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"I'm so sorry!" I said as I ran out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Why was he in the guest bathroom? In this huge house, he's bound to have at least 3 others. I began thinking of lame excuses to throw at him when he exited the bathroom. That was so embarrassing. What a way to wake up.

The door slowly clicked open and Harry walked out. This time, wearing thinly striped slacks and a buttoned up shirt similar to last night. "Sorry about that." I said while heat radiated off my cheeks.

"It's alright. At least I was wearing a towel, or things might've ended up very different."

My cheeks stayed flushed. "Why that bathroom?"

He began walking out of the room as I followed close behind. He shook his head to rid his hair of left over water droplets. A few cold ones landed on my skin. "I didn't want you to freak out when you woke up. I don't know how much you remember from last night, so I was going to take a quick shower in there and wake you up when I was done. But I guess you beat me to it."

"Sorry, again." I replied.

"It's alright, love. Don't stress."

We continued walking through the house and passed a lot of closed doors and tall windows. I really wanted to explore everything. He seemed to have a lot of secrets and I've only known him for about 24 hours.

He led me into a huge kitchen. Inside, there was every kind of kitchen appliance you could imagine. It looked like a fancy restaurant kitchen. I doubted he even used half of these tools.

"Do you cook often?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I love it. Do you like pancakes?" He said going to the fridge and pulling out random ingredients.

"Who doesn't?" I replied, climbing onto one of the barstools that faced a long counter. The counter sat in the middle of the room and was used as a cooking and eating space.

I placed my chin in my hands and intently watched Harry combine ingredients and start cooking. It was fun to watch, like a live cooking show.

"Do you want to listen to music again?" He asked, glancing up at me while he poured batter onto a pan on the stove. "Sure."

He pointed with the spatula towards a device on the wall. I switched it on and the room was filled with Starboy by The Weeknd. I plopped back down on the bar stool and began spinning around on in circles, while singing along. Midspin, I caught him looking at me with a cheeky smile adorned on his face.

"What?" I asked smiling back.

"Nothing, you're just cute." He turned back around and flipped one of the pancakes on the griddle. Did he just call me cute? Probably because I was acting childish. I stopped spinning and faced forward again.

The kitchen started to smell and sound like my mom's diner with sizzling pancakes. Shit! My parents! They had to be worried sick. Probably more mad then worried.

I racked my brain for the location of my phone. My pocket? No, I didn't have pockets? Did I even bring it with me to Harry's last night? It was probably still at the party. There goes that. My eyebrows creased together in distress.

"Okay, pancakes are done!" Harry announced happily until he noticed my face wasn't smiling back at him like it had been a few moments ago. "What's wrong? I didn't burn them did I?"

"No, I just lost my phone. My parents have no idea where I am!"

He set the steaming plate of breakfast on the counter, told me to wait a moment, and start eating while I waited. He disappeared and left the room as I piled my plate up high. After my first bite, I knew he wasn't lying about his cooking skills. They were even better than my moms! Of course I would never admit to her that fact.

He glided back into the room shortly, holding a black box. He handed it to me. "Here, you can have this."

I opened the box and found a new iPhone sitting inside. "What? I can't take this."

"No, really, take it. It's yours."

Did he really have that much money? New, unused iPhones just sitting there waiting for a situation like this? I thanked him and started trying to text my mom. I had no idea how in the world I was going to explain this mess without making her upset. Perhaps that was impossible.

"Pancakes good?" He asked, taking a bite of his stack.

I hummed in response as I typed out a text. It took a little less than three seconds for her to reply and she definitely wasn't happy. It read,

Where the hell are you? Why wouldn't you answer any of my calls? Your father and I are very upset with you! Come home this instant or your punishment will be worse!

"Harry, will you drive me home now?"

"Hm? Right now?" He asked, mouth full of a pancake bite.

I nodded and stood up from the stool. "My parents are going to kill me."

"Right, yeah." He stood up with me, wiping syrup off his hands and onto a cloth napkin.

Once in the car I began to get worried. How much trouble was I in for? My hands started shaking slightly in my lap. I completely forgot I was still wear Harry's shirt too. This really looked bad.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking over at me and seeing my distress.

"Please don't tell my parents anything, Harry. Please."

"Wouldn't dream of it. You can trust me." He said with a wink.

The house was in front of us before I even had a plan of what to do in my head. Sneak in and to my room? Lie? Blame someone?

"Angela." Harry said, snapping his fingers in front of my face to break me out of my daze. "Come with me."

I got out of the car, making sure not to slam the door too hard and loud. We walked to the side of the house.

"Which one is your room?"

I pointed to the side window with sheer white curtains. Under the windowsill was a tall terrace of flowers.

"Climb." He said.


"Go to your room, change into something a little- better, and meet me back down here. Then we'll knock on the front door together. That way it won't look as bad."

"Oh. Good idea."

I grabbed ahold of the wooden structure and carefully climbed up. Harry stood under me in case I fell. I realized the view he had right now and blushed profoundly. I was wearing just a black thong and his tee shirt. I looked back down at the ground where he was standing. He was staring, hands in his pockets, and biting his lip.

I whipped back around, thankful I had reached my window. Luckily it was left open, making Harry's plan even easier. I crawled inside and landed on the plush carpet. Safe.

"Angelica Marie Johnson, what the hell are you doing?"

Not safe.


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