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chapter completed: 7/3/18
chapter published: 7/3/18
chapter edited: 9/30/19


3 months pregnant

three weeks later

"Zo, Gelo!", Melo called.

"I'm finna have baby Dip finessing these lil girls", he cackled. People around us stared and I shook my head.

Right now we were at the mall, in Baby Gap. We were supposed to be buying things for baby Zoey, but the boys were acting like they had no sense.

"Now why would you yell that out? All these nosey ass people", I shook my head. I was just glad I wasn't showing and people wouldn't be able to connect the dots.

"Lmfao", Gelo laughed. I stared at him like he was dumb. Who says 'lmfao' out loud instead of actually laughing? Gelo. That's who.

"Elyana! Come look at this", Denise called. I walked over to her and immediately 'awed'. "This is so cute! With some white hair bows! I can't", I grabbed the onesie. It was yellow with white lilies.

"I was thinking about dressing her in this when we leave the hospital. Then add black leggings with white mittens", she explained throwing it over her shoulder.
"That's good. Just gotta make sure baby Dmoney is styling", I did a little shimmy. She laughed and I joined her.

I was glad I had Denise to talk to. I didn't have to worry about her telling anyone or judging me. Unlike with my other friends. I definitely couldn't tell any of them without everyone in Chino Hills knowing. LaMelo and I had agreed on not telling anyone until I was at least 4 months into my pregnancy.

As I followed Denise to another section, I felt Melo hug me from behind.



"You don't wanna buy anything?", I asked into Elyana's ear.

"Not really. It's still too early and we don't even know the gender yet", she looked up at me.

"You right, you right. Just let me know if you see something you like", I kiss her head.

I still haven't wrapped my head around being a father. I've been trying my best to comfort Elyana's hard. I stay up late in order to be able to be upset. I don't wanna be upset in front of her and make her feel bad. My dad made it clear I had to step up and push my feelings to the side for her. So that's what I'm doing.

"Ok", she laughed.

We continued to look around and I sighed softly. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. We probably have nothing to worry about. God has this happening to us for a reason.

A blessing in disguise it was indeed.

a week later: first real ultrasound

"Hello. Nice to see you again", Dr. Lee lead us into a room. "No moms today?", she asked with a smile.

"No. They're outside. We wanted to do this alone", Elyana replied with a laugh.

"That's good. Now, before we get started. You just started month three and you've seemed to gain weight pretty quickly. That has nothing to do with what you're eating, but everything to do with the baby. Seems to me you have a quick growing baby", Dr.Lee smiled. She turned to her computer then turned back to us.

"I want to see you twice a month. The next time you come in I'll check the progress of your weight gain and we'll go from there. So no need to panic. Now what you're really here for", she pulled out the stick.

I stood near Elyana while she laid back.

"Ok. Your baby is now a fetus. Which is how we refer to babies in the womb from 9 weeks until birth. This is the month where the fetus begins to grow a heart, develop a heartbeat, and it will begin to move. You won't feel it until about week 17 or 18", she explained.

Elyana turned to me and handed me her phone. We agreed on recording all important moments like these. We wanted our child to have this in their life.

"Here we go...", Dr.Lee trailed off turning the monitor on.


Soon we were done and on our way back home. Of course, Elyana got hungry and we had to stop at McDonald's.

"Can I get two large fries, two twenty piece nuggets, a large caramel frappe, and a large sprite?", I spoke while we sat in the drive-thru.

"What kind of sauce would you like with that?", the lady asked.
"Sweet and sour", I got ready to head to the next window.

"Hold this, mamas", I turned to Elyana handing her the bag of food. She grabbed it and immediately started going through it. I turned back to the window and grabbed our drinks.

"Here", I tried to hand her the drinks.
"Put them in the cup holder", she continued to go through the bag.

"There's stuff in them. Hurry up, bro there's people behind us", I sucked my teeth. She rolled her eyes and grabbed them.

"Your mom just sent me a picture of diaper boxes", she turned her phone to me. I quickly glanced at her phone to see like 6 diaper boxes.

"Did she say anything or did she just send it?", I turned my attention back to the road.
"She's typing....She said 'we got four new born sized and three premie sized boxes. We're looking for baby wipes'. Are they good", Elyana laughed.

I laughed too and shook my head. Elyana barely just reached her third month and they're already buying shit.

"I don't know why she did this. We have to pay them back", she looked over at me.
"No we don't. She bought em without us asking", I shrugged.

"LaMelo. That's your mom. We're paying her back. Now start looking for a source of income other than Lavar", she brought up.

I ignored the comment just because I knew there'd be an argument and I would lose it. Fucking annoying.


"Baby", Elyana called. I looked away from Zo and turned to her. She was sitting with Denise and Izzy.

"Look", she held up a pink pair of socks. "We should get these for the baby. In white", she smiled. I sighed nodding my head.

I still wasn't sure about this whole baby thing. Zo looked happy and so did Denise, so maybe it wasn't so bad after all. I just don't want this to affect my future in a negative way. It's already flipped Elyana's entire world upside down.

I just want this whole thing to be a dream.


WELCOME TO LAKESHOW BRON!!! I'm happy to welcome him. About the update. I won't post too much about the ultrasound appointments for the simple fact that they'll be coming into play later on.

I'll have flashbacks and since they're recording at the end of certain chapters, in italics, what goes down will be written.

congratulations; lamelo ball Where stories live. Discover now