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Angelica, the only thing haunting my mind. Focusing on my work had never been this difficult. Every time I started reading a line on my paperwork, I saw her soft blonde hair and deep blue eyes. When someone would say something to me or talk on the phone, I only heard her voice and moans. My eyes would close and I saw her heavenly bare skin and body.

My fingers tugged anxiously at my hair, wishing it was her hands. She was driving me crazy. I wanted desperately more of her, not just physically, I wanted to know her mind, her soul, and her body inside and out.

I contemplated calling her on the phone so I could hear her voice again, but just then there was a loud knock at my door, making me jump slightly at the volume of it. Before I could even say my usual "enter" the door flew open.

In barged an angry Evan, Angelica's father. I'd never seen him look so upset. Fuck, he knew. "STYLES!" He shouted so loud, everyone in the whole building probably heard.

I kept my professional composure even though I felt like leaping right out of the big office window. "Hello Evan." I calmly replied.

"How dare you?" He demanded. "Right after we had that little chat, you go and fuck around with my daughter!" His face was turning a shade of red and I began to worry it would turn purple.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" I played the dumb card.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! I know what you're doing, I have my inside sources, you know."

Who was he talking about? No one else knew what was going on between Angelica and I, and she definitely wouldn't tell her own father. He obviously knew and I unfortunately couldn't lie to him anymore, that would only make him angrier.

"I'm a mature man, I can do things as I please, Evan. I make my own decisions and I will not have you telling me what I can and can't do."

He scoffed back. "You're messing around with my daughter, a 17 year old girl, do you have any idea how illegal that is? I could ruin your career in a damn second."

I held back a smirk and stood up from my desk chair. I now stood almost a whole foot taller than the short, stumpy man. "I'd like to see you try. I could ruin you in a second. You have no idea how much power I have, huh? Don't fuck around with me." I walked closer to him and stared down at him.

He surprisingly stood his ground with his arms crossed on his chest. "Angelica is the child of one of your coworkers, that could ruin your whole company. You don't scare me Styles."

"Oh I don't scare you? You're fired." I simply stated and watched as Evan's jaw dropped to the floor.

"You can't do that!" He whispered, his red face quickly turning pale.

"I just did. Now she's no longer the daughter of her father's boss."

"You're sick. I will ruin you Styles!" He yelled.

"Try, just try. I have better lawyers, more money, more power, I wouldn't dare do a thing. Now get the fuck out of my office and collect your stuff."

I watched as he made his way to my door. "Fine, you're disgusting and I hope you're happy with your little underage toy. She doesn't like you, and she never will, you're a horrible person. You think you know her but you know nothing! She's hiding so much from you and she-"

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed, cutting off his rant. He gave me one last dirty look before storming out and slamming the door as hard and he possibly could.

I sank back into the leather chair and let out a sigh. Angelica certainly won't be happy after she finds about about this fight.



A loud noise from downstairs startled me from the painting I was currently doing. A long streak of blue now stained a part of the painting where it didn't belong. Who else was here, my parents should still be at work. I'm usually home alone until at least 5pm.

"Hello?" I called out, slightly freaked out.

Suddenly the bedroom door came flinging open and there stood my fuming father. "Hi dad-"

"Angelica Marie Johnson. Is Harry Styles, my boss taking advantage of you?"

I probably looked like a deer in headlights. How did he know?!

"Well is he?" He said a little louder this time.


"Don't lie to me young lady!"

"No, Dad he's not!" I replied, slightly raising my shaky voice.

"Well we just had a nice chat and the dumb bastard just fired me."

"He did what? Why?!"

"Because I confronted him about you. You two are messing around behind my back and I will not have it! You're a child, Angelica."

"No, I'm not." I defended

"Yes you are. Your mother and I didn't raise you to be this way."

"You have no idea what I'm like then, do you? I can take care of myself and choose what I want to do! You can't control my whole life. I like Harry, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

His eyebrows furrowed in anger and shock. "So you admit it, have you hooked up with him?"


"Answer the question, now!"

I kept my mouth closed and stared straight ahead.

"I thought so! You just lost me my job! Dammit why are you like this? Your mother and I raised a fucking slut."

"How could you say that? I'm your daughter." I defended.

"No, not anymore. You're a whore who sleeps around with older men."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. How could he say that to my face so easily? He knows what happened with Alex and I. It was so easy at him to throw words at me but he had no idea how badly they hurt me.

"Dad I-"

"I'm not your Dad. If you think you're all mature and grown up, how about you go live on your own."

"Are you kicking me out?!" I whispered."

"Yeah, I am. Pack your stuff I guess." He said as he walked to the door and left, mumbling "filthy slut."

I was full on sobbing now. How could he throw out his only daughter? How could Harry have told him? My trust has been repeatedly broken.

I grabbed my phone and a hoodie and ran out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door.


woooo that was a lot of fighting! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment!

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