She is gone...

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Aarya's p.o.v:

I reached London and it's already late night. So I don't want to call my love since she will be sleeping now. I went to my room which is booked in a luxurious hotel. I took a bath and got a glass of wine in my hand. I sat on the chair and took my phone. I saw my love's face in my wallpaper. Her face really eases my anger.

I took a sip by seeing her and I thought about her face while sleeping. She is so soft while sleeping. Her face becomes cute like a kid. I finished my glass and went to sleep thinking of my love. Tomorrow I have a big meeting I have to get ready for that. My phone rang and I woke up and see the time is 6am.

I got up and went to take a bath. I got ready and ate my breakfast. The meeting is at 8am. I called my love. But she is not picking the phone. So I opened my phone and called the maid she said that Madhu didn't wake up yet. I just smiled and I know she won't be getting sleep without me. So only she is sleeping now. So I just cut the call and went to the meeting.

The meeting starts sharply at 8 am. There were many mafia kings. We all put our demand and they are accepted with the others demand. We all signed the agreement and settled the deal. It is about some goods that should be imported and exported like guns, weapons, etc. We will get what we want from the other country and we will send what they want from our country.

Then at 1pm the meeting is finished. I went to my room and took my phone and called my love. She didn't pick now also. I called my maid and she said that Madhu is not in the bed. I said her to check the bathroom. She said Madhu is not there too. I don't think it is right. Something wrong is happening. I placed a tracker in her ring in order to find her if she is missing.

I tracked it but it shows my mansion sight. I quickly asked my men to search the mansion for my Madhu. I went to the airport to get back to Italy. It is just 2hrs and 40 minutes travel but it looks like 2years travel for me. Each and every second my tension is getting more.

What happened? I am a stupid to leave her alone. If someating happens to her I can't live without her? Whoever try to harm her will be facing a bell in their life. I will definitely show them hell. Later I reached my mansion and all te bodyguards and maids were standing there with looking down.

I shouted " what is happening here? What are you all doing here? Where is my wife? I gave you one job and you can't do it properly. I will give you 24 hours time. Go and find her otherwise I will show no mercy to you or your family". I went to my room and broke everything in my room. I went to the dressing table and broke it and pushed it down.

When it fell down the drawer opened and something fell down. I went to see it and my body stood froze. It is our wedding ring and engagement ring. She removed it.... No she can't do it.... she will not leave me... I love her... she will not betray me... My body started shivering and fell down on my knees.

She don't know this town she can't get out of here. I quickly got up and asked my men to check all the survillence camera in my house. I checked all it shows only one thing that my love are breakfast the next morning and went out. I asked my men where she went. He said that she went to super market and got some stuff for her.

I asked him what kind of stuff. He said makeup stuff, choclates, like that. I asked him whether she was dad or anything. He said that she is like normal. I saw all other cameras. There is nowhere my Madhu is found. After shopping she didn't come out of the room. I went to my room and checked the stuff she bought. He is right. There were choclate, makeup,etc.

I don't know what to do. Did she went by herself or someone kidnapped her. No one dare to do that since they know how bad I am. Is they dare to touch my wife I will not spare them. I asked all my men to search her all over the city. I don't know how it is happened. I have to find it soon and I will.

I called my men who I am assigned to check over Madhu's family. I asked them whether she is there or not. They said she is not there. I got a call and suddenly I went to the camera room. I saw it and I cant believe Whats happening. There was a girl coming out of my room. She has a bag and she covered her face and her hair is blonde.

Who is She? What is she doing here? I can't see her clearly and the next thing I know is she disappea red in darkness then. I searched all other cameras but there is no sight of that girl. I don't have any idea about what happened to my Madhu.


After 2 days,

It has been 2 days since I lost my Madhu. But still I don't have any clue about her. These days I became crazy and killed many men who are all my enemy. I killed many people who are all against me and they didn't do anything to Madhu. I didn't sleep for 2 days and didn't eat anything.

I want my Madhu now. I can't do anything without her. Where are you Madhu? Please come to me. I can't live without you. Please.......

Hi friends. How is the chapter. I hope you like it. Let me know it in the comment. I known it is painful. But dont worry. It will be better later. Bye:)

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