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No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't seem to fall asleep. My brain was keeping me up. I felt like I had been tossing and turning for at least 2 hours. I couldn't stop thinking about Jason and how he hurt me like that. It all brought flashbacks to my first boyfriend, Alex. Alex and I had been childhood best friends since we were 7, he asked me to be his girlfriend the first year of high school. I really thought I loved him.

He got so worried about losing me that he would get obsessive. I could've have other friends, I couldn't talk to boys, and he insisted he be with me at all times when we weren't in seperate classes at school. At first, I thought it was because he really liked me. I felt protected by him.

It dawned on me that he was abusive when he would physically hurt me. He would pull my hair and push me around when I didn't do what he wanted. I rebelled against him and hooked up with Jason when he was out with friends. He came over and caught us, Jason ran away but I got a real beating for that one.

I broke up with him and stayed as far away as possible. He was pissed but I haven't seen him since he moved. I had no idea where he'd gone but as long as it was far away from me, I was happy. Jason became a friend and fuck buddy after that when I got lonely.

After being under someone's control like that, it made me want to rebel more. That's why I loved sneaking out, attending parties, and hooking up with random boys. Alex ruined my life and Jason was just another repeat of it tonight.

I suddenly felt lonely and afraid. Would anyone actually love me for real? Was I even capable of loving someone? Boys were selfish, abusive, and rude.

The loneliness, hurt, and tiredness was getting to me, so I did the only thing left.


My soft voice called out into the quiet darkness.

I got silence in response. I tried one last time. "Harry?"

Who was I kidding? He was probably fast asleep peacefully. Who was I to burden him with my problems? I guess I was being the selfish one now.

Just as I was about to give up hope, the door slowly creaked open. A warm glow from the hallway light erupted into the room. It was still dark but I could make out Harry's tall figure standing there rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Did you call?" He said, his voice heavy with sleep. I've heard boy's morning voices were sexy but this was a whole new level, this was a man.

"Yeah, I can't sleep."

"Why not? Is the bed uncomfortable? Are you too hot? Too cold?"

"No, I'm just thinking."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, walking closer to the bed and sitting down on the edge by me. It was then that I realized he was shirtless. The light from the hallway casted his toned body in light. I could see muscle with all the shadows and dark lines all over his arms and torso. Mr. Business had tattoos? I forced my eyes to look away.

"No, I can't."

"What do you mean? Maybe it would help-"

"I don't want to right now, it's private. I just feel lonely and scared." I confessed.

He worridly glanced down at me. "Is this about Jason?"

I shifted awkwardly under the fluffy bedding. "Well kind of, it's about Alex too."

"Alex? Who's Alex?" His eyebrow raised at this new information. "No one." Shit, I didn't mean to mention him.

He hummed. "Okay, I wish you'd tell me but I understand you don't want to open up about it. Do you want me to uh- sleep with you." He awkwardly scratched the back on his neck, showing off more of his tattoos and abs. I stayed silent, knowing he didn't just mean what he said.

"Just so you're not lonely I mean." He quickly covered.

I suppose it would be comforting but laying in bed with a shirtless twenty-something year old didn't help me feel any better. After I was just feeling guilty about boys and love.

"No. But will you sing to me again? Please?"

He nodded and cleared his throat and began singing the song from the car, Daddy Issues.

"And if you were my little girl, I'd do whatever I could do, I'd run away and hide with you, I know that you got daddy issues and I do too."

Almost the moment his voice filled my ears, I was falling into a deep sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, everything felt foreign. I was wearing someone else's shirt, laying in someone else's bed, staying in someone else's house. For a moment a forget everything that happened last night, until it hit me like a forceful wave, drowning me down under. I pushed all the thoughts away but one word stuck in my mind. Harry.

I stretched my arms far above my head and let out a long yawn. At least I got a little bit of sleep last night. I climbed out of the warm bed, letting chilled air attack my bare legs. I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up before Harry has to see me like this.

He probably really thought I'm some helpless, young, kid, after everything he's done for me over the past 24 hours. It was honestly embarrassing. I opened the bathroom door and was engulfed in steam. Steam?

My sleepy brain didn't register anything until it was too late. Harry stood in front of me wearing just a towel low on his waist. My eyes trailed up his drenched body and met his gaze. Oh fuck.


I really need to stop ending with cliffhangers, sorry!

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