Ch. 1- A Rough Day

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"Stop it!" I scream, struggling to escape her grasp. No matter how much I fought, she held a vice grip on me. "Help!"

"You can't escape me! Quit now or I'll never let go!"

"Never!" I shouted, "I refuse!" So did she.

After a few more seconds of meaningless effort, I caved. "Uncle!" I laughed, "Uncle! Uncle! Please stop tickling me!"

She chuckled, releasing me from my torment. I was breathless from laughing and fighting, but I manage to sit up in my chair, "For a sick woman, you have a lot of strength." She chortled, "I think you're just weak."

At this point, we had adjusted to my mother's cancer. We joked about it to take the serious tone down a few notches. She had been hospitalized too many times for us to grieve and regret. It's tiring.

"We'll see how weak you think I am next time," I poked. She leaned back in bed, adjusting the hospital tubes and chords which became tangled from horse-playing, "Oh, we'll see alright."

I scrunched my nose at her, which earned me a hoarse chuckle, which in turn erupted into a coughing fit. She hurled upwards as the cough progressed, the sound of mucus and drainage clear in her voice. I sat silent until she finished. After a few more coughs, the fit ended. She swallowed hard and leaned into her pillow, a pained expression painted on her face. I quickly stood to help, supporting her back carefully.

She read my concerned look before I even noticed I made one. She smirked, "One the many perks of being a sick woman." I returned a small smile.

The hospital door creaked open, "Ms.Go Minjee?"

"That's me," I replied, turning from my mother.

"I need to speak with you for a moment."

"Of course, I'll be right there." With that, he exited quietly. I adjusted my mom's my covers for her and followed the doctor out.

I closed the door softly behind me and turn to the doctor, "Yes?" Sorrow was hinting in his eyes. He brushed back his hair and adjusted his bottle-cap glasses as if he were preparing for bad news. "As ironic as it may seem, your mother is developing a cough because of the treatments and medicines. Unfortunately, her immune system is severely weakened from fighting this disease, and the simple cold that she had a few days ago quickly progressed into bacterial pneumonia. It may be a bit risky to put her on more medication because of how heavily she's being medicated now, but we have to fix the issue before it gets worse. Pneumonia itself isn't a deadly infection, but it can wreak havoc on someone in her position. I recommend complete bed rest and lots of fluids. We will also need to put her on oxygen starting this afternoon."

My heart dropped and a wave of concern washed over me. I managed to swallow my nerves, "What... what about the cancer?"

He shook his head, "It's spreading quicker than we thought it would. Without surgery, her chances are slim." Breathing suddenly became much more difficult as a lump lodged itself in my throat. "How... how s-slim?" I forced myself to ask. "About 20 to 30% chance of survival." My knees began buckling as if my own weight became too much for me, but the doctor supported me before I fell. "Ms.Minjee?" he asked, leaning down to look into my eyes that had become hidden by my bangs. "I-I..." I stuttered, "I'm okay."

He guided me to the nearest chair and helped me sit down.

I could only sit and watch as my whole world folded into itself. My heart had been torn to pieces in a matter of seconds. Just last month, the doctors gave her a 50% chance. How could it drop so low so quickly? How could I possibly earn the money in a few months? By next month?

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