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chapter completed: 6/18/18
chapter published: 6/18/18
chapter edited: 9/30/19



"Hey", Elyana smiled when Melo approached her. It had been a week, since they last saw each other and she was happy they were able to have some time with each other. Her happiness wouldn't last too long, though.

"Sup, mamas? I missed you", he spoke into her hair pulling her into a hug.

"I missed you too", she placed a kiss on his lips. It soon deepened and Elyana was beginning to forget the purpose of their meeting up. She moaned slightly and pushed LaMelo back. He took this as an opportunity to start planting kisses on her collarbone.

"I have something to tell you", she whispered.

"Can it wait till' later? I missed you", he mumbled. Without waiting for a response, he resumed his previous actions.

"No! T-This is important", Elyana's tone became a bit panicked. LaMelo pulled away slightly looking down at her.

"Wassup? You wanna go sit in the car?", he asked. Elyana nodded and they made their way to his car where Melo opened the door for her. They sat quietly after getting settled in until Melo couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to know what she had to say.

"Aight so wassup?", he turned to her. Elyana took a deep breath before turning to him.



"I'm pregnant", I let out the breath I was holding in. I was scared to look up at him in fear that he'd be angry. LaMelo and I have been together for three years now. On and off, of course. Right now, we're on. We've been back together for about half a year now and this would be the worst timing for me to get pregnant. It was no secret that basketball comes first to all the Ball brothers. LaMelo us no exception.

"Yo, you're what?", he leaned forward trying to make eye contact with me. "Look at me, Elyana. You're fucking what?". The tone in his voice deepened.

"I'm...pregnant. 3 and a half weeks along", I looked up at him.

He leaned back rubbing a hand down his face. "We used condoms. You were on birth control. How'd this happen?", he hit the steering wheel. I flinched knowing how his temper could get. With this kind of information, his temper was unpredictable. Even for me.

"I don't know. I'm sorry, Melo. I really didn't mean for this to happen", I reached over to grab his hand. He quickly moved his hand away and leaned his chair all the way back.

"Don't touch me right now. I can't believe this is happening, bro. You know what this means for my career? Fuck, yo!", he pulled at his hair. I felt my eyes tear up.

Do you know what this means for me in general?, is what I wanted to say. Instead, I looked down at my lap feeling worse. Was it my fault? Would I be the blame for his career failing, if it does fail?

No. My baby will be. Every turn they make, they'll have to hear how they're at fault for ruining their fathers' career.

"Alright. Go inside and tell your mom. I'm gonna go home and tell the fam. I'll call you when I'm ready to talk", Melo sat up after a while.

congratulations; lamelo ball Where stories live. Discover now