Chapter 17
“Hold up, hold up…” Armpit said as we stopped freaking out, “This here girl was your accomplice?”
“Hell yeah! And best friend!” I replied dragging Charlie’s lean body across the tent to the spare cot next to mine. “She was the one who broke the codes and shit so we could get in.” Charlie stood beside the cot not sure on what to do.
“Oh, y-yes! I made sure that those annoying alarms didn’t go off while Kat went in to get the…erm goods.” She said in her posh British accent. I laughed. “What?” She could never get rid of it.
“Nothing, um…your sheets are underneath the bed in the cardboard boxes where you can put your bag…” I said as she pulled out the box and took out the white sheets. I helped her put them on her bed. All the while the boys just stared in silence. It was getting awkward! As we finished we sat on the edge of her bed.
“This is just like boarding school, remember! Except…there are guys…and we have to dig holes…” Charlie exclaimed. Oh god…embarrassing! I loved Charlie and all, but sometimes she said the wrong things…out loud.
“You went to boarding school together?” Zigzag asked. I noticed he was looking Charlie up and down. She blushed.
“Yeah we did, when I was in London I had to go somewhere…”
“Boarding schools are expensive! How did you get in?” They all looked amazed.
“I’m not homeless!” I laughed but that was short, realizing it could possibly offensive to some of them, “It’s my mum’s side…my grandparents are pretty wealthy…” I didn’t like talking about it. It made me feel guilty for some reason. It made me want to give more. That’s not bad is it?
“What’s it like?” asked X-Ray.
“What’s what like?” I looked at him then looked at Charlie. She was staring at Zigzag. I smirked. I will confront her later…
“You know, being rich?”
“Well I ain’t rich it’s my-” I started but they all looked at me as if I was about to tell the most interesting story in the world. So I continued, “Well, um…” I thought for a second back to when I visited my grandparent’s house, well it was more of a mansion. “There’s always food on the table I guess, lots of strange food …”
“Nana what’s this called?” I pointed at a pile of small black circles sitting on a platter next to some bread. Daddy, Mummy and Papa were all outside. I sat next to my sister who was eating her fish that Mr. Perkins cooked for her. Mr. Perkins cooked all the food on this table. Nana took a sip from a thin glass that had some sort of fizzy apple juice inside.
“That my dear is…” The name was just to annoying to pronounce.
“There are lots of things to do; you could do whatever the hell you wanted…”
“Come on Kathy lets go play on the swings!” My sister stated grabbing my hands and pulling me through a huge door. Her blonde hair flew in the air as we ran; only one strand was pinned back with a bright pink bow Daddy gave her when she turned seven last year. My short legs ran after her, through fields of grass until we reached the playground Papa had made for us. When we got there she lifted me up and sat me on the swing. I held on tight to the chains as she pushed my back so I could fly into the sky…
“That would be nice…doing whatever we wanted! Hey Mag, what would you do?” Squid asked.
“I would steal all the puppies of the world!” We all laughed except Charlie. She wasn’t there after all.The laughter quickly died down and I sat down on my bed.
“Well it’s all in the past now,” I looked at the boys, “It was a very long time ago so I don’t think I’ll ever know what it’s like again.”
Charlie looked around the place. She looked at all of it like "what the hell am I doing here?"
"So, Charlie, what'd you do to end up here?" I asked. “I mean come on! I told you to run that last time in the Mall and you did, so you couldn’t have gotten caught then…” she looked nervously to the ground, “Or did you?”
“I-I had to do one last thing, I couldn’t let them get to you!”
“Well you failed at that one! They came fifteen minutes later…”
“Yes but I switched the hot drive of the locking system of the door. So it would lock them out and you could go the back way. I thought it would help you escape?”
“I noticed you did that but the emergency exit was linked to the door! With your smarts I thought you would have noticed that and opened it but you didn’t. So I just waited by the door till the police barged through and arrested me!”
“Oh…right! Sorry for that then!” she tried to sound enthusiastic.
“Don’t worry I’m actually quite happy to be here in Camp Hell Hole.” I smiled at the guys.
“So how did you get here, if you didn’t get caught at the Mall like Ember said?” asked X-Ray. They were getting bored of listening to us babble.
"Stole more stuff then accidently permanently shut down the whole security system of a mall. I was taken to court, and sent here on account of there being no open spaces left at the girl's facility… Ember?” I shrugged my shoulders, I’ll explain later. She yawned. “What time is it?”
“We dunno you start to rely on the Sun,” stated Zigzag.
“Yes that’s right Ricky, now the sun’s gone and it’s time for bed boys and girls!” said an enthusiastic voice from outside. Mr. Pendanski strode in and looked at us. “I see that Charlotte has gotten settled! Well cheerio and nighty night!” The last thing I heard before falling asleep was Charlie muttering under her breath as she messed about with the thin sheet.
“Why do they all think we talk like that?”

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...