Part Two - A New Kind Of Tent

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Welcome to Missouri City, Houston, TX 

Chapter 1

"School." Squid said as I opened the front door of my new home. He was dressed in the uniform we were all meant to wear. A crisp white top, black skirt (pants for the guys), dark green tie (which I spent hours this morning trying to put on), tights or socks, and black shoes. Pretty crappy so I kinda spiced mine up a bit by rolling up the skirt, making the tie a bit looser than usual, and letting my hair down. I have to say that Squid did look hot in his.

“I know…” I replied, rolling my eyes. Just then Charlie came thumping down the stairs. She flipped a strand of blonde hair away from her face and tried to one handedly shove it into her ponytail whilst the other carried down a chunky shoulder bag. I tugged at my own, noticing it probably wasn’t as heavy.

“Morning.” She said to Squid.

“Hey.” He said pulling her into a hug. A folder fell out of the bag.

“Oops, sorry I’m really prepared.” Charlie scurried to the ground and shoved the folder back in. “I’m determined to do well! I’m doing my drivers test next week, so then we can get Zigzag.” She stood and motioned to the door. “Shall we?” I sauntered out the door and walked down the path. The sun was shining and the sky a clear pale blue. I sighed.

“Wonder what it’s gonna be like?” I mumbled.

“It’s gonna be good for me.” Squid smiled and caught up next to me.

“Why so sure?” I asked as we approached a large white building with the words Missouri City High written in large black letters across the top of the building. Ah yes, school. My personal hell. I reached for Squid's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, though it was more to reassure myself that I wasn't going to have to go through this alone. Thousands of teens walked to and from the building. I could pick out groups. To our right were defiantly the jocks, who were laughing and joking and being gay altogether, slapping girls’ butts as the walked past. There was a group of mainly blondes who I could tell would piss me off. They stared at Charlie and me and started to whisper. I laughed. Then I noticed one of the tall blondes with a high ponytail bite her lip and wave at Squid. I looked at him to see if he noticed. He did, so he grabbed my hand spinned me around and pecked me on the lips. The giggling ceased. I smiled and looked up at him.

“The answer to your question is that I’m spending the next years with you, and there is no one I’d rather be with.” He whispered. I was going to reply but then Charlie cleared her throat. We looked at her.

“Can we please move on?” She huffed and strode towards the front door. 
Walking together, we went to the front desk. The office lady absent-mindedly handed us our schedules, and Squid guided me through the halls by my hand. There were awkward stares everywhere. I hid my face in my hair until we reached our homeroom, which we found out we were all together in. By then we had stopped holding hands, Charlie swung the bag over her shoulder then crossed her arms. Then we opened the door. Another awkward silence. There were about twenty students in our class and one pasty, scary, pedophile looking, short, bald guy who introduced himself as Mr. Perkins. Creep.

"Ok class. This is Alan, Kathlyn and Charlotte.” Mr. Perkins stated to the class. He had one of those really annoying whining voices. “They will be joining us for the remainder of the school year" I didn’t like this guy. I spied three empty chairs, two together at the back then one in the row in front. The class ogled at us as we took our seats. Squid and I sat in the two seats at the back and Charlie took the other. Oh lord, Kat. What have we gotten ourselves into? I shook my head in response to my conscience. The loud chatter of the room started up again. Suddenly, there was a hand in front of me I stared down at it then looked at its owner. It was a girl with long, messy, light brown hair tied back, except a clipped side fringe that swooped over her forehead. She had clear grey blue eyes and a beaming great smile. She looked really friendly, and not that fake friendly like The Warden, but a genuine friendness. I grinned and grasped her hand. She could be a good person.

“Thought you were gonna leave me hanging for a sec, hun.” She said. Her voice was big and loud and I almost thought that the rest of the class would turn around. “I’m Mackenzie Gibb! Don’t ask to spell.” Mackenzie leaned back and tapped the girl next to her. “This is Phoenix Pryer.” The girl Phoenix shyly looked at me then. She had brown wavy, windswept hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She was very pretty and petit but also in a cute way with big brown eyes and olive skin. She smiled slightly.

“Helloo.” She said in a singsong voice doing a little wave with her pencil.

“What’s your name again?” Mackenzie asked me. “Sorry, I was in space and not paying attention to the elf man over there.”

“Oh, I’m Kat.” I grabbed Squid’s arm. He turned around from deep conversation with a guy next to him. “This is Alan.”

“Hey Alan!” They both said.

“Hi, you can call me Squid.” He stated. Mackenzie and Phoenix looked at each other and laughed. 

“Inky!” Mackenzie said laughing with a crinkle at the bridge of her nose appearing. Squid raised an eyebrow then joined in with the laughter.

“Who’s this?” Charlie asked. I introduced my new friends and Charlie introduced the girl sitting in front of me. She swiveled around and flipped her straight short auburn hair. She smiled sweetly at Squid at me. Her name was Tara Cusk. Tara had freckles that were subtlety hidden by a thin layer of foundation and her mascara made her pale green eyes big. They sparkled as she laughed at a joke Mackenzie made. Charlie had found another Brit! A really pretty Brit. I was starting to feel conscience that pretty people surrounded me. I fiddled with my hair. I should’ve put more make-up on…

“Well since we’re all introducing ourselves, I’m Jeremy Quinn.” The boy that was next to Squid said. He had golden brown hair that was a little longer than Squid’s and green blue eyes. He was slightly on the chubby side but it was really hard to notice. He kept laughing at whatever random thing anyone said, which was mostly Mackenzie. As homeroom continued I got up out of my seat and continued to meet new people. There were tons! I don’t think I can cope with all these names. Okay, there’s um… Dolly Ritblat, Jack Foster, Gracie Tufnell, Wilson Harwood, Jemma Jones, Emily Cunliff, Jason Britt, Alex Lorton, Memo Smith…and the list goes on! The bell rung and we made our way to our first class.

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