Typical wife....

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Aarya 's p.o.v.:

I woke up with the sun rays falling on my face. The window is opened and I saw my side my love is not there. I went to the balcony to see her but she is not there. I checked the bathroom ,kitchen and living room but she is not there. I came out of the house and the car is also not there. I started geting panic and went to take my phone. I called Madhu I heard the phone ringing on the kitchen table.

My heart started bearing fast I fell down on my knees I put my hands through my hair and my is started getting raised. Suddenly I heard the car sound I quickly got up and went outside. I can't believe my eyes that my love is coming with to bags of groceries. I am relieved that she didn't went away from me. She came with a smile and said "good morning" and kept the bag on the kitchen table.

 She came with a smile and said "good morning" and kept the bag on the kitchen table

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I suddenly went to her and hugged her. He stood frozen and I said"Thank you". She said I just brought groceries why you have to tell thank you for that"? I released her from me hug and said "it's nothing". She said" ok then I will make coffee for you ,You go and refresh". I just nodded and went to the bathroom. I stood in the shower and let the cold water fall on me body. I took a deep breath and relieved that my Madhu will not do such thing to me but I understand how I will feel when she is not with me.

I can't even imagine a life without her. After taking shower for 20 minutes, I went to the kitchen . There my love is cooking eggs. I went to her and said "someone is getting good with cooking". She said"Nah... l am just trying simple recipes". Then we sat to eat our breakfast. She made egg, potato skillet. It is delicious. She is a good cook.

             We had our breakfast and I said" we leaving back to our home now"

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We had our breakfast and I said" we leaving back to our home now". And she said" why ? We can stay here for some days. It is so nice here. " I said "I am having an important meeting to attend today. So we are leaving now". She said" Ok " and went to the room. I went to room and there she is packing all stuff. I said" no need I will ask the maid to do it we can leave now". She just nodded and we went to our car and I drove the car to our mansion.

We reached our mansion and went to our room. I started getting ready to go to my office and my love started watching tv. I got ready I wore a suit and my shoes and turned to my love.

She saw me and amazed and said "Wow

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She saw me and amazed and said "Wow..." I just chuckled and said" i am leaving to office. Bye". I kissed her forehead smiled and went to the office.

After attending the meeting in the afternoon, I saw my mobile there are 3 missed calls from my love. I smiled and called her. She picked her phone and said "Hi ". I said " what's up , Mrs. Aarya ? Missing me ?". She said " not really but I want to bring lunch to you to your office". I am just surprised and said" is this really true? Am I having a dream?" She said "shut up do you want or not?" I said " Ok my love you can" . She got excited and said "ok bye see you there ,Mr.Aarya".

I sat on my chair and smiled. I looked her photo in my table and chuckled. I can't believe that this is happening. My Madhu is adapting and becoming a typical wife.

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