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chapter completed: 6/27/18
chapter published: 6/27/18
chapter edited: 9/30/19


"Lay back and pull your shirt up under your breast", Dr.Lee smiled.

I was currently at my doctors' appointment for the first official ultrasound of the baby. I was so nervous.

LaMelo, Tina, my mother and I sat in a room. My mom was slowly, but surely, coming around. She was still angry, with every right, just wasn't showing it as much.

"Ok, dad. Mama over here looks scared. You mind holding her hand?", Dr.Lee turned to LaMelo. He quickly stood and held my hand. As she squirted the blue gel on my stomach, Melo started asking questions.

"I have a question. She's always holding her stomach like there's something there. Every time I try to tell her there's nothing there, she calls me dumb", he cuts his eyes at me.

"Well, she's pregnant. So depending on the person, they'll get an emotional attachment before the baby begins to develop", Dr.Lee laughed. I gave Melo a smug look and laughed when he mugged me. We quickly turned our attention to the screen.

"Ok. So I'm sorry for any disappointment, but you won't be seeing much today. Today's ultrasound is really just to confirm your due date. We don't usually do them this early due to the fact that not many women find out this early. When they do, they put off their appointments until the second month. With your age, and your weight, we can't risk waiting that long", she explained. I frowned a bit but was still pretty excited to hear the due date.

After a couple of minutes, she looked over at us.

"January 19, 2019", she smiled.
"We want you back here for week 18 or 19. Before we go, are there any questions?", she looked at us all.

"When you mentioned her weight, what did you mean by that?", my mom spoke up. I was also wondering what she meant by that.

"Seeing as she's still young, being as skinny as she is, the weight of her pregnancy will be a lot to handle. Meaning swollen feet probably at all times, sore back more times than not, pain in her knees. All those things", Dr.Lee explained. I let out a sigh and looked up at Melo who was frowning at me.

"Thank you. I'm pretty sure we don't have anymore questions at the moment", I smiled at her. She nodded and then escorted us out.


"Is there anything they can do to minimize it?", Elena asked as she sat with LaMelo, Zo, Denise, her 'boyfriend' Dante, and I.

"We'll know when the time comes", I shrug. "I hope they can, though. I hate being in pain", I sigh.

"Then I feel for when you have to give birth. I saw this video and the lady was recording herself give birth and bitch when I say my pussy hurt", Elena ranted while eating her fries. My eyes widened at the way she was talking. She must have forgotten that I'm not her friends. I guess it bothered Melo as well because he immediately scolded her.

"Ayo, watch your mouth", he pointed a finger at her. She rolled her eyes mumbling an apology.

"Aw, that's so cute. He treats her like a sister", Denise spoke up.

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