I lost my hope

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Madhu's p.o.v.:

The sun rays fall in my face and I wake up and found a hand around my waist. I turned and see the beast who is sleeping peacefully and makes my peace disturbed. I tried to remove his hand but he said " Sleep some more time Madhu."

I said " I need to go to restroom" then he said " Mmm okay!" He took his arm and I immediately run into the restroom.

      I sat in the tub and cried a lot

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I sat in the tub and cried a lot. I don't know why its all happening to me. I want to get out of here. I want to hug my daddy and sleep on his lap. I want to see my sister and I promise that I will never fight with her. Please God take me to my home. I can't live here.

Then I came out of the tub and dried my hair. Then my eyes fell on the ring I kept in the table and the last night memories haunted me. I took the ring and wore it. It's like someone cutting my finger.

   I wore a dress which is dark green and it's the decent dress and also my parents and my sister are coming today

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I wore a dress which is dark green and it's the decent dress and also my parents and my sister are coming today. I put some little makeup so that they should not know I cried a lot. There is redness in my hand that he made last night by him by gripping my arms.

I came out of the wardrobe and saw no one in the room. Then I wore a shoe which is also heels. But that is the one with short heels. Then I went to the corridor and there is a coffee on the table. There is a sticky note in it written 'Drink me' and a plate closed written as ' Eat me'.

There is three bread toast and omlete. It reminds me of the movie ' Alice in wonderland'.

  I didn't do anything and suddenly my phone vibrates

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I didn't do anything and suddenly my phone vibrates. It shows a message and it makes my eyes wide in shock. It reads ' If you don't eat it then your family will not get anything to eat'
How did he know that I didn't eat anything. Then another message came.' Don t think much I know what are you doing every time. I have my sources too.'

Then I took the coffee and drank it with tears falling my eyes. I ate everything and wiped my tears off. My Family should not know that I suffer mentally. The door knob rotated and he came in. I stood from my seat and looked at him.

    He said " come" and I went with him because I don't have any other choice and I want to meet my family

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He said " come" and I went with him because I don't have any other choice and I want to meet my family. We sat in the car and we went to the airport. There a plane was waiting for us. And I got down from the car and he didn't.

Then the plane door opens and two men came out first and my family came with hands, eyes and mouth tied. I saw them they were looking so tired and they couldn't walk itself. That's it at that time I have lost everything. Is this because they brought me to this world. Is that what they should get for getting me as their daughter.

I can't say anything as my throat went dry and my blood froze and tears started falling from my eyes. They were dragged to the middle of the road. I saw my dad's injured arm it's because of me only. All this happened because of me only. If I didn't see the murder at that night it will not happen.

They couldn't stand itself as I think they weren't had their food for days. I fell down on my knees and closed my face with hands and started crying bitterly. I cried loudly so that the whole island can here. But I closed my mouth since my parents should not hear it.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the one who did all this, who turned my life hell, who made my nightmare true. Then I stood up and my eyes were red and angry. I took his shirt's collar and shook him and asked " What have I ever done to you? Why are you doing this? For torturing me like this why can't you just kill Me? Is this because I saw the murder that night. If it's because of that then please take my eyes. If it will not satisfy you take my life also kill me. But please leave them they meant everything to me. They are my life and everything. Please leave them. I beg you please...."

With that I cried continuously and put my hands down. Then the men took my parents somewhere and I tried to go near them and the beast hold my hands and didn't leave me. I shouted " Stop. Where are you taking them? Leave them please."

Then the beast came to my ears and said " Relax love they are taking them to our hotel and we are going to talk there." He dragged me to the car and we reached the hotel.

We went inside the elevator and he pressed another symbol and we reached a floor which is really dark and there are so many rooms. We stood in front of a room and a man opened it with the keys. We entered inside and the thing what I saw inside made a fearful shiver pass through my spine. I didn't even breathe and didn't blink my eyes. That is the worst thing I have ever seen which I feared the most not to see that in my life....
Why god what Sin i did in my last life that I have to face this much trouble in my life...

Hi guys...
Sry for the late Update update I got some work with my studies. And Don t worry hereafter I will update daily. And really i am impressed with the comments. Thanks to all who are all reading this. I heated lot of comments that it's a nice story. I am so happy to hear it. Definitely I will do my best to make this story good for you:)

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