Ch. 4- Next Week

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A few hours flew by of sitting and doing nothing, but the same empty hole was still buried inside of me, so I sat up. Everything was rolling downhill and I could do nothing but watch as it happened. One thing I can do, however, is slow it down.

I threw on my nicest dress shirt, a black skirt that hugged my thighs, and a few accessories, then opened my door. Guess who was standing there waiting for me?

"Minjee! Hello, how are you doing? Do you feel better?" J-Hope's eyes grazed over me, "Are you going somewhere?" A smile pulled at my lips before I put both hands on my waist and imitated a superman pose, "I'm going to get a job today!"

J-Hope lightly bowed, "Congratulations. As a treat, I'll make you kimbap for dinner." I nodded, grinning from ear to ear, "Okay! Here I go..." a sudden bout of nervousness washed over me, "uhh..."

"Aren't you leaving? It's best to arrive at an interview early. It increases your chance of getting the job." I whipped my head towards him in determination, "Of course! What else would I do?" A few more seconds passed, but if I walked, I felt like my legs would crumble beneath me, as they decided they would somehow be better off as jell-o today. "J-Hope..."

"Yes, Minjee?"

"I think I'm a little scared."

"Would you like me to help?"

I looked at him, then at his artificial smile that was always plastered to his face, "No, nevermind." Once I picked up every shred of courage I could find, I walked myself out of my room, then out of my house, and then to my interview site.

The building was only one story, but it seemed like a skyscraper now. A small piece of paper in the window notified passers-by of needed employees. The banner outside read, "Welcome to Sol's Chicken!" My heart was pounding in my chest, but I commanded my feet to go inside.

It was a simple restaurant layout with tables placed randomly in different spots and the kitchen in the very back. It seemed slightly smaller in the inside, which helped my nerves settle just a little, but once I heard a voice from the kitchen, they spiked right back up. "How may I help you?"

I breathed in deeply, "I'm here for the job interview." A woman's head popped out from the kitchen's swinging door, looking me up and down in consideration before disappearing again, "Oh, yeah?"

"Yes ma'am," I squeezed every ounce of confidence out of my voice, but it was still threatening to break.

"Why do you want to work here?" the woman called, not even bothering to leave the other room to speak to me. "To be honest, I'm looking for a nice amount of income for school matters. I can work any day, except Satur-" "No..." she said, cutting my words short, "why are you really here?"

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, confused. I could hear her scoff, "Who do you know comes to a run-down chicken restaurant in that get-up and just needs income for school?"

My mouth opened slightly: I wasn't sure if I should be offended or if I should answer honestly. I chose the second option for the sake of passing the interview. "...My mom." My forced confidence had officially failed me, and my voice dropped so low it was almost a whisper.

For the second time she stuck her head out, except there was a patch of flour on her face now, "What about her?"

"She's sick."

"What about your father?"

"He's currently unemployed."

"Got any siblings?"

I hesitated, but she wanted the truth, so I gave it to her, "I have a brother, but he doesn't care about his family enough to get a job."

Again, her calculating gaze ran over me, and she said something I never in a million years would have expected her to say: "You're hired."

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