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I woke up the next morning with a series of texts. Some from Jessica and some from Harry. Jessica's texts were asking if I wanted to hang out and shop today. Harry's were of a similar subject, but much longer. His read "good morning angel. I hope I can call you angel now. Did you sleep well? Can I take you shopping today? Today is my day off since I finished everything at my office."

His text brought a happy smile to my face. I felt bad about declining my best friend but I wanted to spend more time with Harry. Was that selfish of me? I apologetically said no to Jessica and accepted to Harry.

I also felt bad about him picking me up all the time, so I promised to take a taxi to meet him at his office even though he technically wasn't working. It was a convenient meeting place for us.


"Are you sure this is how you want to spend your day off? Wasting money on me?" I asked Harry once I'd reached his private office. He grabbed his grey jacket off the armchair and scoffed. "I'm not wasting money! It's my cash and I can choose to spend it however I like. And I want to spend it on you." He poked me between my shoulder blades with his credit card.

There was no doubt he was loaded, I just felt weird letting him buy me things as if he owed me something.

I was surprised by yet another way of transport when we reached his car in the parking lot. This time it was a yellow jaguar. Harry opened the door for me as I sat down on the smooth interior. Even the car had a rich, expensive smell, like genuine leather and designer colonge.

The engine roared to life and sped down the street. Most people were in their busy offices and not on the road so the traffic wasn't too bad for a busy city like New York. Harry looked effortlessly sexy at the wheel with his dark sunglasses blocking out the afternoon blinding sunshine. He wore his classic patterned button up shirt with tight black dress pants. His arm draped out the open window.

"Are you done staring yet, love? We're here." He said without even looking at me. I ripped my eyes away from him and out the window. We were indeed here. 5th Avenue, where all the highest priced designer stores were.

Harry removed his shades and we stepped out of his car. He started waving for someone to come valet the car and park it for him somewhere. He held out his hand for me to take. "Where to first? Where do you usually like to shop?" He asked.

"I don't really have one store I shop at. I go anywhere, I don't pay much attention to the brands or prices because I charge everything on my dad's credit card."

He pulled out his credit card again and smirked. "Well today you're charging this daddy's credit card."

My cheeks reddened with the nickname he called himself. I guess he had a daddy kink. I found that extremely hot but I was too shy to admit it. Did he expect me to call him that?

"Okay- daddy."

He tightened his jaw at my words and pulled slightly aggressively on my hand towards Yves Saint Laurent.

Inside there were rows of leather handbags, racks of neat clothing, and shelves of heels. I already felt overwhelmed.

The rack of dresses was calling my name. Harry expected me to dress up all the time and I was tired of trying to cram into my mom's small dresses. I pulled out a silk black dress, a grey dress with a sheer top, and a white strapless gown with an overexaggerated slit up one side.

One of the store clerks led me to a dressing room to try on what I picked out.

Harry sat outside the dressing room on a comfy couch, demanding I come out and show him each piece I tried on. It was like a miniature fashion show. He gave a small nod and a smile at each dress.

"I love them all, baby. You look great." He complimented when I finished trying everything on. I didn't dare check the price tags, afraid of the massive 3 or 4 digit numbers printed on the paper.

He carefully laid the dresses out on the checkout counter where a short, squinty, old woman checked us out. "That'll be $18,000."

I stifled a gasp after hearing that number. That much for only 3 dresses? Harry had no problem paying for it though. One swipe of his card and the dresses were offically mine.

The next store we went into was Gucci. I knew it was Harry's favorite. It was easy to tell when all he wore were flashy suits from the designer brand. The employees even greeted him by name.

I watched Harry remove different items from the rack, occasionally glancing at me. It was kind of fun watching him pick out clothes for me. He didn't know me that well enough to know my style, but he was doing a good job at choosing things I wouldn't mind wearing.

"Try these on." He said when he finished filling his arms with hangers. I could barely hold everything in my smaller grasp.

He leaned against the wall across from my dressing room, spinning his rings around his fingers while he waited, a habit I'd noticed he does often when he's bored, stressed, or feeling awkward.

I disappeared behind the thick curtain and took off the first item from the hanger. It was a patterned blouse, similar to the ones he wore, but more feminine. I also tried on a pair of black tight pants before stepping out from behind the curtain and showing it off.

He smiled at the ensemble. "Cute."

Next I tried on a leather skirt and short sleeved sweater. Harry had good taste. I wouldn't usually wear this kind of stuff but I was thankful he was getting me out of my clothing comfort zone.

The next piece definitely got me out of my comfort zone. It was a long floor length dress. The black skirt was made of a soft silk fabric, while the top was a matching black color but completely sheer. The only thing protecting any modesty was a flower detail covering each breast. I admit it looked good on me, really good.

I hesitantly opened the curtain to show him. He glanced up from his rings, biting his lower lip. "Damn. You look so fucking good."

I blushed and smiled at the floor. "Spin for me." He softly demanded.

I did a slow twirl to show him all angles. His smile was evidence that he really did like the dress. I closed the curtain again and changed back into my original outfit.

Before we checked out, Harry chose a few button up shirts for himself, along with a new silver ring that looked like a rose. It amazed me how he actually liked wearing those big, bulky rings.

The price of our items was even more expensive than YSL, but he still didn't even bat an eye.

Leaving the store, he managed to hold my hand and carry large shopping bags at the same time. Was there anything that man couldn't do?

"Thank you for buying me all of that- daddy." I told him once we were seated back in his car, on the way back to his house."

His eyes completely left the road for a few seconds to meet mine. "Of course, Angel. It was fun. And just know, you can shop whenever you want with my credit card."

I nodded, agreeing with him, even though that still felt weird for me to do. Sure I stole my father's credit card all the time, but that was different.

Harry pulled into his large garage and parked the car, helping carry the heavy bags and open my door for me. It was only the afternoon still and I wasn't expected home until around dinnertime. So, I still had a lot of time left to waste with Harry.

He set the bags down on a mirrored decorative table and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, showing off the tip of his butterfly etched on his stomach. I wanted to just jump on him and kiss him. He was so effortlessly attractive and I couldn't deny the feeling anymore. Fuck him being dad's boss, fuck him being older, fuck me messing around with so many boys. I liked him.

I snapped out of my gaze when he cleared his throat. Oops, I was still starring. We were awkwardly standing in the hallway, neither of us saying a word. He took a few steps closer to me and put his hands on my waist. Fuck it all....

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