Chapter VII

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Peter's POV

I woke up with Crystal in my arms. I love sleeping with her. She looks so cute when she's asleep. I hugged her tighter. She's still wearing my Shirt from yesterday. I know she didn't shower, but she still smells like strawberries. She's so beautiful. And powerful as well. She started stirring a little. She looked up and met my eyes.

"Good morning, Silver."

"Good morning, lightning."

"Lightning? Why?"

"A Lightning is fast and it glows white. And, it's also very beautiful. Just like you."

She blushed and gave me a quick kiss. We both sat on the bed for a while. I think she's gonna go home today. And that's kinda disappointing. I wish we could be together all the time. But she's just staying here until she has healed. And she already has.

"Are you going home today?"

"Yea, I can't stay here forever. You're free to visit me though.

I chuckled before pulling her fo another hug. We pulled away just as the door clicked open. It was my little sister, Lorna.

"Peter? Have you seen my rainbow lollipop?"

"Rainbow lollipop? I haven't seen one, Lorna. Sorry."

Lorna started to tear up a little, it made me feel bad. I walked over too her and kneeled in front of her. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"It's okay, Lorna. Don't cry, I'll buy you a new one."

"But, I don't want a new one. It was the one that Ben gave me."

"Ben? Who's Ben?"

Suddenly, Crystal looked at us with tears in her eyes.

"Ben... Ben Lyone?"

"Yes! The one that owns the candy shop!"

"Crystal? What's wrong?"

"He's... My brother."

My eyes grew wide. How could that be possible? I thought he died in the car crash?

"I thought your brother's dead?"

"He is... Maybe it isn't him. Maybe they just have the same name."

"Do you want to check? The candy shop where Lorna goes to is only a few blocks away."

"I'll go there myself. It's okay."

She immediately stood up, asked my mom where her clothes are. Took it, and changed.

"Crystal? You're leaving now?"

"Yes, I need to know if it's really him."

"Crystal, I'm coming with you."

"Peter, you don't have to. Besides, if it's really him, he'll freak when he sees me with a boy."

I chuckled.

"I still need a lollipop for Lorna."

"I'll get it for you. Don't worry."

"Nope, I'm going there."

Eventually she gave up. We got ready and she immediately took off. I ran as fast as I could and caught up with her. Eventually, I outrun her to the candy shop.

"Ha! I win."

She chuckled

"Well, I might have slowed down a little so you can guide me to the shop."

I couldn't contain my laugh. We entered the candy shop together. We looked to the counter only to find it empty. I walked to the counter and ringed the bell.


Said a young man. He looked like he was in his early 20s

"Welcome! What can I get you?"

Crystal froze behind me. Her eyes stuck to the man. I could see tears in her eyes. They started falling.

"B-ben?" She stuttered

"Hey, how did you know my name?"

"Y-you don't re-remember m-me?"

"I'm sorry, have we met?"

"Ben... It's me, Crystal."

Ben's smile faded away. I could see that he was remembering.

"C-crysyal? You're alive? Oh my God, Crystal!"

He went outside of his counter and gave Crystal a hug. They started sobbing. It was awkward for me cuz I was just standing there.

"Ben, this is Peter. He's a really good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you, Peter."

"Nice to meet you too, Ben."

I bought a Lollipop for Lorna. Then I went to Ben and Crystal. They were talking about what had happened during the past few years. Ben explained that he survived the crash. He wanted to come home, but he couldn't walk back to the memories of his dead Family. So he worked for Mr. Sidja, the owner of the candy store. Mr. Sidja lets him stay in the shop. He has been here for 4 years now.

"Crystal, I need to go home now. I need to give this to Lorna."

"Oh, okay. Here, it's my phone number. Feel free to call me."

"Okay, I'll see you both later."

With that said, I walked home. Something doesn't seem right about him. Maybe I'm just jealous. I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I bumped onto someone on the streets.

"Oh, sorry." I said.

"Peter? Is that you?"

"Hank? What are you doing here? I thought you went to Paris with the professor?"

"I'm looking for Crystal, have you seen her?"

"Yea, she's in the candy shop with her brother."

"Her brother? I thought he died." hd said, looking very confused.

"yea, we all did. Apparently he survived the accident."

"Wait, what's her brother's name?"

"Ben Lyone."

"Oh my God. We need to get her, fast."

He ran to the candy shop like a crazy person. He was panicking. I didn't understand what was happening. But I followed him anyways. I ran to the candy shop. She wasn't there. Hank caught up a few seconds later. He was gasping for air.

"Oh, no. This isn't good at all." he said between breaths.

"What's with her brother anyways?"

"He's one of Stryker's men."

"Who's Stryker?" I ask, utterly confused.

"A maniac. He experiments on mutants in the most inhumane way."

His words made me feel dizzy. The world started to spin around. I leaned to the wall, trying to gain balance.

"Peter? Are you okay?"

"yea, I'm-" suddenly the world seemed so cold and I felt my knees give in


That was all I heard before a blanket of darkness covering my existence.


eheheehe, talk about dramatic ending(Chapter). So, what do you think? Sweet plot twist aye? Hehehe. So far, still not a lot of views. Probably cuz its like 2 yrs after X-Men : Apocalypse :v. Still 7 ish months before X-Men : Dark Phoenix. Sooo, maybe by the time Dark Phoenix is released, more readers would be interested 😂. Anyways, thank you for reading! ♥

~ Felicia ~

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