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chapter completed: 6/25/18
chapter published: 6/25/18
chapter edited: 9/30/19


"Dad. Please just...Look. If you don't like how dinner goes I'll move out", I sigh.

"I'll go to dinner. It better go well too. For your sake. Porque como están las cosas vas a tener que hallar hogar nuevo", he walked out. (Because the way things are going you're gonna need to find a new place).

"Guess this better go well, huh?", Elena spoke from behind me.

"Yeah", I turned to her giving her a slight smile. 

Tonight, our parents are supposed to have dinner, LaMelo and I present of course. My dad adamant on not attending, however. He claimed that dinner wouldn't change the fact that I ruined my life. That LaMelo and I would still be stupid after dinner. He wasn't wrong. 

 Later that day, I sat in the Ball household with LaMelo and his parents. They claimed to have something important to talk about. Which under the circumstances, wasn't hard to believe.

"We wanted you to move in with us. Now hear us out before you decline. Your parents are already on the verge of throwing you out, you'd be comfortable. Melo wouldn't miss anything. You won't have to keep working", Lavar ranted.

I'll admit everything he said sounded great. Except for one part. "I'm going to work until my doctor says I can't. No offense but I don't wanna sit around depending on Melo and his family. If I'm able to provide for myself then I will. I appreciate you guys wanting to support me I really do. Thank you and I'll definitely consider taking you up on your offer", I smiled.

"That's all I ask", Tina smiled. "Think about it and let us know. We want to be as involved as we possibly can", she smiled.

"Thank you. I want you involved. We want you involved", I looked over at Melo. He had been awfully quiet.

"So your parents agreed to dinner?", Lavar asked.

"Yes. It took a lot of convincing but they agreed", I nodded.

"Good. I'll make sure to pull out my chef skills and get to cookin'", Lavar got loud again. I laughed looking over at Melo who laughed too.



The Ball Family and the Carter Family all sat in the Ball Household. It was eerily quiet as everyone ate.

"So, you're gonna help Elyana out?", Elyana's father Mateo spoke up.

Everyone's eyes fell to LaMelo who had been munching on a fried drumstick. He slowly looked up and put the drumstick down.
"Oh shit. Wait I mean, yeah. For sure", he quickly tried to redeem himself.

Mateo stared for a few seconds before continuing to ask questions. "Would Ely and the baby have a home here?", he asked.

"Yes. This is already their home", Melo nodded. "I actually wanted her to move in with us. With your permission, of course", he cautiously added. I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. I'm so hoping this doesn't go left.

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