Chapter 34
Things were going well in Camp Green Lake. For a start it had been raining since the day Mr. Sir, Pendanski and The Warden had been kicked out. Yes, they were all in prison. They left yesterday. I was insanely happy, high-fiving all the others and laughing as the retards were shoved into two police cars. The Warden hissed at us and declared to the cops how this was all a mistake, Marion (I’m now and always going to call Mr. Sir that!) glared at us and swore ferociously under his breath. He was sentenced longer in prison because I told that main cowboy dude, called Jenkins all about what happened that night. Now Marion is going to jail for attempted murder and assault. Pendanski looked as pale as a ghost, all he did was nod his head in agreement with The Warden. Then the door slammed shut. And they were gone. Forever. I probably would never see those idiots again. As the siren wailed through the rain and disappeared into the distance, everyone went crazy. Us D-Tents ran through the rain leaping and splashing. Then we said good-bye to Stanley and Zero. To me it was just an awkward glance and a nod to Stanley whilst he got leaping hugs from everyone else. He wasn’t really the hero, but whatever. Then I pounced on Zero and ruffled his hair.
“I’ll miss yah, Zero!” I exclaimed squeezing him tightly. He laughed.
“Me too, now I think I’ll be Hector…” He smiled a genuine grin and then he got into the lawyer’s sleek Jaguar behind Stanley. The other juveniles and I waved frantically as it rolled out onto the desert. Twitch raced after it arms outstretched but was then lifted back by Squid.
“Don’t even think about it Twitch!” He exclaimed as he dropped Twitch back to the ground. The car was gone. But the party didn’t end there. I grabbed Squid by the arm and spun him around so he was facing me. His brown hair was flattening in the rain and his smile beamed through it to me. I suddenly thought of this thing that usually happens in movies. Movies like…oh yeah that one called The Notebook! But anyways I leaned in and touched his lips with mine. It then deepened and deepened. Yes, kissing in the rain, basically every girls dream…even me I have to admit. It was just so... perfect. And it was the most water I had had in months. We could've been kissing for minutes, or hours, or days and I didn’t give a shit at that moment what anybody was thinking. As we finally lost all our oxygen and pulled away we laughed and hugged at the strange sight of Charlie and Zigzag doing the same thing we were just doing. Then the rain stopped and we all were told by the cowboy police to get in our tents. We obeyed but it still didn’t really stop us from partying! I raced through the flaps and took out my iPod. I then picked my ‘Party Music: For Celebration Only’ playlist and cranked up the volume to its highest. I then jumped up onto my cot and started to sing and jump as loud as I could. At first no one did anything, they just gave me the lunatic stare but I grabbed X-Ray’s arm and pulled him up onto the cot with me. The others then followed. We basically raved; drinking and eating all my food, dancing on top of the cots, singing (but it was more like yelling) until on of the cowboys came in and really told us to tone it down, cop style. We calmed down a bit but lay on our cots rolling and dying of laughter. After it all turned to hiccups and coughs I noticed it was basically midnight outside. I rolled off my bed and onto Squid’s. He was staring at the tent ceiling smiling whilst chewing his toothpick. He then put his arm around me.
“That was fun…” He said.
“Yeah, I wish we could do that everyday! No,” I changed my wish in my head; “actually I hope that we don’t have to dig holes tomorrow.” I got agreements from the others.
"Amen to that.” Squid’s voice then dropped to a whisper. “Say, in about 30 seconds, do you want to kiss right next to Smarts?" I turned and hummed my reply. And that's what we did. He kissed me on the nose and walked over to the side of my bed nearest Charlie, who was locked on her book. It was either Zigzag or that book that she was most interested now. Well here comes a distraction! Squid and I suddenly leaped on each other and had a very passionate make-out session right next Charlie, and we heard her screaming at us to get away from her. Nah, we didn't listen. She hit my head with the book and then probably did the same to Squid since I felt his head jerk forward. When we stopped, she was storming out the tent, closely followed by Zigzag, the rest of the guys were shouting at us to get a room.
"And that's how you scare the shit outta Smarts… and all of yah!" Squid muttered smirking and pecked me again. I smiled and let go of him to get changed. I un-tied my hair and let it fall over my shoulder. It kinda grew a bit; the waves were now farther down my back. I shook them and saw Squid looking at me as he got changed. I winked and flicked it out of my face. I got changed quickly and lay on my bed. Squid took of his top; I still can’t believe how amazing his body is, even from the back! Digging sure does pay off. Charlie came back into the room and glared at me from a distance. Then Zigzag followed in afterwards. Those to were defiantly getting off somewhere I can tell.
“You seriously know how to piss me off.” She growled as she flipped onto her bed.
“Of course my dear.” I yawned. I didn’t know what time it was but no one had come in to turn off our lights. “Can we sleep now?” I asked and the light turned off. The next morning we were told the whole hole digging was over. The sleep in was great but this news literally made us all fly to the moon and back with joy. But with all good news something crappy comes along.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...