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After blowing up on Evan, my nervous senses started kicking in. He was fuming out the ears when he left, who knows what he was doing now that he left my office and hopefully whole building. I never wanted to see that bastard ever again. He probably didn't have anywhere else to go besides back home. That made me worried for my angel. I gave in and decided to call her, this time not to just hear her voice, but to warn her of her father's angered state.

I picked up my cell phone and clicked on the contact with the little angel emoji. If I called from the work phone, she might not pick up. One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings, five rings, answer tone but no answer. Maybe she wasn't near her phone and didn't hear it ring. I tried again and still same response. My boot tapped anxiously on the floor. Maybe I could try my work phone? I dialed her number and sent a prayer in my head. Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up.

"H-hello?" Her shaky voice said.

"Thank god." I said aloud, without really meaning to.

"Harry?" She said through a sob.

"Yes, it's me. What's wrong ba-" The line clicked and the annoying buzzing of a dead ended phone was heard, before I could even finish what I was saying. "Fuck!" I yelled out. She was crying, so she definitely knew. I picked up the phone and dialed her number again. She had to be okay, I was really worried about her now. It only rung once before it was answered.

"What?!" She angrily shouted in the phone. Her volume was so loud, I had to hold the phone away from my ear for a second.

"Angel, I'm sorry. Listen to me please." I pleaded. When she didn't respond, I kept talking.

"I didn't tell him, your dad. I don't know how he knew, but I would never jeopardize us and our relationship like that. Now please tell me why you're so upset."

"He- he kicked me out, Harry. He called me a whore and kicked me out." She said between sniffles.

My fists clenched into hard fists. I desperately wanted to embrace her into a hug and tell her that everything would be alright. "It's okay, please tell me where you are, so I can come get you."

"No." She said clearly, this time without any sniffles or sobs.

"No? What do you mean, no? Let me pick you up and keep you safe."

"No, Harry- I don't want to see you right now, in fact not ever again. Just leave me alone."

"Baby, I can't do that. I just want to help you."

"Help me, Harry? This is all your fault. You sure didn't help me when you fired my father. Now he doesn't have a job, hates me, and thinks I'm a slut."

"Angelicia, please just tell me where you are!"

"Goodbye Harry." She said before she hung up the phone.

I picked up the work phone from my desk, yanked out the cords, and threw it at the wall as hard as I could. I shoved all of the papers off my desk, not caring if they were important documents or things to sign. "SHIT!" I cussed as I picked up a glass container of pens and chucked it at the wall where a dent laid from the desk phone. The glass shattered and pens rolled all over the floor and added to the mess. I paced around the large office, running my hands through my hair roughly, yanking at the sensitive roots.

Picking up my cell phone, I phoned her once again but it didn't even start ringing. All I got was a "sorry this person cannot be reached at the moment, please try again later." She blocked my number! "God dammit!" I screamed and drove my fist into the closest wall, leaving a hole and a bloodied hand.

Not caring that it was still work hours, I left the office building and went to my car, ignoring all my workers who were making googly eyes at me. No doubt they heard my massive fit. I sped off to the first place she could be.

"Oh no, not you again. Get off of my property and go sleep around with one of your whores."

"Evan, do you know where she went?" I demanded, ignoring his obnoxious comment.

"No, and nor do I care. Now I advise you to leave or I'll call the cops."

I rolled my eyes and jogged back to my car. I had to find her.


Finally! Here's a lil update. I hope you guys are liking this and thank you so much for giving me some feedback about my next story. I've started writing it and I think it's my favorite. You guys are gonna love it (I hope) <3

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