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Harry's penthouse was definitely more like mansion! I didn't have to walk 2 feet to see at least $10,000 worth of things. It was miraculously tidy for a guy who lived alone. The monochrome walls were adorned in odd paintings that I couldn't understand. The floor was a white marble with silver streaks. There were spacious windows along the walls as well, showing off stunning views of the city.

"Well come on." Harry gestured me to follow him into more of the house. I've only seen the entryway!

"Let's get you changed and settled and then I'll make you something to eat, yeah?"

I silently nodded and followed him up a metal spiral staircase. He led me into a bedroom. I could tell it was hardly used because everything was so tidy and made up.

"This is one of my guest rooms, my room is right across the hall. The bathroom is right through there." He pointed to a door joined in the guest room. I still couldn't believe the massiveness of the house and even the room. He acted so nonchalant about everything.

"I'll go get you something to wear. Feel free to settle in."

He left me alone in the room to explore. It was even bigger than my bedroom at home. A white fluffy king sized bed sat against a wall in the middle of the room. There was minimal black furniture and huge windows. I assumed the view was pretty but it was too late at night to tell. The walls were also white but absolutely filled with black and white photographs.

Harry came back into the room shortly after he left.

"Did you take these?" I said, leaning in to get a closer look at the details.

He hummed in response.

"They're really good."

"Thank you. How's this?" He said, handing me an oversized navy blue tee shirt that said "Journey" on it. I nodded.

"You can change in the bathroom and I'll just be in here, waiting. I would just meet you in the kitchen, but I'm afraid you'd get lost." He chucked.

The bathroom reminded me of a goth hospital. Everything was a dark shade of black or bright white. Harry's decoration choices were odd.

I looked into the mirror and immediately regretted it. The mirror was absolutely huge, covering almost an entire wall. I could see my whole body in it.

My hair was a mess, my cheek was bloody, Harry's oversized work jacket looked weird on my frame. My eyes went from my face and scanned down my body. Jason managed to leave a few scattered hickeys on my neck and chest.

I removed the jacket and revealed red marks on my waist, hips, and upper thighs. That must've been when Jason and I were fighting over my dress. I didn't realize he'd been that rough.

Tears started welling up in my eyes before I even knew what was happening. The next moment I was full on sobbing. I really was just a stupid bitch like Jason said. I can't believe I was dumb and weak enough to let him do that to me. Why didn't I stop him earlier? Why didn't I fight against him harder? Why was I here at my dad's boss mansion? A light knock on the door startled me out of my invasive thoughts.

"Alright in there?"

"No! Leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted back, pulling the shirt over my head to cover most of the marks on my pale skin, unfortunately you could still see a few hickeys peeking out from the collar.

"Well I hope you're decent because I'm coming in."

The door opened to reveal Harry in a pair of sweatpants and a loose white shirt. He looked softer and less businesslike now.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Why do you even care! You don't even know me! I'm just your employee's stupid, whore, daughter!"

He frowned. "No you're not. Don't say that. I care because I don't like seeing you hurt. I told your father I'd take care of you and that's what I'm trying to do, although you sure as hell make it difficult."

I just pouted back at him, still crying. I hated crying, especially in front of other people.

"Sit up there." He gestured to the counter. I was too tired and weak feeling to fight against anyone or anything anymore so I followed his orders and sat on the cold surface.

He bent down and shuffled through a drawer. Once he found what he was looking for he stood up, now at my height. He was holding a first aid kit. I silently watched as he dampened a wash cloth with warm water and started massaging it over my bloody cheek. I winched in pain feeling the rough fabric against the cut.

"I'm sorry." He whispered barely audible.

After the blood was cleaned off, he placed a small bandage on the cut. I prayed it would heal soon because I really didn't want prying questions from my parents about where it came from.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?"

I looked down at the checkered floor tiles in shame.

"Angela, did he touch you anywhere else?" He asked again with more strain in his deep voice.



I pointed to my covered waist and thighs.

"Can I look?"

"If you have to."

I watched his hand grab the hem on the shirt and pull it up right above my navel. His other hand touched the red spots gently.

"That son of a bitch." He swore lowly. "Who the hell hits a woman?" His brows were furrowed tightly on his chiseled face.

He leaned closer to my body and pressed his lips against the first mark on the side of my waist, then moved to the other mark on the other side of my hip. My breath was hitched in my throat. "W-what are you doing?"

"Kissing it better." He replied kissing the last mark on the top of my thigh. My skin tingled where his soft lips had touched it.

"Did I miss anywhere else?" He let go of the shirt hem and looked up at me. He brushed my hair behind my ears. I saw his eyes darken when he noticed the hickeys on my neck that trailed out of sight under the shirt.

He leaned in close to my face. He was so close I could smell the warm vanilla of his cologne. Goosebumps rose on my skin when I felt his breath hit my neck. His plump lips touched gently against the already marked skin.

He growled lowly in his throat and it sounded a bit like "might" or maybe "mine". His lips moved over to the next mark. He was now standing in between my spread legs on the counter. I don't even remember moving them to the sides of his hips.

What was I letting him do to me? My body wanted more but my brain was begging me to stop him. He was dad's boss, but he felt so good. I didn't even know his age but I was almost 18. I've had enough bad choices for the night so I decided to stop him before I made more.

"No." I choked out and pushed his strong body away, closing my legs together. When I could see his face again, his cheeks were bright pink, lips swollen, and eyes dilated. "Sorry, angel- I mean, Angelica, I-I didn't mean to-" he stuttered over the words.

"Forget it Harry, it's okay. I just want to sleep."

"Right, yeah."

I followed him out of the bathroom and climbed into the plush bed. Harry watched me settle into the sheets and turned the light off. He left the room, but not without whispering "good night."


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