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Today is supposed to be a good day. I was going to go on a hiatus with Denise, Elena, and my best friend Gina. Denise was inviting her best friend Maddie because the hiatus was for her. At the moment I was in Melo's room packing.

"Watchu gotta go on a vacation for? You're on vacation with me already", Melo watched as I packed.

"To be with the mother of your niece. She needs to take a break and wants people she feels comfortable with around her", I shrug.
"Break my ass. You better come back the same way you left. Don't mess with no other niggas either", he bucked at me. I shook my head at him.

"Whatever. Can you help me get this downstairs?", I asked pulling my suitcase down from the bed.

"You need a suitcase for what? How long are you staying out there?", he grabbed the suitcase.

"I'll only be staying the weekend. They're going to stay the week, but I have to come back to work", I followed behind him.

"Then why do you need all this stuff?", he laughed. "I'm leaving some stuff with Lena. You know she's always making use of my things", I rolled my eyes at the thought.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and Denise was already there waiting. When Melo saw it was just Denise here, he turned to me.

"Who's driving?", he asked.
"I am. I'll switch with Gina when we pick her up", I put on my slides. "Are you even supposed to be driving? And how the hell are you supposed to get back here?", he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Zo is picking me up. You'll be at your game so I just asked him to pick me up", I look up at him.

"We have to go, Ely", Denise called.

"I love you", I told Melo. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. "I love you too, mamas", he then kissed my forehead.

Soon Denise and I were on our way. First we picked up Elena seeing as she's my little sister. She also wouldn't stop texting the group chat.

"Ok. Let's go before dad starts asking questions", she got in the car. I laughed shaking my head.

"This is the first trip you take without your parents. Are you excited?", Denise asks her. She immediately nods. "Yes! My Snapchat is about to be fyaaaa", she twerked.

"Mhm. Let dad hear you. That ass about to be on fyaaa", I mocked her. She immediately stopped and mushed my head. I laughed at her weird self.
"Can't stand you", she sat back.

"Maddie's already outside", Denise looked up at me.

"Good. My feet are killing me. Melo was being such an idiot yesterday", I rolled my eyes. "We went out with Tina to Costcos and I wanted to go back to the car because my feet were hurting. His annoying ass said 'you can't be by yourself. There's hella niggas out there'. I can't stand him", I shook my head.

"Oh my god. I never expected him to be like that", D laughed. I laughed along with her.

"Where do I turn?", I slowed the car down. Denise pointed to my right and I took a sharp turn causing Elena to curse.

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