Chapter 36
I just wanted to write to you to say you are so very stupid for doing what you did. You're step father and I had to buy a new car to replace the one you totaled, and we also had to pay expenses for the pole you ruined. How I got stuck with devil spawn like you is beyond me! I hope you enjoy the scars we gave you. I just wanted to let you know I am shipping you off to live with your grandmother in Missouri City. Your stuff is there waiting for you. I hate you and wish you were never born. You are a disgrace, Kathlyn Rosa Barlow. You are the reason your real father left. That attitude you have is terrible, Kate had the same and sometimes I’m so glad she’s dead! Have fun living in that camp. I hope you have no friends, and are having a miserable time. I don't send my love, and I send grace to your grandmother who has to deal with you.
Your Disgraced Mother
There were tears in my eyes. I was so happy to be sent to live with my grandmother. But my mother. My own mother. Hated me… Squid pulled me tight and rocked me. All of a sudden anger swept over me. I turned over the paper, and composed a reply to my mother scribbling on the paper resting on my knee.
Hey Mom,
Or should I even call you Mom anymore? I don’t really give a shit about your stupid remarks because guess what? Hate you too! I'm ecstatic you and step-daddy had to use some of your booze money to do something good for others! And I'm not a bad kid. Devil spawn isn't a bad kid. And thank you for sending me off to my grandmothers. It's much better than staying in that rotting hell crack apartment with you and that drunk. And you're disgraced? Of me? I wouldn't be as disgraced with me as you should be with yourself. I mean look at you! Drug taker, alcohol obsessed, and couldn't even raise a kid! One’s dead (thank god she’s in a better place, I bet she’s looking down on you and thinking ‘How could I call you my mother?’) and the other is in a juvenile delinquent camp (by the way, I’m having the time of my life!) Oh, and it's not "Kathlyn" anymore. The name’s Kat. It’s always been Kat.
You're amazing daughter,
Kat J
The smiley face would defiantly piss her right off the edge.
"You alright?" Squid asked. I laughed, and he looked extremely confused.
"Yeah, Squid. I'm better than I've been in the longest time." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me.
"I stand corrected. Now I am better than I have been in the longest time." He laughed and smiled, and we kissed again.
“So what did it actually say?” Zigzag said politely after we were off one another.
“Well basically, my mother has sent me off to live in Missouri City with my grandma with a bunch of insults thrown in.” I said. Squid pulled back and stared at me. “What?”
“No, fucking way! After this dump I’m going to live with my cousins in Missouri City! Where abouts?”
“Um, I think my grandma lives in the Estates of Silver Ridge?” Squid laughed and hugged me tight.
“Ten minutes away! I’m in Black Creek Village.” Then, Charlie stormed in.
“Okay! I’ve really had it!” She spied the envelope next to my body. She sat in between my legs and Zigzag. He pulled her into the same position me and Squid were in. Charlie sighed and lay back. “Time to read…” She ripped open the letter and read. Another deep sigh. She looked over at me. “Can I live with you? This letter is a signed agreement that I’m not going to see my family again…They’re going back to England without me…”
“Yeah of course! I’m with my grandma anyways. Time for you to get a tan! England would just get rid of the one you have.” I smiled. She gasped and grinned.
“You mean the rich grandmother!” I nodded.
“Oh, that’s why you’re livin’ in the Estates! I was wondering, no offense, how you could afford it…Lucky!” Squid said tracing circles on my thigh.
“You can come over any day, we’ll have tons of fun.” I hinted and leaned up to kiss him. I heard Zigzag sigh. I gave him a puzzled look; he kept staring at the T.V. “What’s up Zig?” He mumbled something. “What?”
“I’m in Austin!” He practically yelped. “At least three hours away!” His eyes flickered to everyone in the room.
“I’m going to learn to drive then, we’ll be together all the time…I promise.” Charlie said to him. He smiled. She looked up and kissed him. I barfed in my mouth. That was probably the first time she kissed a guy in front of other people. Cute! I smirked. Aw, well…she’s happy. I gazed up at Squid. His hazel eyes cheerfully looked down at me. I’m happy.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...