Chapter IV

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Peter's POV

Wow. Today has been the most interesting day I've had since... I don't even remember the last time i had such an interesting day. Well, here i am. In a car with Crystal that just had a bullet pierce through her. Thank God I trained with the red cross. I didn't think she needed stitches at first, until I realized the wound was somehow large. When I was stitching her wound, she passed out. Well, now that she's out, she doesn't need to numb her wound by freezing it.

Just as I was about to finish stitching her wounds, Logan, Charles, Hank, and Erik arrived. They got into the car as well.

"is she alright?" Charles asked.

"yea, she's fine. I stitched her wounds. She just passed out." I said.

"Maybe you should take her home with you, Peter. She might need someone to take care of her while she recovers." Hank said.

I thought of it for a while. I know she lives alone, so it might not be a bad idea.

"Yeah, maybe." I said.

We arrived at the airport. They went out of the car. They start putting stuffs in the plane. I got super curious about where they're going, so I ran to the cockpit and looked at their flight plans before retuning to the front of the car. Then, Charles turned around and looked at me.

"Peter, thank you very much." Charles said.

"You take care." Erik said, shaking my hand.

"hey, I saw your flight plans. Why are you going to Paris?" Charles looked down to the floor and looked back at me

"it's complicated." he said.

I decided to let it slip and just shut up. Then, he threw me the car keys.

"Do me a favor and return her to me."
he said

I chuckled. Then I realized, does he mean the car or Crystal? I got stuck in my thoughts until he spoke again

"and peter, take it slow."

and with that, he went into the plane and took off with the rest.

I went back to the car to see Crystal still passed out. I turned the car on and drove home. We passed by a McDonald's and i decided to buy some dinner for us. I bought 2 cheeseburgers with fries and coke. I didn't know what she liked, but who doesn't like cheeseburgers, fries, and coke?

I continued driving home when suddenly, Crystal woke up and gasped. I jumped a little before I looked at her. I pulled over and checked her.

"hey, you alright?" I asked.

"yea, what happened?" she asked

"well, you passed out, The others went to Paris, and Hank told me to take you home with me." I said.

"wait, what? Take me home with you? You mean, to your house?" she asked, she looked kinda scared.

"yea, what's wrong with that? You need someone to take care of you while you recover, Crystal." I said.

"fine, I guess you've got a pretty good point." she said, giving up.

We arrived at my house. I knocked on the door. My mother opened it.

"hey, mom. Um, can my friend stay over?" I asked, awkwardly.

"your friend? Since when do you bring your friends home to sleepover?" she asked, suspiciously.

"she's hurt. Hank told me to take care of her while she recovers. She lives alone." I said.

"oh, it's a she? Hmm, interesting." she said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes before opening the car door for Crystal.

"hey, can you walk?" I asked.

She tried standing up, but then grunted in pain and laid back down. I picked her up and took her to my basement. I put her on my bed. Then I went back to the car, grabbed the McDonald's and put it on the bed as well.

"So, where are you gonna sleep?" she asked.

I didn't quite think of it until now. I think I'm gonna sleep on the couch. Suddenly, she chuckled and said

"okay, silver. Go ahead."

I must've looked dumbfounded while i stood and stared blankly for a few seconds. Then I realized, she must've read my mind.

"well, here. It's yours. Eat, you need to get some strength." I said to her.

She nodded and opened the wrapper of her burger. She bit into it and gave me a quick smile as she chewed it. Man, how can a girl be so perfect? Powerful, kind, and gorgeous. Oh, gosh. What am I thinking, what if she's reading my mind right now?

I realized I've been staring for a while now, so I took my burger and coke, sat next to her on the bed, and ate. I ate really quickly, it's kind of a habit. Well, I forgot she was there to be honest. I realized I was eating without manners, and um... That's embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks heating up, telling me that I was blushing. I quickly looked away and finished my meal. I looked at her again to find her staring at me with a wide smile.

"why are you smiling?" I asked.

"I know you were blushing, it's okay. I made a mess when I ate too." she replied.

Well, my Secret's out.

I decided it was best to let her sleep. I gave her one of my T-shirts and a pair of pajama pants. She changed by herself on the bed, I could hear her grunt every few seconds. I checked on her again, making sure she's alright. Then, i took her dirty clothes and put them in my laundry basket. I changed into a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of long navy pants. Then, I laid down on my couch, staring at the ceiling. Before closing my eyes and prepared myself to sleep.


Hey! I'm just gonna say that I'm going to update as much as possible! So far, I've updated everyday. Each day, I publish 1 to 2 chapters. This book is gonna start from X-Men : DOFP. Keep in mind that the time gap between DOFP and Apocalypse are 10 years. So I'll be writing quite a lot before the whole Apocalypse thing. And then i would keep writing as i wait for the yet to come X-Men : Dark Phoenix. For now, Thank you for reading!

~ KoohiiKori <3

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