Chapter 37
"Squid, I'm going to miss you." My eyes teared up. A lot. I felt like crying. Why was I leaving Squid, and all my buddies at Camp Hell on Earth? But we had cell phones with numbers... used for keeping in touch. And besides, my grandma's house was eight minutes from Squid's aunt's place. I had told him he could come over whenever. I didn't want him hurt…just in case his aunt was like his mom. I was going to miss everyone here. Even Stanley... ok, maybe not. He was gone anyways. But Squid... Oh, God, I would miss spending every day with him.
"I'm gonna miss you too. I-I love you." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his went around my back. We just wanted to remember each other, even though we would make sure to see each other. A lot. When we pulled away, he reached his hand out and brushed my tears away.
"Squid, you promise me you won't get hurt?” I said through our hug. I had just seen my Grandma's black Porsche pull up. Wow, she was rich. Twitch basically had an orgasm at the sight of its sleek blackness and it’s loud engine. Ha-ha, he’s one special child! Wait…I'm SPECIAL!
"Yes, Kat. I promise you, I won't get hurt. Sure of it. That woman won't be here for me." He referred to his mother. “The biggest problem I’ll probably have is dealing with my twin cousins. Boy, they are really annoying!” Charlie was sticking to Zigzag like glue. He looked the most depressed out of all of us. His static like blonde hair was hidden under a black beanie. He didn’t really look like himself dressed in baggy black jeans and a nice clean white t-shirt. Charlie and I were wearing what we wore when we first came. Everyone else seemed to be as well. I shivered; it was quite cold for shorts, surprisingly. My grandmother climbed out of the car and put up a large brown umbrella. There was little L’s and V’s all over it. Another example how loaded my grandma was! She was lean and kind, she looked really young for her age too. Her hair was dyed of course, but it was shimmering blonde even in this weather. My grandma flicked her waving locks, smiled widely and waved hyperactively at me. Let me say that this woman was 56.
“Kathy! How are you my dear?” She said, striding over to me with high heels.
“Hiya Nana!” I hugged her. She laughed even though I was quite wet because I ran through the rain. “Who’s this handsome fella?” She wiggled her finger at Squid who was standing in his ripped jeans and faded yellow top he was wearing this morning. He looked around in shock.
“No one…” I giggled. She laughed loudly.
“Well let me tell you he is hot!” Nana whispered. Her voice went back to speaking level, which is shouting level according to normal people. “Your mother has been terrible lately! She called me up just last night and said you were now and forever living with me! I love you honey, but your mom is cruel sometimes…ever since your father…” She stared at the distance. “I mean I had to drive this car as fast as I could!” I bit my lip and motioned to Charlie. She shuffled forwards and into the rain next to me.
“Nana, this is Charlie…” I explained to my grandma that she had been disowned and needed a place to stay. I said that I recalled that the estate had lots of rooms. Nana grabbed Charlie’s arm and pulled her into a strangling hug.
“Welcome to the family! O-m-g it’s like having daughters again! You can call me Karol.” She sputtered.
“Erm, Thanks Karol?” Charlie gasped through Nana’s shoulders. I laughed. When she let go she swiveled and looked at the crowd of guys. Charlie caught her breath back and ran towards the porch to get her stuff, then stood hugging Zigzag.
“Okay fellas! Now which one of you is Alan Smith?” She shouted happily. Squid blushed and did a little wave with his hand. I looked quizzically at Nana. She laughed. “Why so surprised? When I was rushing out of the house and I passed Black Creek and needed gas, so I hopped on over to the gas station. I got there and saw this panic stricken lady hovering over her SUV. I asked what’s the matter and its turned out that she was your lover’s aunty! Aren’t you lucky…” She winked; I went bright red at the word lover. “So, I asked where she was going and she said the same place as I so I offered to take her nephew back with me. I must look very trustworthy!” She beamed proudly.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...