Fresh Meat

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Chapter 2

Desert. Miles and miles of desert. There was only a single road going straight through the middle of the hot intense nothingness. A never-ending golden brown blur was all I could see out of the dirty smudged bus window. The leather seats were being heated from the bright sun and were starting to stick to my uncovered legs. Thank god I wore shorts. There were two other people on the bus, a grumbling guard and a fat sweaty bus driver. I tried to smile at him but he just grunted and I’m pretty sure he was glaring at me, though I couldn’t see his eyes since they were behind a thick pair of sunglasses. The bus ride wasn't all that bad. Even though my hands were in handcuffs and attached to the seat in front of me and starting to rub. Thin red lines appeared when I checked under the silver rings. My thoughts were the only thing driving me completely and utterly insane! Why in the heck did they send me to an all boy's camp? That I would never know. I found out that Camp Green Lake was all boys when I saw one of the big mouthed guards staring at me and saying,

“This ain’t a fella? Why is she going to a fella camp?” Then this other guard mumbled something in his ear and then he glared at me. “I see…well on board you go.” I shook my head and laughed, I seriously doubt what I did was that bad…my mother probably had something to do with it. I went back to thinking about this mysterious boy’s camp. Would any of them be a homicidal maniac or possibly a rapist? I highly doubted it but still shuddered. Are there any other girls there? That answer was completely obvious to me but I tried to believe it was possible. No, no there isn't my conscious kept ringing in my brain. This was so unrealistic. Maybe I should pretend to be a guy… then it might not be as awkward. I had lots of guy looking clothes but I didn’t bring any with me, so that idea is out. I glanced out the window, squinting as the glare of the sun hit my eyes. Something surprised me; there were big holes in the sand. As if God took his giant hole puncher and decided to attack this barren place with it. I pressed my face up against the window to see farther ahead, really not caring about the scorching glass. A small looking village was right ahead, except the houses were more like tents, each a worn out faded green. They were tents; there were only a few crooked wooden old buildings. Around the buildings were people dressed in orange, and a few cowboys with guns. Not one girl in sight. Oh hell…. When the bus stopped, I heard the calls of;

"Fresh meat!" My first thought to that was a dripping wet sarcastic one hanging in a butchery.

 "This is going to be fun." I muttered to myself. The guard grumbled over towards me, took out a key from his pocket and undid my handcuffs. I rubbed the red circles as I smiled thankfully at the guard. Obviously the guard hated me because I still got no sign of happiness in any way. All I got was a light pull out of my seat and a gruff;

“Move along.” As I shuffled along the aisle the guard got off the bus and went into one of the shacks. The bus driver was staring out into space… well, more like bare sand. There was a small group of boys standing outside the bus looking up at me. One was wearing smeared glasses and was African-American, the same as the one next to him who was a bit chubbier and obviously had better eye site, though he was squinting through the rays of sunlight. Next to the round one was a pale boy with electrified blonde hair flying in every direction out of his head and a tall Latino. Leaning on a shovel was a cute tanned boy with a white cloth wrapped round his head and a baseball cap that sat nicely on top. His hazel eyes stared right into mine as he chewed on a toothpick. Behind him were a slightly chubby curly haired boy and a short dark skinned guy who had an awesome afro. They all had long dirty shovels (that was not an euphemism). Perfect. I kept what I was hiding under my seat the whole time; the survival kit (aka my Nike bag). I took my backpack off from the seat next to me and slung it on my back. This was my decoy for whatever they probably confiscated. I carefully walked down the steps to the desert sand trying not to attract attention to myself, or the Nike bag. I wasn’t that successful. That’s when I heard shocked cries of:

"Oh my god, it's a girl!" But, they were immediately replaced by wolf whistles and hoots. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the group of boys. I walked straight up to the glasses kid and looked right up at him.

“Dude, do you think you and your, um, friends could possibly sneak this into your, err, tent?” I tried to sound as calm and confident as possible whilst shoving my bag towards them. I’m pretty sure I was screaming inside.

“How do you know we won’t go looking through your stuff, chica?” The Latino sniggered and smiled down at me. Glasses guy and Chubby nodded and elbowed each other. How Immature… I rolled my eyes.

“Because,” I pulled the collar of the Latino’s shirt down towards my face and stared right at him and snarled, “-because I know exactly where everything is placed inside that bag, and if I find out that anything has been touched or moved or taken, I swear I will make all of your next eight months hell!”  I loosened my grip. These were juvenile delinquents, just screaming pervert! Maybe I could reason… Oh, what do I say, what do I say! I panicked to myself but then the words spluttered out of my mouth.“But if nothing has been touched, I’ll give you, I’ll give all of you, what’s inside?” 

“What’s inside it?” Electric boy questioned, he looked terrified of me, even though I was just up to his chin. His clear blue eyes flicked from the bag to me several times. He froze in place as his eyes met mine. I let go of Latino, stepped back and looked at all of them.

“How much would each of you boys like your own pack of chips?” I asked. They looked from me, to the bag, and back to me again. Their eyes were wild and they licked their chapped lips. The guy with the toothpick smiled at me. I blushed, but pretended not to notice and nodded, “Thought so,” I looked left then right, “You boys have your task, and I’ve told you your, um, reward. Now which way did that dumb ass cop go?”  I turned around and grimaced to myself. At least I’ve survived this long.

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