Engaged to the Mafia king

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Madhu's p.o.v:

"Bring the rings please" said Zameer. What engagement? How will it happen? I don't know anything about it? He said tomorrow my parents are coming what would they think about me? What if they refuse to accept me in our family?

I tried to move back but two arms holds me from moving. I saw him and he said " Relax love. Don t worry it will be over soon." I said " Engagement? Why you didn't tell me? You didn't ask for my acceptance. How could you do this to me? I will not accept this. Let me go to my parents."

Tears started falling from my eyes. He wiped it and said " Of course I didn't ask your permission because you have to do it. Even not for me or you , you have to do it for your family. You don't have any choice too. Now be a good girl and let's finish this soon."
With that he took the ring and showed signal to me to give my hand.

         I hide my hands behind my back and looked down

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I hide my hands behind my back and looked down. But he took my hand from my back with force and opened My hands. It's so painful when he did that. Just now he said he Don t want to see me in tears but he is the one who makes me crying.

He wore the ring to me and when I see that it feels like someone put a hand cuff in my hands. Then he asked me to put the ring . I stood there with out doing anything. He came to my ears and said " Still your family is travelling in flight. Do you want them to be crashed in the mountain? If you don't want that to happen then put the ring in my hand. Otherwise be ready to face your family corpses."

With that my blood froze. They didn't do anything wrong except giving birth to me. I don't want them to die for me. Whatever my date is let it be. I don't want their life to be in danger. Then I took a deep breath and tears started flowing from my eyes. I took the ring and put it in his finger.

A loud applause filled the hall and everyone shouted in joy. I am the only one who is in pain there. Then the guests came and introduced themselves. They are all wished us and went. Then we sat in the dinner table. The dinner was served.

     Zameer stood up and took the glass and said " To my buddy and his fiance" with that everybody said that aloud and raised their glasses

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Zameer stood up and took the glass and said " To my buddy and his fiance" with that everybody said that aloud and raised their glasses. And a man of his 30s stood and said " To our king and queen" and everybody said that. I didn't even raise my head and everybody started to eat.

Then Aarya hold my hand and said " If you don't want to eat then I can feed you love." With that I looked at him with tearful eyes. With one blink the tear fall down and took the spoon with shaking hands and started eating eating. I can't eat more than 4 spoons then I drank water. I can't even see anything with my tearful eyes.

The dinner is over and everyone went. Aarya took my hand and we went to the room. He said " Change your dress and refresh yourselves. I know you are very tired,My lovable fiance." On hearing that my heart started to tear apart.

Then I changed my clothes and while washing my face I saw the ring in my hand. If I didn't see him that night then I won't be in this situation. This is all because of me. Now in have to face the consequences. I removed the ring and kept it in the dressing table.

I went to the bed and he went to bath. I cried a lot and what the thing is whenever I cry I will sleep as fast as I can. I dont know why. But it is from my childhood. Then suddenly I felt someone gripped my shoulders.

I opened my eyes to see Aarya with red eyes. He is looking so angry and I don't know why. He said " How dare do this Madhu?" What is he talking about. I didn't do anything.i asked him " What I did?"

He asked " What you did? How dare you remove our engagement ring from your hand. Don't you know it's very important?" I said " I am sorry while washing my face it disturbs me that's why I removed it. I will not do it again. Sorry, please leave me its hurting."

He said " Do you know how much it hurts me? If I saw your ring out of your hand one more time. I promise I will definitely do something that you can't remove your ring out of your finger ever in your life." With that he puts the ring my hand and kissed my hand. " Don't forget what I said Madhu."

Then he slept aside me and holds my wrist. I tried a lot to get out of it . But he tightened the grip and said " Don't try to avoid my touch Madhu. I always sleep like this near you. Don't ever try to avoid me." Then I didn't do anything but crying a lot. This time I didn't get any sleep and I cried for the whole night. I don't know how my life will be hereafter. Please God save me. I don't want to stay here. And praying is the only thing I can do ever.

Hi friends how is the chapter. I am so happy that the votes to my story is increasing. Thanks to everyone who vote my story. See you soon with the next update. Bye:)

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