Epilogue (Surprise @ the End)

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"Hoseok!" Minjee shouted, "get your slow butt in here!"

    "Coming!" I said, lifting the box off the ground. It was labeled 'Kitchenware :)'. I noted that this was the 8th box that I'd brought in the house that had some sort of face drawn beside it.

    I brought the box onto the porch and waited for her to open the glass door. When she saw me waiting outside, she swung the door open and welcomed me, "Hi husband!"

    "If you call him husband one more time, your box is takin' the first flight out the second story window!" Jintae shouted from behind the box he was carrying. It was labeled 'Princess Jintae <3'.

    "You're still mad about your label, aren't you?" Minjee teased.

    "To hell with your stupid labels," he snarled.

    "Jinjin! Watch your mouth!" Mom shouted from the kitchen doorway. Even after her fast recovery, it was remarkable to see how far she'd come. Last time we were in the hospital, she couldn't remember who I was. Now, she was bringing back old nicknames, gaining weight, growing her hair back, smiling, laughing like before.

   Jintae sunk his head into his chest, "Sorry mom." As soon as he walked past Minjee and out of his mother's field of vision, he stuck his tongue out.

    "Don't think I didn't see that," Dad said from behind his glasses. He had a few bags in hand and was heading up to place them in me and J-Hope's room. "Remember," dad added, "this isn't even your house. Minjee and Hoseok are just nice enough to let you stay until you find a new apartment."

    He sighed, but he knew who was right, "Fine. If anyone needs me, I'm going upstairs to finish unpacking."

    The doorbell interrupted our conversation. I didn't recall anyone else offering to help unpack?

    Minjee bounded to the door and swiftly opened it. Behind the glass was none other than Minjee's former bully...

"Jiyoo! I haven't seen you since before mom's surgery! Come in!"

"Hi!" Jiyoo greeted. Even with a heavy bag in hand she managed to wrap Minjee up in a hug, "How is everyone?"

    "We're doing great, sweetie," mother answered for all of us.

"Sorry about the surprise visit, I just--"

"No, no, there's no need to apologize," Minjee interrupted, " we're about done loading the stuff in anyways. What brings you by?"

"Oh!" Jiyoo suddenly remembered the bag in her hand, "I brought you a housewarming gift. Thought it was the least I could do since I sorta... bullied you during school."

"That was 3 years ago, and you've already helped with my mom's surgery and recovery."

"Well, consider this my get well gift. I heard you were in the hospital for stress a while ago. The move must have really affected you, huh?"


Suddenly, that spot on the ceiling became very interesting. Was that there before?
"Sorry, he can't seem to keep his mouth shut," she poked me in the side. "Thanks though," Minjee added, accepting her gift and opening it. "Wait a minute... Is this that famous designer purse you carried around school?"

   Jiyoo only laughed, "Yeah, I didn't want it sitting in my room and reminding me how I was before, so I thought I'd give it to you."

"That's so creative and cute," Minjee laughed, giving her a second breath-snatching hug.

    "Or I could just give it to Princess Jintae? Now that he has a stable job and is off of the streets, he'll need somewhere to keep his earnings!"

"I heard that!" he shouted from upstairs.

"You were supposed to!"

Mom cut the conversation short, "Oh, stop it you two! We have a guest. Oh! Speaking of food, who's hungry?"

I offered a confused look, "No one said anything about--"

"Great! Everything's ready in the kitchen. Everyone come down! Lunch is served."

"Would you like to join us, Jiyoo?"

"Sure! I haven't eaten yet and I'm starving."

Jintae came charging down the stairs and dashed into the kitchen, "I get dibs!"

Dad came down a bit slower, but with matching detemination. "I'm the oldest! I get dibs!" he whined.

Minjee laughed, "You can go on in. We're right behind you."

Jiyoo winked, and followed the others.

Now, it was just us two.

She turned to me, "Hi, husband."

I smiled, "Hi, wife."

    She approached, wrapping her arms tenderly around the back of my neck, "Do you like the new place?"

"You know I do."

"You know," she added, a bit quiter, "we could start a family here..."

"We could," I confirmed, "and even if we don't, all I could ever ask for is right here."

She gave me that diamond smile of hers, her eyes twinkling. "I couldn't agree more."

    She leaned forward, pecked me on the lips, and gazed into my eyes, "I love you, Jung Hoseok..."

"And I love you, Go Minjee..."

    Our new home was in the making. Our family would be whole again. But this time, I wouldn't have to worry about what life threw at me. As long as I had her, I could make it through.

We are human. We have eachother.

And we are in love.

That's enough, and it will always be enough...

A/N: So everyone.... we have finally reached the end. This was a long winding journey, but every moment was completely worth it. I love you guys, I appreciate your support, and I will continue to work hard. That being said....
*clears throat*

*clears throat*

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Can someone say SEQUEL???

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Can someone say SEQUEL???

I know what you guys may be thinking: "Oh jeez, will this take another hundred years?"

Well, I've thought about that. Wholeheartedly. And I have planned this book out for quite a while to prevent that. I have deep and rich layout of what this book will be, and though I can't guarantee the schedule at which chapters will be released, I don't plan on another year long haitus. Don't worry! 😊

Again, thank you guys soooo much! I love you 3,000!! ❤❤ 

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