Chapter XI

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Crystal's POV


"Crystal, wake up."

My eyes shot open. My heart was hoping to see Peter. But, it wasn't him. It was Ben. He was shaking me. I guess I was in a very deep sleep. Peter's face is still on my mind. I wish I could at least say goodbye.

He pulled me by the hand and took me into a building. When the door opened, the was a guy dressed in a military uniform. Ben took me to him.
"Ah, Ben. I know you won't disappoint me." he said.

"I've got what you want, Stryker. Now leave me alone." Ben said, pushing me towards Stryker. Causing me to hit him. He caught me and handed me to one of his men.

"A promise is a promise. You can go."

With that said, Ben walked out of the building. Leaving me with this maniac and his men.

They gave me an injection. It made me feel lightheaded. I was starting to panic a little. But, I concealed it. I don't want them to feel like they've intimidated me.

"Don't worry. It just kills your mutation temporarily. It's what Ben gave you the other day."

What Ben gave me? The coffee. It must've killed my speed mutation. But, if what he says it's true, then my mutation is just temporarily dead. If I wasn't in a facility where they experiment on mutants, I would be so happy right now. But, since I'm here, then it's going to cause me more trouble. They put me into one of their cells. I'm guessing it's a solitary cell due to the fact that I was completely alone.

"Enjoy your stay, mutant." One of the guards said, laughing.

I sat on the corner, trembling. The fear of being experimented in the most inhumane way felt so strong. I don't want them to hurt me. But if this is what it takes to keep Peter, Wanda, and Lorna safe, I'd do it. I'd do whatever it takes to keep my loved ones safe.

I closed my eyes, hoping I'll wake up from this terrible nightmare.


"Wake up!" a guard screamed at me.

I opened my eyes. He went inside of my cell and pulled me. He took me outside of my cell. We walked through the halls. We took a few turns before we walked into a room. The whole room was white.

"Ah, here she is. Let's see. Crystal Lyone, age 16, powers : Speed, Telepathy, Healing, and manipulation of elements. How amazing... A young mutant with 4 different powers." Said a man with a doctor's coat.

The guard took me to a table where they laid a squirrel on it. The doctor took a scalpel and cut the squirrel's chest open. I cringed at the view and refused to look.

"Heal it." The doctor said.

I still refused to look at it. I didn't move, didn't look, didn't even want to think of it.

"Heal it or it'll die!" he screamed at me.

His words made me look at the squirrel. It doesn't deserve to be tortured like this. I lifted my hands right above the squirrel. I tried focusing on healing it but the thought of these doctors not hesitating on hurting anyone and anything hurts me. Hatred built within me. I didn't realize I still made energy flows to the squirrel. Suddenly, I felt something squirt on my face. Blood.

I exploded the squirrel.


*2 days later*

It was another day at the facility. I've only been here for 3 days and it feels like forever. Everyday, a guard gives me food. 3 times a day. The guard is always the same. To be honest, he isn't as bad as the other guards. He's actually pretty nice to me.

"Here, Crystal. Enjoy your lunch." he said.

"W-wait." I said.

He looked back at me with a look between confused and scared.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Mark." he said, flashing me a smile. Then he walked out of my cell. He's pretty nice. He's the only one that doesn't call me 'mutant'. He only calls me by my name.

I finished my meal. It was always simple and... Frankly disgusting. But if I don't eat, they'll electrocute me. It's infuriating. Yet, I can't do anything to stop it. They gave me the drug in small doses every afternoon. They put it in my meal.

I learned that Ben accidentally altered my mutation that day at the candy shop. The dose he gave me was too much for someone that has never consumed it. The drug killed my speed mutation permanently, but my healing mutation healed it. Somehow, it altered to... Something unexplainable. I can use my energy to destroy and kill anything and Everything. And that makes me more valuable to Stryker.

Suddenly, I felt lightheaded again. Ugh, I hate the side effect of this drug they gave me. I wish Peter would save me from this damned hellhole.

"Crystal? Are you done?" Mark asked.

"Yea, here." I hand him the plastic plate where my food was served. He took it and flashed me another smile.

"You know, you're very beautiful." he said.

Did he just compliment me?


Oooouuuuhhhh, how was that? Ehehehhheheeheeheh. Awesome, right? No? Okay :v justttt, please show ur support by voting and commenting! Pleaseeeee, I'd appreciate it so much :)))

Thank youuuuuu ♥

~ Felicia ~

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