Just one night

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           Its already midnight. I didn't get sleep so i went to the balcony to get some fresh air, there i saw aomething i should not. I saw some group of men in their black and white suits surrounding a man who is injured a lot. I thought they would help but instead of that they started beating him. And suddenly a car came there which is a black BMW car.

From the car a man maybe 20 years old came out with a white suit with coolers

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From the car a man maybe 20 years old came out with a white suit with coolers. He stood before the injured man raused his face using his leg and said something and went. Once he turned around the men took their guns fron their pockets and started shooting him. They had silencers in their guns i think since ni sound came . But i am so shocked to see that a man got killed like that in the road at midnight just like that. Then suddenly try to get inside the room but i saw the black car is coming towards the hotel side where i am staying and the man came out of his car and looked at me standing in the balcony. I am really afraid that i can't even talk a single word or shout but i just stood there without moving. Both our eyes caught. He juat smirked and I  went inside my room and slept near my sister. Actually i can't even get  sleep after watching what happened there. I want to tell about the last night to my parents but i know they will definitely get scared and get to the police whuch is really will become a big issue. So i didn't tell anything.

              The next morning we went to a walk and bought some things. While i went to buy some flowers

i heared my dad pulled me out of the shop and the flower in my hand fell down nd we went to the crowd

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i heared my dad pulled me out of the shop and the flower in my hand fell down nd we went to the crowd. I dont know why but then i heared some noise. And 5 cars came there and a man was tied at the end of the last car and was pulled over the road. He is full of injuries and with blood spilling all over the body.

            Then the same BMW car from last night came there. My body filled with fear and started sweating. Then the same person came out of the car. I saw the same black eyes looking over the man with injuries. I thought this time also he is going to kill the person like yesterday. But i also thought he will not do since its a public place, but i am wrong within few seconds he took the gun and killed the person in the middle of the road. I was frozen there and all people over there were froze. But he is still there as nothing happened.

              Then i was shocked when he went near the flower shop and took the flower which i put down while coming out if it and then he came near to me. My dad hide me behind him but the ruthless man didn' t matter it and showed the flower to me  and said " Its urs." I stood there without saying a word but he showed the flower in front of me and smirked still standing there. My dad pulled me out of the place and we went to the hotel as fast as we can and checked out the room and we started our journey to our town.

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