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Jason jumped off me so fast, it would've been funny if I wasn't hurting emotionally and mentally right now.

Harry stood in the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face. I was so thankful that someone found me before Jason got too far that I didn't realize I was laying there almost completely naked if it wasn't for my underwear. One more second and I might not have even been wearing those.

I quickly covered my bare chest with my arms and blushed uncomfortably.

"What is going on?" Harry asked, although it was obvious he had some kind of clue.

The teen looked like a deer caught in headlights, seeing Jason next to harry was comical. Jason just looked like a pubescent boy next to a powerful businessman.

"I'd ask you the same thing sir. I dont know what you're even doing at a party like this, aren't you a little old? What's going on between me and Angelica is none of your business." He snapped back, annoyed that he was caught in the act before he could really get down to business.

"The hell it is my business, young man. Don't use that tone with me, I'd advise you to get out of here before I hit you a whole lot harder than you hit her. You're absolutely fucking disgusting. Be thankful I'm not beating your ass."

Jason looked at him with a shocked face. He isn't used to being talked to like that. He stood frozen in his place while I awkwardly watched the drama unfold from the head of the bed.

"Why the fuck are you still standing there for? Get the fuck OUT!" Harry shouted so loud everyone in the living room probably heard it. Jason scurried away mumbling something under his breath. He slammed the door shut behind him, leaving Harry and I alone.

I felt intimidated and scared by him after watching him threaten and yell at Jason. He was probably just as mad at me because I really messed up and he was supposed to watch over me tonight.

He walked over to where I was on the bed as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

He reached out and I moved away, fearing he'd hurt me or start yelling.

His eyes immediately softened. "I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered. His hand brushed against my cheek. I couldn't help it, I flinched when he touched me, it was like a reflex. When he pulled his hand back there was a red smear on his fingertips. Jason hit me hard enough to split the skin on my cheek!

Harry was holding a large suit jacket in his hand. He handed it to me. "Here wear this."

"Turn around, no peeking." I ordered him, not wanting him to see me move my hands and expose my chest. I wasn't sure how much he saw when he first came in but I was praying he didn't see a thing.

I waited until he wasn't facing me to pull the silky fabric over my bare torso.

"Okay you can look." I said, feeling stupid sitting there with messy hair, a cut cheek, and half dressed.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" He reached his hand out again.

"No!" I protested. I didn't want my parents to see me like this! If my dad thought my dress was bad, imagine what he'd think if I came home in my underwear and a man's jacket.

"I'm not taking you to your home, love. We're going to mine."

"Fine." I stood up from the bed, now aware of my extremely shaky legs. I almost fell back down again. At least most of the alcohol affects have worn off, I would've been an even bigger mess.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist to help me. I pushed it off. "I can walk by myself." I protested.

Before he opened the door, he took one last look at me. "You might want to button that."

I looked down and noticed the jacket showed off a good amount of cleavage. Although it was a little big on me and went down just past my butt, it probably wasn't a good idea to walk out of the room like that.

My trembling fingers did the buttons up and followed harry out of the bedroom. We got some weird looks as we walked to the front door. People probably thought we hooked up since I looked like a disheveled mess.

I didn't bother saying goodbye to anyone, Jessica was probably still dancing and having a good time. I'll text her tomorrow, I thought to myself.

Sitting in silence on the ride home was more awkward then driving to the party.

"C-can I turn on the radio?" I asked quietly. I really did sound like a dumb, timid girl.

"Sure, honey."

As soon as I hit the play button, I immediately recognized the song as Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood. One of my favorites. I rested my burning cheek against the cold glass on the car window and listening to the guitar parts and deep vocals.

I was so relaxed that I almost didn't notice another low voice joining in.

"You ask me what I'm thinking about, I'll tell you I'm thinking about what ever you're thinking about, tell me something that I'll forget, and you might have to tell me again, it's crazy what you do for a friend, go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do, I know how much it matters to you, I know that you've got daddy issues."

I took my numb cheek off the glass and watched harry sing. He sounded so beautiful. He was concentrated on the road ahead of us and didn't notice me intently watching him.

"And if you were my little girl, I'd do whatever I could do-"

His eyes left the road for a split second and met mine, a little shy smile on his face.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. I love this song." He said.

"Really? I do too!"

We spent the rest of the car ride singing along to The Neighborhood, Arctic Monkeys, and The 1975. Harry and I had very similar music tastes.

His soft singing voice made me completely forget about the throbbing pain in my head and cheek. He made me calm and relaxed. I watched blurs of city lights pass by the windows.

Soon, a large metal gate appeared in front of the car. I watched Harry lean out the open window and type something into a keypad on the side.

The gates opened and revealed a dark garage. He parked in one of the parking spots. Yeah, there were multiple spots, all filled with different sports cars. I figured they belonged to the tenants of the tall building connected to the garage.

"We're here." He informed, switching off the radio and turning off the car. He helped me out of the car again and grabbed the jacket I had thrown in there before the party. I trailed after him as he walked up to an elevator on the side of the garage.

Stepping inside, it was like a movie. The elevator was gold, flashy, and even had classic elevator music.

"Welcome to my penthouse." He said as the elevator doors finally slid open.


Thanks for reading! I'm on a writing streak!!!

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