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chapter completed: 9/2/18
chapter published: 9/2/18
chapter edited:


"How's my favorite person ever doing?", Gina walked into LaMelos room.

"Your favorite person is doing great, actually. I just wanna get out of this bed", I whined. Gina raised an eyebrow and looked around.

"Wanna sneak downstairs?", she whispered.
I quickly nodded throwing the covers back.

"Too bad", she pat my legs. I stared at her, rolled my eyes, and laid back down. I threw the covers over my face letting out a groan.

"Ok. Now can you explain what happened? What did the doctor tell you?", Gina laid down next to me.

"Well, I had just finished arguing with Melo and...", I trailed off thinking back to three nights ago.

"It hurts. My baby, Zo! There's something wrong!", I sobbed.

"Ok. I'll take her to the emergency room. You get Melo and mom and meet us there", Lonzo told Gelo. He helped me up and out to his car.

"You need to try to calm down or it'll get worse", he tried to calm me down. I nodded and tried to calm down and not think about the excruciating pain.

It felt like forever before we arrived to the emergency room.

"Hey, my sister is pregnant and she's having really bad pains", Lonzo stood at the desk. The receptionist nodded and called over a couple nurses with stretchers.


Hearing a knock at my bedroom door, I rolled my eyes. It was probably Zo getting ready to yell at me about Elyana.

"Come in", I called pulling my headset back on.

"Daij, you bitch!", I yelled out as he got eliminated on Fortnite. Gelo walked in with the guys right behind him.

"Let's go. Zo just took Elyana to the hospital", Gelo said pulling me up.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the fuck? Why?", I asked feeling my heart begin to pound.

"Something's wrong with the baby", he explained as we rushed downstairs.

"Where's mom? Does she know?", I asked.

"I called. Her and pops are going to meet us there", he replied.

We piled into the car and were on our way to the hospital. I pulled out my phone calling Lonzo.

"Yo", he let out a breath.

"What's up? Is she good?", my mind raced as I waited for an answer.

"They're inside with her right now. I had to step out to answer the call", he explains.

"Ok. Just go back inside and don't leave her side until I get there", I quickly hung up wanting for him to be there with her.

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