Chapter VI

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Crystal's POV

I felt a presence in my head. I knew it was Wanda. So I decided to greet her, 'Hey, whatcha doin in my head, Wanda?' I telepathically said to her.

"What... You're a mutant too, aren't you?"

Peter whipped his head towards us. I gave Peter a wink and he smirked, understanding what I did. I looked at Wanda again and nodded.

"AWESOME! COME WITH ME!!!" she said.

She took my hand and took me(well, she kinda dragged me) to what seems to be her room.

"So, you're a telepath? Oh and, you can sit here with me."

I sat next to her before answering her question.

"well, yes. I'm a telepath. But, that's not the only thing I can do. What about you? What's your power?"

"oh, it's quite hard to explain. Let me just show you."

And then she stood up and made a red energy ball. At least that's what I think it is.

"and I can also read minds and sort of hypnotize people." she explained.

"That's so cool!"

"oh and, what's your other power?"

"Don't freak out when you see this." I said, and she chuckled.

I used my powers and I ran towards her desk. Then I took one book and stood in front of her, handing the book. She took it.

"Oh. My. God. You have the same power as Peter? THIS IS AWESOME!" She sai-... well, shouted, not said.

"That's still not the best part."

I lifted my hands up and made a snowball.

"cool! You can make snow?!"

"Well, no. I can manipulate elements."

"That's even cooler!"

After a lot of questions and demonstration between both me and Wanda, Peter barged in.

"Hey, whatcha been up to?" he asked us both.

"Talking bout our powers." said Wanda.

"So you know how powerful she is?" he asked again.

"Yep, she made you seem extremely weak." she said before laughing out loud.

"He isn't bad though." I said.

Peter looked at me and smiled.

"aw, you two are in love, aren't you?" Wanda said with an 'awe' expression.

"W-what? Sh-she's j-just... Argh, nevermind." Peter said, blushing.

"Wanda, would you excuse me? I need to go to the bathroom." I excused myself.

'Come on, Peter. I need to talk to someone I'm more comfortable with.' I told Peter. I walked into his basement to find him already sitting on the couch.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I just need to ask you, do you love me?" I asked him.

"W-what um. I-i-i..." he stuttered

(okay guys, I think I'll change my writing style right here. Just to make it easier to understand and not so monotonous.)

"I... I do love you, Crystal."

He blushed and the glanced at me. I gave him a smile before caressing his cheek.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Yeah, do you feel the same way?"

I could feel my face heat up. I knew I was blushing. I chuckled a little. Well, here I go.

"I do."

Then the door clicked. We both sat down, pretending like nothing ever happened. We we're both in a pose that looked like we were just talking.

Apparently, it was Ms. Maximoff. She walked in and took Peter's laundry basket. Then she walked back to the door.

"You kids want anything? Snacks?"

"No, we're good, mom. I still have that shelf."

"Oh, right. Crystal, you might be the only one that can cure this kleptomaniac."

"Hey, I'm not a kleptomaniac, mom."

I can only laugh at the scene happening in front of me. After a few minutes of mocking each other, Peter's mom walked out. And we were left with a very awkward tension.

"That was close."

"Yeah, thank God my mom didn't realize."

We laughed it off and we laid on the bed. Just staring at the ceiling. We cuddled for a while. And before we know it, it was already 12 PM. I wasn't hungry, but Peter dragged me to the dining room. Wanda declined to eat. Her mother tried to persuade her, but she still wouldn't. Eventually, she gave up and let Wanda stay in her room. Lorna on the other hand, had already been whining. We sat there while Ms. Maximoff handed us our lunch. She made some fish and chips. It was delicious.

"Thanks for the meal, Ms. Maximoff."

"No problem, Crystal. If I may ask, what happened to your family? Peter told me you lived alone."

"Well, They died in an accident. My brother was a mutant too. He and my father had the same power, Telekinesis. When we were on our way to my grandmother's house, he started having seizures. The things in the car started flying around. My dad got stabbed by a pen. My mother screamed. I went into his mind, to see what's going on in his head. He was having a nightmare. My mom's scream made it worse. The cad started smoking and I... I couldn't save them..." I started sobbing.

"oh, honey. It's okay. They're always in our hearts."

I stopped sobbing after a while. I helped Ms. Maximoff with the dishes again. Then Peter brought me down to his basement. He brought me to his bed and sat there.

"I'm sorry about your family."

"it's okay. I've passed those days when I could only sob non stop."

"Wait, if your parents are dead, who's paying for Your school and daily food?"

"My parents knew being a mutant could be dangerous. They decided to save up and hid their money in the basement. Just in case, and apparently it wasn't a bad choice. I've been living using that money since they died."

"Well, you're always welcomed here for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

I chuckled. "Thanks, silver."

"You're welcome, Chrome."


"Yea, your outfit is monochromatic. So, maybe your mutant name should be monochrome or something."

"Yea, 'chrome' sounded cooler. But um, we'll see."

Peter and I talked all afternoon. I can't believe I fell in love with a boy that I've just met.


Well? What do you think? Awesome? LOL. I'm too confident for my own good. Well, I hope you like it, nonetheless. Thank youuuuuu ♥

~ Felicia ~

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