Chapter II

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Peter's POV

I can't believe someone had the same powers as I do. I mean, wow. What are the odds?


I was sitting in the car after Logan, Charles, and Hank picked me up. I thought we were going to the Pentagon but, Logan seemed to be heading to another house. Not far from my house.
"where are we going?" Hank asked.

"I know someone we need. Be careful, she's very... Powerful" Logan said.

She? A girl? I mean, how powerful could a girl be? We soon came to a stop in front of a white house. It seems to be empty. Logan knocked the door a few times, but no one answered. That was when I noticed someone running behind us. Someone very fast. I saw a white blur. I used my powers and time slowed down, that was when i turned and caught her wrist right before she reached Logan's pocket. I locked my eyes with her dark brown eyes. She had white hair. Her style is just like mine, that was certain.

I noticed that she was slowing down, so I slowed down. The world went back to it's normal speed. And she asked,

"who are you guys?"

just as Logan was about to answer her, she used her powers again, and so did I. I saw her holding Logan's neck. I knew exactly why she was doing that. She was doing it so Logan won't get Whiplash.

I grinned when I saw her and pulled both Charles and Hank inside, next to Logan. She went back to the porch and she looked confused. She then glanced to me. I gave her a smirk. And she walked in front of us. But I know Charles, Hank, and Logan could only see a white blur. She was slowing down again, and so did I. Logan, Charles and Hank looked confused. Then Logan spoke

"look, kid. You gotta stop doing that."

she smirked and replied "doing what? I'm not the only one doing it."

then she smirked and glanced at me. I smirked back and glanced and the rest. Charles seemed frustrated and he gave me the look that's way too familiar to me. The 'seriously?' look.

Suddenly, the girl chuckled and said "yea I guess, but that's not all I could do, Hank."

Hank looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Wha-?" he stuttered.

The girl spoke again "really, Charles?"

whoa, this girl is awesome. First, she had my powers. And now, Charles' powers? She is very powerful. Logan wasn't wrong.

"so what do you want from me? Why did you show up at my porch?" she asked.

"we need your help" Logan said.

Gave me quite a Deja Vu moment.

"with?" she asked.

"breaking into a highly secured facility and get someone out" Logan said.

"hm, seems fun. But, I just don't trust you. I mean, how could i trust strange dudes that just showed up on my porch?" she said.

"You can trust us. 'cause we're just like you" I said, copying Charles.

"Logan" Charles said. Then, Logan did the gross claw thing and balled up his fist, claws popped out.

"hm... Okay then. It's not like I have anything better to do anyways." she said.

I walked outside and went into the car. I sat in the back with Hank on the left side, the girl on the right, and me in the middle.

"so, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Crystal." she answered.

"did you dye your hair white?" Hank asked.

"no, it's my natural hair color." she said.

Whoa! She's just like me! Just, her hair's white instead of silver. Words came flowing out of my mouth

"no way, me too. Just... mine's silver" I chuckled and she chuckled too

*end of Flashback*

In the car, she fell asleep. I took my time to observe her features. She's really beautiful. I can't lie. And how her style is exactly like me surprised me as well. We're like twins. Just, me being silver themed and her being white themed. I noticed she also had a walkman and headphones. I took her headphones and played the cassette in her walkman.

No way, Pink Floyd! Even her music taste is just like me. She's just like me. Exactly like me. Kinda freaks me out a bit. Wait, is she related to me? My curiosity took advantage of me.

"hey, Logan. Is she like related to me or anything?" I asked.

"uh, no. Not yet at least" he replied.

Not yet? What does that mean.

"what do you mean not yet? Is she like my half sister or sister or step sister or-"

Logan cut me off and said "Just, she's not your sister or daughter or mother and all. That's all you need to know."

Hmm, then what does he mean by not related to me yet? I'm still curious but I don't want to piss Logan off. Soon enough I fell asleep as well.


Hey guys! I hope you like how my book is going so far, this is justa filler chapter. I just wanna make a chapter of Peter's Point Of View. So yeah. Thanks for reading! Comment and vote if you liked this book so far!
Oh and, my chapters should be around 800 to 1.300 words, sooo some will be longer than the rest!

Edit : I just realized I had a lot of Capital Letters mistake -_-||

~ KoohiiKori <3

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