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I eyed myself judginly in the mirror, short light pink dress practically molded onto my body. My hair fell down just past my shoulders in loose waves that took me far to long to curl.

It was another night, another party. Jessica, my best friend convinced me to go out to a huge party being held at some random kid from school's house. This was a usual ideal for us. I'd sneak out and Jessica would be waiting a block away with her car so we could attend all the teenage activities. Being only 17, my parents were so cautious about everything. To them, I was a perfect little angel. They had no idea of the things I did when their prying eyes weren't on me, and I intended to keep it that way.

Jess was lucky, her family went on long extensive trips often, so they were never home. She never really was close with her parents and she was an only child. Her house was a popular hotspot for parties. My parents on the other hand, watched over me like a hawk. I too was an only child and thankful for it. My mom was the owner of a local town diner, fit with a 70's flare. It's where I spent a lot of my time, since she paid me to help her clean and attend hungry customers. My dad was an assistant for an expensive company. His boss worked him to the bone, making him work late, weekends, and even holidays. He hated the job but it paid bucket loads of money.

His boss and other coworkers came over to my house often for meetings and dinners. Speaking of which, there was one tonight.My phone buzzed, signaling a text from Jessica.

"I'm here, hurry up! We're late!" It read.

I took one last glance in the mirror and grabbed my bag. Tiptoeing downstairs, I heard a muffled chatter. Dad's boss must already be here. I figured they were in the kitchen since that's where they usually met and ate dinner. I stepped off the last step and turned the corner to where the front door is.


Oh shit.

"Where do you think you're going? And in that-"

My dad stood with his arms crossed facing me, leaned up against the door frame. Another tall man stood there too but with his back to me. I was totally busted.

"I, uh, I'm going out." I stuttered to find the right words.

"To where?"

"A party." After I admitted the truth, I immediately wondered why I didn't just lie and make up a different scenario.

"Oh no your not." He scoffed. "It's nearly ten at night! You'll go right back to your room and go to bed."

The man with his back to me slowly turned around, wondering what this argument was all about. I nearly choked on thin air when I finally saw him. He was dad's boss? He stood a few inches taller than my stubby father. He had brown slightly curly hair, chiseled facial features, and the greenest eyes I've ever seen. I realized I was staring so I shifted my gaze down to my heeled boots.

"If you don't mind me interupting, I think you should let her go, Evan." The boss addressed my dad.

His voice sounded like warm honey and had a British accent to it. It was almost hypnotizing in a way.

My father raised a curious eyebrow. "To a party at this time of night?"

"Well sure, teens these days should have more freedom." He spoke in a way that made me feel young and small. I silently prayed I would be allowed to go.

"I could go with her if that would make you seem more comfortable, just to watch over her." Dad's boss said.

Before I could interject and say no, my dad was quick to agree. Dad's boss! Watching me at a party! Jess and I usually drink and dance with boys! If my parents knew about any of that, I'd be grounded for months. I crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. He can't be seriously letting his boss go to a party with me!

"Well it was nice talking to you, and I'll give you a call. Angelica you behave yourself, and for the love of god, put on a jacket or something." My father nodded to my outfit. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a brown faux fur coat off the rack next to the door, knowing damn well I'll take it off as soon as I was out of his sight.

I said goodbye and got in the car with dad's boss. This was going to be awkward. His car was a matte black BMW with black leather seats. It seemed to fit his personality perfectly, dark and mysterious. We hadn't even been in the car for a minute and the silence was eating me alive.

"So, what's your name?" I timidly asked.

"Mr. Styles, but just call me Harry. That sounds too formal."

I nodded and let the silence take over the air again.

"Can I call you Angel?" He asked randomly.

I was startled. "What-why?"

"Angelica is too long, yeah?"

"How about Angela?" I compromised.

I watched as he took his eyes off the road ahead and gave me a small smile and nod.

"So what's the address to this party?"

Oh shit, Harry made me completely forgot about Jessica!

"Fuck!" I cursed aloud.

"Hey, hey, there will be none of that around me." Harry sternly said.

"Sorry." I quickly apologized and read him the address while shooting Jess an apology and told her I'm on my way and I'll explain later.

A few moments later, we pulled up in front of a huge house, almost as large as mine. You could tell there was a party happening because of the loud bass of the music, flashing lights, and people doing who knows what in the front lawn.

I didn't notice Harry get out of the car until he was opening the door for me. It was such a large car I had to jump down from my seat. I carelessly tossed my jacket into it before slamming the door. I honestly didn't think he was actually going to come in to the party with me!

"You're really coming in with me?" I said with an eye roll.

He hummed in response. "Father's orders. And hey, he tell you to wear that?" He gestured at my jacket in the car. I just shrugged, "but don't I look better without it?"

That question seemed to catch Harry off guard because his body froze up a bit. He disregarded the comment and started walking to the house. He shouldn't be talking about what I'm wearing because he's the one wearing slacks and a halfway buttoned up shirt. He was going to stick out like a sore thumb.

He held the big oak door open for me as we stepped inside.

Here goes nothing..

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