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chapter completed: 10/6/18
chapter published: 10/6/18
chapter edited:

5 months pregnant


Today I hit 5 months of pregnancy, which is also the day of our baby gender reveal. I knew nothing about what was being done aside from it being held in the backyard.

It was a small gathering with family, friends, and a couple celebrities the Ball Family happened to get invite.

"Babe, you ready?", Melo called from the bedroom. I currently stood in the closet out of breath from searching for a pair of shoes. Grabbing some random slides, I made my way out of the closet.

"I'm ready", I ran a hand through my hair and waited for him to stand. "Do I look ok?", I asked. He smirked wrapping an arm around my neck.

"You look gorgeous, mamas", he kissed my head. So far, Melo has been keeping up his end of the deal. We sat with his parents and came to the agreement that we'd move out when Melo turned 18. That way any income I'd spend on rent and other bills, we could spend on the baby. I'm willing to do it for the sake of peacefulness. Pride is something I've always had. There's just something about me, where I'm not too big on putting myself in situations where favors could be thrown back in my face.

"Hey", Denise knocked on the door. "We're waiting downstairs", she smiled. After gathering a couple things we followed behind her.

Seeing the decorations, I was left in shock. "Oh my god. Guys this is amazing!", I smile squeezing Melos hand.

"Go greet people while we make sure the food is ready", Denise pushed us forward. First we approached Melos grandparents.

After a quick conversation, we moved on and made our way to Shareef Oneal and his mom, Shaunie.

"Sup, Reef", Melo dapped him up.
"What's up, brodie?", Reef turned to him.

In the meantime, I turned to Shaunie and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you so much for coming", I smiled at her.

"I'm glad you pushed it back. We wouldn't have been it able to make it a month ago", she laughs.
"Tina and Denise set all of this up so I'm glad they pushed it back. It's so nice to see you", I smiled.

"So how's it been? Any kicking?", she reached out to rub my bump.
"Yes. All the time. The first time I could've sworn I was going to war with someone", I shook my head with a laugh. She joined in on the laughter.

"Excuse me", I hear from behind me. Melo placed a hand on my back. "They looking for you", he whispers into my ear.

"Ok. Sorry, host duties call", I smile at her. She nods and we both walk in different directions. "Who's looking for me?", I ask.

"Dr.Lee. I ain't know you invited her", he pulled out his phone.

"I mean her and Denise are the only ones who know what we're having", I state giving him a 'duh' face.

"Oh", he scrolled through his Instagram feed.

"Im going to change my shoes after we're done talking to her", I look down at my shoes. I tried to wear the pair of heels Gina got me but my feet couldn't handle it.

congratulations; lamelo ball Where stories live. Discover now