...Ten Years Later...
"Ricky! Charlie!" My daughter thumped down the stairs, and charged at my friends with such vigor that I had no doubt she'd knock them over. My daughter, Kristen, was born a year after Alan and I got married. It was really a nice wedding. Nana had offered to pay for the whole thing that we were grateful for since we were only twenty and twenty one and just starting businesses. I fell in love with my dress, which was a sleek and modern strapless one than flowed to the floor and shimmered in the light every time I took a step. Apparently Alan liked what was underneath it better, if you get what I'm saying. I didn’t wear a veil over my face, but a mid-length one that was held up by a small jeweled clip was just reaching the back of my head where I wore my hair down. I can remember walking down the isle arm in arm with Charlie, who I’d asked to give me away since I had no idea where my real father was and I didn’t invite my mother. She was also maid of honor wearing a baby blue knee high dress. Of course Tara, Mackenzie, and Phoenix were there standing side by side at the end of the isle next to the outdoor canopy; inside that was Alan beaming more than usual and this old priest guy. What made me laugh was seeing my old D-Tent friends in suits standing quietly and patiently. Then…I became Mrs. Smith. I honestly never thought I was ever going to get married. Now I have a kid! Well, three in total. Kristen has my wavy dark hair and deep green eyes. The twins look like their father. Charlie and Ricky had gotten a bit... reckless, and a year before Kristen was born, they had a son named Matthew. He was the spitting image of his father, with his mother's pale skin. After their second son, Ricky finally proposed to Charlie giving her this beautiful triple diamond ring. They had both been very successful in their lives. Ricky studied hard and become NASA’s CEO, ironically he had gotten over his fear of aliens and even wrote some sci-fi. Charlie went back to England, taking Ricky with her to Oxford University where they got accepted. She studied security technology, which she got a PHD for and then started a thriving locks and alarms business that went worldwide. They had a country house with a farm in the fields of Yorkshire in England and they bought the house next door to ours for summer time.
We were still living in the same big estate. Sadly Nana died a few years before, she was very much missed. She put everything she owned to myself and Charlie in her will, which my mother didn’t like very much. I can remember her coming into the house in the middle of the night and shouting at me in front of my daughter. Litttle Kristen burst into tears, and then Alan ran into the room as soon as my mother slapped me across the face. He demanded her to get out of the house. That was the last time I ever saw her. At least she wasn’t in my daughter’s life so far. That’s basically what has happened.
The very shy Matthew peeked out from behind his father’s legs. Noticing him, my confident, hyperactive daughter charged at the boy and tackled him into a hug.
"Krissy!" He yelped trying to squirm out of her grip. That was my daughter's nickname. I loved her more than words could express. In my arms I held my son, Andrew, or 'A' as we had taken to calling him. He had just turned two with his twin, Connor.
“Mummy, Matthew is attacking a girl.” Charlie’s second son, Robert or Bob pulled on her leg. He had straight light brown hair and sapphire eyes, like his mother. Robert Roberts. I literally screamed at Charlie when i found out what he was called.
"Where's Squid- I mean Alan?" Ricky asked tearing Krissy and Matt apart.
"Nice to see you too. Alan! We’ve got company! Bring down Connor!" I yelled. My husband came racing down the stairs, jiggling 'C' , who started to giggle and swooped me into a kiss. I heard two simultaneous Ew's from the pre-scholars, and the baby in Charlie’s arms started to cry. Oh, yeah, I forgot to say that little Elena was the third child of the Roberts family.
Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...