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I was in the middle of running from all the water balloons being thrown at me when Lavar called me over.

"Yes?", I asked him.

"Go get your girl", he stares at me. Everyone else stops what they're doing to be nosey. To avoid anyone being in my business, I make my way upstairs without arguing.

As I make it upstairs I see Elyana laying in bed watching Klay Thompson highlights. (Yes I do this. Bite me).

"Why you not watching my highlights?", I joked laying down next to her. Seeing as I was still wet she quickly moved away from me.

"Because I'm watching Klays", she rolls her eyes.

"Yo, don't start. You been bugging out for a minute now and I'm about to get mad", I sit up.

"Ok", she looks over at me. I stare at her until she sighs. "Fine, I'll stop bugging out", she says.

"You can go now. I wanna be alone and your presence is bothering me", she smiled sarcastically.

"Ok. I was busy anyway", I shrug walking out. I wasn't going to beg her to stop acting like a bitch.

Lately it's been 'You're not even showing any effort' or 'you need to grow up' or 'go ask that bitch you were DMing to go to your game'. I was honestly over it. At this point I could care less if she's pregnant, if she's gonna keep bitching we don't have to be together.



I watched as the door shut and rolled my eyes. He really was asking for me to just say fuck it and leave his ass.

After an hour or so, he and the guys showed up in his room waking me out of my nap. I sat up and grabbed my phone seeing a few texts from my coworker.

Hey, Lexi wants to know if you can cover her shift for her?

Please do. If Shane's weird ass covers for her I'm gonna kms

Omg. Please reply because she just asked and he said if you can't cover he'll do it.

Don't let him cover. He's always calling me his husband.

I laughed shaking my head.

LMAOO I can't deal with you right now. It is not that serious but yes I'll cover for her. Her shift is in an hour, right?

Finally! It is that serious! Y'all just be egging him on, though. But aight I'll let her know.

"Who you texting, sister?", Lonzo asked. I looked up. "Mind yours", I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Melo pass me my robe, please" I asked since he was the closest to it.

"For what? Just get up, bro", he continued to look at his phone.
"Because I don't have appropriate clothing on to be in front of your friends. I personally don't mind", I shrugged about to remove the covers.

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