Therapy Circle Time

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Chapter 9

News spread fast and some boys high fived me and congratulated me as I walked past them. The councilors just glared, but I just smiled the fake girly smile and waved. As I dug my hole I whistled and dug really fast. This camp wasn’t going to be that bad. I finished a few minutes after Zero.

“Wow that girl digs fast!” said Armpit.

“It’s just plain and utter skills, maybe you should get some.” I winked at him as I walked off. Usually I was never this happy. The last time I was truly happy was when my dad was still with my mom. I stepped inside the tent to be greeted with a note on my bed. I picked it up and started to read.

Here is your Water Duty Rota. You got it as a punishment for what you did to my tree. Work starts on Monday.

Monday: Armpit & X-Ray

Tuesday: Magnet & Kathlyn

Wednesday: Squid & Armpit

Thursday: X-Ray & Magnet

Friday: Kathlyn & Squid

Saturday: Armpit & Magnet

Sunday: X-Ray & Kathlyn & Squid


         The Warden

Lou obviously didn’t know my new nickname yet.

“What day is it?” I swiveled around on my heels to Zero.

“Sunday.” He replied.

“How do you know?”

“It’s therapy circle day.”

“Oh, how lovely!” sarcasm in my voice. He laughed.

I decided to relax on my cot and plug into my iPod, as soon as it turned on FloRida took over my brain. I bent over and took out a chocolate bar from my box. I offered some to Zero and he took a square. One by one the boys returned. I tossed the note to Magnet.

“I see we get our time alone on Tuesday, chica.” He winked at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. What was that? Is Magnet flirting? I shrugged my shoulders and carried on listening to my iPod.

Before I knew it was dinner; mush time. Then after everyone left the Mess Hall, boys pushed tables around and made a circle with chairs. I sat in between Zigzag and Squid. Then Mr. Pendanski walked in.

“Hello, D-Tent! It’s time for Therapy!”

“Yay!” we all mumbled.

“Well let’s start with Jose, what do you like?” 

“I like animals.” That was a surprise to me.

“That’s what got Magnet in here in the first place!” said X-Ray. The boys snickered.

“Man, it’s criminal the way they keep them locked up in cages.”

“No, Jose what you did was criminal,” Mr. Pendanski said whilst holding up his finger.

“No, no you tell’im Magnet, they wanted a thousand bucks for just one puppy.” Interrupted Squid.

“Yeah, I would’a made it out if ma pocket didn’t start barking!” We all burst out laughing.

“You boys, and girl, get one life!” Mr. P looked us all in the eye, “and so far you’ve done a pretty good job of screwing it up.” He stared at me. “So, you’re Ember now, part of the group, you got a nickname. I guess that little stunt you pulled earned it.” I glared at the floor. How did he know?

“Yup, I guess I did.” I said with more hiss than words.

“Well everyone here is here because of what they did, you each screwed your life up and now it’s up to you to fix that.”

“No actually,” said Stanley as he raised his hand, “I’m here because of my no good- dirty-rotten- pig stealing- great-great-grandfather!”  Even I laughed at that.

“Yes Stanley I think we all know you think that,” Mr. P turned back to me, “It’s not going to be easy, it might take a long time. But once you set your mind to it, you’ll be surprised at what will accomplish.”

“Yeah well…what ever.” I muttered.

“Even Zero here isn’t totally useless!” Mr. Pendanski pointed at Zero. He looked unimpressed as he sat there with his arms folded across his chest saying nothing as the stupid psychologist insulted him. My temper rose. “What about you Zero, what do you like to do?” There was a moment to silence. Everyone was looking at Zero. He stared at the floor. “You just won’t talk with me will you?”  

“But he only talks to Caveman and Ember.” Piped up Armpit.

“You think your better than all this?” Mr. Pendanski looked like an evil grinning gnome. I grinded my teeth. Stanley looked at Zero and nodded towards Pendanski.

“I like digging holes.” Said Zero.

“Then you’re in the right place for it, buddy boy.”  I glared at Mr. P. Why does he hate Zero so much? Zero did nothing to him! I looked at Zero. He had resumed staring at the floor. Or did he?

         We all left the Mess Hall and I stood back until Zero walked out. He looked at me and gave me a tiny smile. I walked next to him.

“Why does he hate you so much?” I thought he wasn’t going to answer me because of my stupid question.

“I think it’s because, he just can’t figure me out. Cus’ you know, I don’t speak much.”

“Oh right. But if you ever want me to beat him up I can!” I joked nudging him with my elbow. He smirked and then bubbled into laughter. The thought of me attacking Pendanski was probably hilarious. We both walked inside. It was silent.

“How did you get him to laugh?” asked X-Ray.

“As I’ve said, I’m just so skilled.”  I bounced on my bed. Then I told them all to look away as I changed into my boy boxers and baggy Yankees t-shirt.

“Okay you can look.” Mr. P came in a while later and turned off the dim lantern. “Nighty night boys!” I whispered. I got no reply. So, I rolled over and drifted of to sleep.

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