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chapter completed: 7/26/18
chapter published: 7/26/18
chapter edited: 11/17/19


The next day, the girls and I sat in the kitchen as the chef Denise hired made breakfast.

"Are you still in pain?", Gina asked.

"Not really. It feels like a couple days after your first workout", I chuckled. They all looked at me with a bit of concern earning an eye roll out of me.

"I'm fine. If I feel like anything is actually wrong I'll let you know", I smile. They nod and soon the topic shifts to Denise.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far?", Maddie asks her.

"Definitely. I feel like I really needed this", she held her bump.

"Well, we're glad we could help. I'm so excited for her to get here", Maddie replied. We all agreed and soon were eating breakfast.


one month later

"What's up?", I watched as Melo spoke into the phone. We were currently at the house as he played Fortnite.

"Oh shit! Forreal?", he jumped up. I raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but to be nosey.

"Aight bet. We on our way, bro", he hung up. "Let's go. Denise is giving birth", he grabbed his phone and waited until I slid off the bed before walking out.

I followed behind him and soon we were making our way into the car. "This is so exciting. She must be so scared", I look over at Melo.

"Should've kept her legs closed", he shrugged and then laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Is that what you're gonna tell me?", I waited for his response.

"No. If you kept your legs closed I wouldn't have gotten my dick wet", he flinched away. He was so stupid.

"You are so annoying", I laughed rolling my eyes.

"You're showing a bit", he smiled at me.

"I am, right? Your mom doesn't think so", I raised my shirt a bit. Of course it wasn't too noticeable but I was most definitely starting to show.

"You are. Compared to how you was two months ago you are", he pulled up to the hospital parking lot.

"Oh shit. I'm finna see my niece", he started to do some type of dance. It looked like he was having a seizure to me.


"Oh my god. She's so cute. Look at that. She looks just like her ugly ass dad", I cooed staring down at Zoey.

"Shut up", Zo bucked at me. I laughed and moved out of the way so that everyone else could get a look at her.

Melo was sat in the corner on his phone so I went over to him. "Why you so quiet?", I sat on his lap.

Wrapping an arm around me he looked up. "I'm waiting for them to finish so I can get my niece to myself", he leaned his head on my shoulder. I laughed causing everyone to look over at us.

As we waited for everyone to get their turn, the camera crew walked in. I sighed turning back to Melo. I hated being on the show. The blowback was disgusting. It was either I'm eating off of Melo, I'm trying too hard, Melo doesn't look happy with me, and so much more. I tried hard to ignore it, but at some point it got really hard to do so.

"Chill. You knew what it was baby girl", he whispers.

I nod.


"You seen what's going around Twitter and Insta?", Elena asked me. We were currently shopping.

I still haven't spoken to my parents so whenever we hang it has to be when I'm on a lunch break.

"No. What?", I looked up at her.

"Melo supposedly was with this girl in his hotel room", she shrugged.

"How? I was on FaceTime with him and he was with the guys", I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. She posted it on her Snapchat. Everyone's been going back and forth about if it's real or not. Supposedly she took a screenshot of Niles' live".

"I'm not entertaining any of this. I need my stress levels to be low for my appointment today", I reply.

"Oh I forgot about that. Can I go?", she asked with big eyes.
"Obviously. You're literally the only person from my side who cares", I shrugged.

"That's not true. Mom and dad care....they're just mad. You can't blame them", she tried to reason. I followed her to the cash register.

"Yes I can. Cada vez que papi le avía pegado los cuernos a mami, ¿quien lo defendía? O cuando mami le cojia dinero escondido a papi", I rolled my eyes. (Every time dad cheated on mom, who defended him? Or whenever mom took money from dad behind his back).

"I don't know. Just know that they care. Especially dad", she stressed. I nodded and redirected the conversation.

"How are you and Dante?", I asked.

"Ew. We broke up", she shivered.

"Um, why?", I stared at her in shock. I was not informed of this.

"Because", she whined. "I really tried to overlook it but he was so disrespectful to his mom. If he's that rude to her, imagine what's in store for me", she went on a rant.

"I'm glad you're being smart about these things", I smiled at her.

"Besides he smelled a bit bad sometimes", she shrugged.

"You are something else", I laughed. She laughed along with me.


Ew. What is this? Next chapter need to be fire, right? Cause this ain't it. Anyways read down below y'all. Please answer this question.

If I were to start a YouTube channel, would y'all subscribe and watch??

If yes, what videos should I do?

Story times?
Weight loss? (Which I'm working on at the moment)
Hair tutorials (I love doing my hair and using new products 4C hair ofc😝)

What should be my name?
My name is Kendra Franchesca Dorset
Idk y'all lol

Let me know please and thank you

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