Chapter XX

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Crystal's POV

I remember everything. My family. The source of my powers. And, my true nature. My mother was Emma Frost. She was left pregnant by someone I don't even know about. She gave me to Lydia as a child. The parents I grew up with are my Foster parents.

I remember everything about them. And it scares me to know all of these things. One thing that doesn't quite add up is... Who Blocked my memories? It just doesn't make sense.

I open my eyes to see Peter and Hank on two different chairs, asleep. I chuckled a little. I tried sitting up but was stopped my straps on both my arms and my legs. I noticed I was connected to an IV. I'm guessing it's the serum that's supposed to stabilize my mutation. I tried to do a mind trick. I wanted to wake both Peter and Hank. But, I couldn't. So, I decided to just call them.

"Peter? Hank?" I said, rather loudly.

Their eyes fluttered open. Hank had a relieved look on his face while Peter had a worried look.

"Is that the Serum, Hank?" I asked.

"Yes, yes it is." He said.

"Why can't I use my mind powers? I... Can't read your mind." I said

"Well, um... The-the serum m-might make you lose a few of your abilities..." He said with a sad face.

I was shocked. How? Why? This makes me weak. I am not that strong mutant anymore. I'm not the Crystal anymore. I'm just... Me...

Peter looked at me with concern in his eyes and I just looked away. I stare at the wall beside me and let silent tears fall from my eyes. Soon after that, I heard the door open and close again. And the room was completely silent.

Assuming both Peter and Hank are out of my room, I let myself cry. I let it all out. I cried and cried and cried. Until it turned to anger. Anger burning inside of me. My hands started burning. I burnt the straps that were holding me down and sat on the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and bury my head between my knees. I let my tears flow again.

Why am I so weak? I can't even control my powers...

My anger turned back to sadness. And everything went freezing cold inside me. Little did I know that it wasn't just inside me.

Peter's POV

I heard Crystal crying in her room. I went to her room and knocked on the door. She didn't respond. So, I tried opening the door. But, it was stuck. I look to the floor to find that the floor was freezing. She cannot control her powers. Oh, no.

I used my speed to break the door. I saw her there, Crying her eyes out. Her hands are frosty. I let the world around me go back to it's normal speed.

She didn't even bother looking up. She just kept sobbing. Her tears, Ice. They drop to the floor with a cling. She didn't move. She just kept crying. I sat next to her and patted her back. Hoping it'll make her feel better.

After a while, my hand started stinging. She's so cold. Wait a second... If she loses her other powers, doesn't that mean she can maximize her elemental powers? Is that why she can't control it? After a few minutes, she stopped sobbing.

"Crystal?" I called out.

She lifted her head to reveal her face. Her eyes and nose were puffy and red. Her hair stuck on a few parts of her face. But, she still looked beautiful. She's so beautiful.

"I'm sorry, Peter." she whispered

"It's okay, crystal." I said while giving her a hug.

She was still a little cold. But, she's warming up again. I love her so much. So, so much. Maybe it's time for me to finally ask her out. Be her Boyfriend... God, even the thought of it makes me feel like I'm floating.


I am floating.

I look down and saw that I was around 3 feet off the ground. So was Crystal. I look to my left and saw Wanda. She was lifting us up. Her eyes were black.

"Wanda? What are you doing?" I asked.

She didn't respond. Instead, she smirked and threw Crystal and I to the wall. I could tell that Crystal was angry. But, I know she won't hurt Wanda. But, on the other hand... Wanda looked at us with hatred in her eyes. She is not Wanda.

"Wanda? Wanda, if you can hear me, Fight back!" Crystal shouted.

Wanda started shaking her head and grunted in pain before falling to her knees. She opened her eyes and revealed her normal green eyes. I don't really get how we have such different eye colors tho... Sorry, I'm kinda distracted. (Srsly tho, Elizabeth Olsen has green eyes while Evan Peters has brown eyes.)

Her eyes started watering and I hugged her. She started crying louder and louder. Her energy flowing around us. Crystal looked confused and concerned. I decided to take Wanda to the Professor before talking to Crystal about it.

"Crystal? Do you know what happened to Wanda?" I asked.

"I-I don't k-know." She stuttered.

"Then why do you sound scared?" I asked. Anger flowed through my veins out of nowhere.

"I-I don't know." she said, tears in her eyes.

"Then tell me what you know! Stop Lying to me! What is wrong with you!?" I shouted. I felt so angry.

"P-Peter? Wh-why are y-you so angry?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Honestly, I didn't know what happened to me. I threw a vase at her. I didn't care that it barely missed her. I didn't care that it have her cuts. I just want her to feel pain.

I then blacked out.

Crystal's POV

Peter blacked out not long after he threw a vase at me. He hates me, doesn't he? Does he really think I did something to Wanda? What's wrong with him?

Soon enough, he stood up again. His eyes shot open.


He let out an evil laugh and walked towards me.

"Hmmm, Crystal, Crystal, Crystal. Lovely as ever." he said

"What do you want." I replied monotonously.

"Ahh, you see. It's not that simple. Do you remember your past?" he asked again.

"Yes, now tell me what you want." I replied coldly.

"ahh, then. Crystalia Amaquelin. Do you remember who I am?" He asked again.

"I won't answer until you answer my question." I said.

"Well then, Let's just say I want you to know who's the powerful one now." he said.

He then laughed maniacally before falling to the floor again.

I know exactly who he is.



Guys, I really need your help. Please don't be a silent reader. This book's Rank has been a downfall. I'm mot forcing all of you to Vote and comment. But, I would greatly appreciate them! I love you guys so muchhhh!

Thank youuuuu ♥


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