My desire

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Aarya 's p.o.v.:

This is the time I am waiting for. My Madhu is infront of me. I know she is not ready yet. But I can't wait anymore. I want to start a family with her. I want to do it not now but from the second I laid my eyes on her. I can even do it from the night I saw her by kidnapping her. But I controlled myself for her.

I know no woman will ready to give herself to anybody except her husband. That's why I married her fast. This is the moment I am waiting for. I ordered the manager to get the room ready for us. Once we finished our dinner. I took her to the room. I know she will get shock and try to escape. But before that I threw the key under the table.

I blackmailed her by showing her parents in my mobile. I don't want this moment to be ruined. I married her what else she want now. The every second she is wasting is increasing my eager to get her mine.
I grabbed her hand and went on top of her. I trailled wet kisses all over her face and neck.

She tried a lot to get away from my grip but my grip increasing only let her cry in pain. I know it's too harsh but that's the only way to control her. Then I bite her neck and kisses her. I placed my Mark in her. I went to her waist and placed kiss on her stomach. Suddenly she stopped to fight and I thought she accepted so I raised my head to see her.

But her eyes closed and her head fall on the right side. Damn she went dizzy. Her mind becomes blank. I tried to wake her but she didn't. God what have I done? I just want to show her my love but my eager made the situation wrong. Then I put the bedsheet over her and got up from the bed.

I went to get a drink and put some ice cubes in it. I sit on the chair watching my Madhu on my bed with my glass of wine in my hand. My eagerness to get her becomes my desire. I am sure this will make her get scared and her mind went out. I can't have her against her will.

I have to wait for her to accept me. But I don't know how much time I can wait. Its better for her to accept me as fast as she can. I have to get the wrong things about me from her mind. I have to make her believe that I will be no harm to her life. That will happen so soon. I will get her love surely no matter what.

I went to her and holds her waist and slept there. It really felt so good to be near her. Then I don't know when sleep took over me. I slept there like that.

Madhu's p.o.v:

I woke up with a heavy headache. My eyes felt very heavy to lift up and I felt a hand around my waist. When I turned to the side, my eyes widened and my breathe becomes abnormal. It is the beast that is near me. Then the last night incident came into my mind.

Whatever happened came to my vision and I checked myself. I found his handprint in my wrist. It became red in that place and a bite in my neck. I cuddled up in the bed and started crying. Why my life is to be like this? What have I done to get this life? It's better to die instead of living with this beast.

Then I heard a voice " Good morning, wife" he said. I didn't stop crying. I said " Are you happy now? You got what you want , Right? Now please let me go to my family." He gave a glance at me and said " I didn't do anything last night. You went blank and I slept beside you. That's it. If you think I can have you one night and leave you then it's wrong. If I want you for one night stand I can get u that night I saw you. But I want to live the rest of my life with you. That's why I married you. Don't ever think of leaving me, understood?"

I didn't say anything. He said " Now go to bath or you wanna join me for bath?" I just got down from bed and ran to the bathroom. I got on my knees and started crying. He said " Are you going to cry all day. Just leave it and get ready within an hour. We are going out." I stood up and looked at me at the mirror. There are some marks in my neck.

My wrist is little oaining because of his grip last night. I took bath and put cream all over my face and neck to hide the marks. Then I put a dupatta around my neck to hide the bite Mark.
I came out and saw him waiting for me in the corridor.

On seeing me he came closer but I turned to get my phone. He pulled me towards by pulling my waist. I am shocked and he said " Don't hide my marks over you. It reminds me that you are mine and shoas the world whom you belongs to." And with one swipe he took the dupatta and put it in the floor. A tear fell from my eye and he went to the bathroom to bath.
I stood there closing my eyes and sobbing.

I really want to get out of here. I want to got to my family. Suddenly I heard my phone vibrates. There is a message arrived for me. It's from an unknown number. I opened it to see and my eyes widened in shock to see the message ' do you want to escape from Aarya ?'

Hi guys. So here is my next update. I think here after it will be little interesting. Hope you like it after that. Let me know it in the comment to make me go further. So that I can get an idea from your comments. See you. Bye:)

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