Surprise night...

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Aarya's p.o.v.:

My love is started getting adapt to this life. She made me dinner and breakfast and she wore an adorable dress for summer. She looks fantastic in it. She asked me to teach her how to ride a car. I said yes and we both went to our car. I bought a new car last night and I wish to show her and this is the right time. It is a sports car. I love to collect cars so that I can have my wife travel with me for a long time.

It is white in colour and black borders. I like black and white very much and it matches my taste. I closed her eyes and took her near it. She opened and her mouth wide opened and said " oh my God!!! " I just laughed at her expression and she said " is this yours?" I said " No. Ours." She just hummed and I gave her the keys. She sat in the driver seat and I sat beside her.

             I said about the gear and the mirrors and asked her to start

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I said about the gear and the mirrors and asked her to start. She started and took a deep breathe. She did as I said and thank god she didn't hit anything and she learned fast. She is a good learner. We drove for about 2 hours and we are in the city now. The roads will be of traffic so I asked her to stop near a shop.

It is burger shop and I said " it is time for your treat for your successful first day of learning." She smiled and we both got out of the car. We both ordered chicken burgers and pepsi. She said " I love pepsi and coke. They are the best combination of any non-veg ever." I chuckled and our burgers came. We both took our pepsi tin and hit it with 'cheers' for her first driving day.

       She ate it so fast and started drinking  the pepsi

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She ate it so fast and started drinking the pepsi. I asked " so hungry? " she said" yes. You can't even imagine how much I can eat." I asked " Do you want another one?" She said " No. It is not good to eat a lot at night." She is so concern about her health. That's Good. We finished it and came out and I drove the car back to our beach house. She is so tired and directly went to the bed. I too slept near her wrapping my arms around her as usual.

I woke up and saw my love is not in the bed. I heard the water flowing I think she is bathing. I saw the watch it is already five. Wow I don't know how time went. We have slept for 6 hours. I decided to make some coffee for both of us. I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. I have to think for dinner too. Then I got an idea.

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