Best breakfast

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Aarya 's p.o.v:

I rushed out of the office and went near my car. I asked my driver to get out and i drive myself. After 30 minutes i went home and i just ran to my room. I feel like someone stabbing my heart while seeing her.

My angel was lying on bed unconsciously with a drip in her hand and a bandage. I went near her and the doctor said " Sir she is out of danger its just an allergic reaction she ate strawberries i think its allergic to her. We found it near her and fortunately she didn't cut her wrist and only her forearm is cut and is also superficial.

She lost blood through vomitting so we put her drip. She will gain conscious within few hours. So don't worry. Make sure she doesn't eat anything that is allergic to her. I will take my leave. Thank you sir".

With that he went out of the room. I went near her and sat beside her holding her hands. I can't see her like this. I thought that why she is getting away from him. Am i that cruel. Why can't she understand that she is my life. I felt ashamed of myseld that i am responsiblr for her condition today.

Then i woke up with sunrays shining my face. I don't know when i fell to sleep. Then i saw my love she is still sleeping and her drip is closed. I think the nurse removed it. My love's face is really so calm while sleeping.

I went to bathroom to refresh myself. Then i took a bath and came out with a white t-shirt and black track pants. I saw my angel is sleeping. I know she doesn't ate anything and me too.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to get my love something to eat. I made some pancakes and mango juice for her. I went to room and sat beside her and placed the tray inthe near table. I stroke her hair and said " Morning shine sweetheart. Slowly open your eyes".

She turned to my side and put her hands around my hips. I hugged her back and i want to be like that forever. Then she murmured something " Daddy please 5 minutes".
She thought that its her dad who is waking her.

I just felt guiltly that time i separated a beloved father from her.
I saidb" Wake up love. Your breakfast is ready". She just lifted her head and saw me. Its just like a cat is rising its head from lying position.

I felt her hands shivering and her eyes widened in shock to realise that i am not her daddy. Then she just jerked her hand from me and went to cuddle up in the corner of the bed.

I felt fear in her eyes. She was shivering said " Please leave me. I want to go to my parents." She started crying and i on't know what to say. I simply went near her and stroke her hair.

She feared and saw me. I said " Get ready i will take you to your parents." I said and i came out of the room. I don't know why i said that but how am i going to do that.

Her family is in India and we are in Italy. Then i asked the maid to prepare some breakfast for her. She came downsatirs with a long top and pants.

It is really looking funny to see her. But she tried a lot to cover her whole body. She is standing in the middle of the hall. I asked her to sit in the dining table.

She sat in the corner chair and i sat near her. The maid brought us some pancakes. I started eating my breakfast but she didn't. I asked her" What happened ?" She said " This is the first time i am having pancakes and i don't know how to eat it."

I am just shocked how a person doesn't know to eat pancakes. Then i remebered she is indian and asked her " In India, you won' t eat pancakes ?" She just nodded in negative.

Then i took her plate and poured some syrup in it. And cut a bite and showed it near her mouth. She went back and said " I can eat it. Just i need some help in cutting it into pieces."

Then i just smiled and cut her pancakes into small pieces and place the plate in front of her. She put her first bite in her mouth. And she closed her eyes and felt the taste.

Her cuteness is just overloaded and i watch her without blinking my eyes. While chewing she just smiled and its just an amazing like a rose is blooming.

I asked her " How is it? Do you like it?" She said " Its amazing". I am so happy to hear that. She ate only 2 pancakes. I asked her why she said her stomach is full for her. She drank her juice and above her lips the trace of juice is there.

She just licked it with her tongue. On seeing that i just took a gulp down my throat. I bite my bottom lips. I felt an urge to kiss those pink lips. But i controlled myself by holding the juice glass. It can be broken from my grip.

Then i loosened the grip and she stand and went to the sink to wash her plate. I said " No need. The maid can do it. Now come with me." She just nodded and gave a smile to the maid.

She said "Thank u" to the maid. I just thought that the maid done many works and i still haven't glare at her once not even once in my life. But Madhu just saw her yesterday and thanked her for this little thing.

I felt ashamed of myself that i am not good with anyone. Then how can someone love me. Then we went to the car. I opened the door for her. She sat in the front seat. I went to the driver seat and started my car.

Thanks for the vote guys. I am so happy for the votes. Thank u:)

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