Be ready to be mine...

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Aarya's p.o.v.:

I can't believe it my Madhu said yes. I know she can do anything to save her loved ones. But I can't believe she accepted this fast.

My happiness is beyond compare. Hereafter she will be with me forever and we are going to live together.

There will be someone who are said to be my family. Whenever I reach home from work there will be someone waiting for me.

I will hold her hands forever and we will be one forever. My heart flies and I want to shout with happiness.

I know she is not willing to marry me and she is not loving me. But I promise I will make her love me back.

I will show her how much I love her. I will do anything to make her love me doesn't matter whether it matters my life. I will make her love me back. We will make love endlessly forever.

Then I came out from my thoughts and saw her. She is crying In front of me with her head down bitting her lips to control crying and hold her hands together.

I wanted to say Don t worry Madhu I will be there for you forever. But I can't because she is angry with me. I hope time will change it.

I stood up from my place and said " Be ready to be mine soon". With that she opened her eyes and looked at me with shock. I just love to see her expression every time.

Then i went to the door but she stopped me by saying " I agreed to marry you right? Please leave them now" i said " Let's discuss that after our wedding" I smirked and came out.

She stood there with shock and I came near the elevator and waited for her. Then she came with baby steps and I took her hand and dragged into the elevator.

Then i gripped her waist slightly and her shoulder was in contact with my chest. I wanted to stay like this for some time but we reached the floor soon. The elevator door opens and we went into our room.

I suddenly closed the door and with my force the sound of the door closing is bigger with which Madhu turned to my sight with fear in her eyes.

I quickly hugged her from front and tightened the hug. In my giant figure her petite figure fits perfectly and I can feel Madhu is in lack of air to breathe.

Then I loosened the hug and said " I can't believe you agreed for the wedding. I promise you I will love you with all my heart and soul and never hurt you ever after. We can live our life together happily.

Hereafter only you and me and there will be no one else between us. And about your family Don t worry I will give them food and medicines and I will leave them the next second once our wedding is over."

She didn't do anything but stood there like that. I know she needs sometime to adapt to these. Then I released her from my hug and wiped her tears and said " I am going to take bath. Then we will select the things for our wedding together" with that I went to take bath.

I sat in the tub and thought about our life. Yes us hereafter it will be us ever. No one can separate us forever. Then I came out of the tub and I called Zameer to tell this happy news.

He too became happy and we both laughed with our whole heart and he said I am laughing after so many years and that's true and i am smiling after so many years and also it is because of my only light in my life Madhu.

I want to be with her with my whole life. I want to hear everyone calling her Mrs.Aarya and it will happen tomorrow. Yeah tomorrow is our wedding. I am Aarya the Mafia king I can do anything with just snap of my fingers.

I would have done it the moment I laid eyes on her but I waited because I want to give her sometime. So I waited for 3 days and I can't wait anymore. I want her to be mine now.

Then I came out of the bathroom and saw her sleeping in the
Floor with her head resting on the corner of the bed. I think she cried and slept like that. I took her and put her in the bed and her head is rested in my arms.

I positioned myself with her head in my arm and I stroke her hair and said " Just one night Madhu. Then you will be mine forever." I don't know when sleep undertook me and I slept like that with my Madhu in my arms.

Hey friends. Hope you enjoyed. Let me know this in the comment. I know I said the next update will be long but I am sorry I have to separate it into two parts. Hope you don't mind and I will give you the next update little big. Bye:)

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