Journey to My life...

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Aarya's p.o.v.:

I took her to the mall and bought her some dresses of her taste fully covered and a watch I don't like the watch she is wearing and a phone so that I can talk to her when I am in office and text her like lovers do.

Then I drove the car to the airport. The flight is ready for us. I have my own private jet. She saw that with widened eyes and asked me " You own this?" I said "We own this."
I am so happy to say we.

Hereafter we are going to be one. All that's mine is here now even me. And all that's her is mine particularly she. I don't want her money, property all that. It will not even be 10 percent of mine.

I just want her to be mine. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I thought and got down of the car and went to her side. I opened the door age came out.

She is still looking at the jet with widened eyes. I said " Don't worry you will get used to it." She suddenly came to conscious and blushed. Her cheeks becomes red and a little shy came into her face.

I just love that. I always want to see her like this. Always happy with me. Then we entered into the plane. She just kept her hands in mouth and stood there frozen seeing the interior of the plane.

          I couldn't resist myself so I just laugh slowly without making me noticed by her

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I couldn't resist myself so I just laugh slowly without making me noticed by her. Then I sat on the sofa and made her sir near me. I ordered the air hostess to ask the pilot to take off the flight.

Then I took her hands to sit on the seats and put on my seatbelts. She too noticed that put on her seatbelts. Soon the flight take of and we were flying now. Then I released my seatbelt and stand up to go near sofa.

She asks me " Why are you getting up. It's so dangerous. Can't you see the flight is moving. Sit down." I just smiled and went near her face. It's just a small gap between our faces.

I said " So you care about me, huh?" She said " No. I am not. I don't care do whatever you want." I just grabbed her cheeks with my hand and said " That means , you are telling me that I can do anything".

I just smiled and she turned her head and said nothing. I went to the sofa and say there. I said " Madhu come and sit here. Don't worry , nothing will happen. It's safe."

She just nodded in negative. She is so concerned about safety. Then I went to her and released her seatbelts. I took her arm and dragged her towards sofa. She say in the corner and I sat near her.

I don' t want to sit away from her. I switched on the tv. I asked her " What kind of movies do you like?" She didn't reply. I said " Since you don't reply we can see po*n". She asked me " What is that?"

I asked her " What?" Not confirmed what I just heard. She asked " What movie is that po* n?" I am surprised and said " Don't tell that you don't know about po* n?" She said " Yes . I don't know about it."

She is 15 and I think she doesn't know anything about that. Then I said " Ok no worries. I will teach you that later. Now we can watch any other movies." And she didn't say anything and I put the transformers movie.

She saw it with joy. I hope she likes it. Still she is a kid so she will love Disney movies too. Then after 6 hours of travel we reached our destination.
The destination where my life is going to start with her...

Hi guys hope you enjoyed. I got so many votes for this story. A big thanks to all of them who vote me. Thank u so much. See you soon with another update. Bye:)

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