Our home

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Madhu's p.o.v.:

I woke up and found myself on a strong chest. I raised my head to see the beast sleeping peacefully. His left hand was around my shoulder and he holds my left hand with his right hand. When I tried to get out from his grip, I heard a voice " Sleep some more, love. After all,we slept late at night only." I said " I have to go to restroom." Then he released me from his grip and ran to the rest room.

I finished my bathing and came out with a top and skirt which covers upto my ankle. He sat in the chair with his black shirt and pants looking into the phone. I went to the dressing table and did my hair do. He said " Have some coffee, love." And I went to the another chair and sat there. He poured got coffee for me and put 2 cubes of sugar as I like.

Always I will take a deep smell of my coffee before tasting it. As usual I took a deep breathe to smell the coffee. And I saw him he is just staring at me. I just blink and gulped. I asked " what?" He said " It's beautiful." I just looked at my coffee and took a sip of it. I tried a lot not to look at him but I failed. He is again staring at me. I asked him" what are you looking at?" He said " Your lips."

My eyes just widened and I asked him" why? ..." He just smirked and said " I wish I could be the coffee cup so that I can feel your lips on me." I just stare at him without blinking my eyes. He took a deep breathe and said " If you don't want me to kiss you, then you should stop staring like that. I am losing my control." With that I looked down and took my coffee and went to the balcony.

He went out of the room and i finished my coffee and looked down. The same man standing there and looking at me. I don't know why but I hate Aarya for keeping a man to look at my activities. Then he came into the room and said " Today we are leaving, Paris and going home." I smiled and asked him Are you going to allow me to go to my home?" Thank you so much. I am glad my parents will be alright and I am going back to normal life again." But my smile didn't last longer.

He said " Home means our home in Italy. Not your dad's home in India." I said " No, I cant. My dad's home is my home and I will stay there only." But I don't know this make him angry. He came closer within a second and holds my hands and gripped it stronger. He said " I said we are going to our home. That's it. You are not going anywhere. Don't think of going to India again. We are married. You have to stay with me forever. Is that cleat?"

Tears flowed in my eyes and I stood there frozen. I dofnknow what to say. Am I completely got struck with this beast. I dont want to be with him. I don't want to be involved in mafia. I want to continue my studies. I want to go to my home in India. Then we ewnt to the airport and again we travelled in his private jet. This time the travel is too quiet and I was staring at the window all the time.

We reached the destination. And We reached his mansion. He said " Reached home, love. Come On." Without full heart I got down and went inside. There are so many maids and I don't see them last time since I am locked in his room. There are so many maids and they were standing in the way to welcome us. They all greeted us. He just nodded and while we are walking they started putting rose petals all over me and him.

I don't know why they are doing like this. I hate being invited like this especially in his home. I never feel it like my home. I went to his room and changed my clothes. I am so tired of the travel and him. So I went to sleep and I felt some hands over me. Its him and I jerked from his hand and went to the corner of the bed. He again came and holds my waist more stronger which makes me to hiss in pain. I stared crying and he went to sleep. It took half an hour to sleep overtook me. I woke up with someone calling me. I opened my eyes to see the maid. She said " Mam, sir is asking you to.come down for dinner. He will be arrived soon." I thought arrived? That means he went out. Oh God, I should have used it to escape from him. Then I just nodded and came down.

The dinning table is full of many dishes. Most of them are Arab dishes. I love them. And he came inside. Everyone wished him and he didn't say anything, his bossy attitude. He came for he dinning table and said " Hey wife, sleep good?" I thought how could I sleep good with a beast beside me. I didn't say anything since I dont want to argue and just nodded in positive. Then we took the dinner. He drank his wine and asked " Do you want to go out tomorrow?" I said " Yes." He said " " Where?" I said " To my family." I saw him stopped eating and his hand gripped the spoon tightly. He said " Don't test my patience. Here after I will be your only family and don't take this topic ever again." I said " You are the who asked me where to go? And I said where I want to go. Is that wrong?"

He angrily stood from his chair shouting " Enough!". His voice echoed over the room. He came to me and gripped my hand. He dragged me to the stairs and we went to his room. He pushed me inside and said " You are going to stay in this room until you accept this is your home and I am your family." I said " Never, not even when my last breathe goes." He was very angry And even before I say another word he slapped me. I fell down on the floor and looked at him with shock and he was breathing heavily in angry. His eyes are red and he is really looking like a real beast now. He said " I think you won't understand until I make it clear for you ". I was shocked on seeing him unbuckling his belt and He rounds it around his palm. Is he going to beat me? I am scared and I closed my eyes tightly and a clasp heard and I shouted.

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