, trying to cheer myself up :')

Anyways, thanks for reading! ♥

~ Felicia ~

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