Chapter 30
It wasn’t as bright and cheerful as I last saw the inside. It was in grey tones and looked quite dull and depressing. It was like a faded picture. The Warden went into her bedroom. She said she had to get something. The posters now stood out and I could basically read them all. All of them read about different robberies my great-grandmother committed. I was terrified that The Warden seemed to be so obsessed with her. Why? Then it hit me. Of course! This digging holes thing isn’t for character building! It’s all to find Katherine’s treasure…duh! Why didn’t I realize this before? Am I that thick? I scanned the room. The Warden was still in her bedroom. I have to get out of here and warn Zero. I edged my way silently to the door. My hand hovered over the handle. I grabbed it and slowly turned it. There was a click behind me. I spun around and came face to face with the barrel of a gun pinpointed me between the eyes. My first reaction was to scream but a cloth smothered me. My scared eyes were level with psycho blue ones. The Warden pushed the gun harder against my skull.
“Okay Barlow, did you really think you could get away from me?” she cackled. “I’ve been watching you for a long time now, it’s such a coincidence that you’ve come here.” I struggled against her. I broke free and tried to open the door. She pushed me away and blocked the door, still pointing the gun at my head. “Don’t try to escape or I’ll shoot. You think you really fooled me with your burglar lie? No. You were about to go and dig up your ancestor’s great treasure!”
“No I-“
“Excuse me? Don’t even try to object. You’re comin’ with me.” She grabbed me firmly by wrist and dragged me out the door. I tried to scream for anyone but she slapped me and pulled me by the hair.
“Stop! Help!” I cried.
“Shut it now! Or else.” She hissed at me. I didn’t make a sound as she pushed me along. I saw that Mr. Sir and Mr. P had joined walking along beside her. I spat at them and started to go on a rant. We were farther away from camp and I guess they knew that and let me scream. Please, please let me go! Then I thought of Zero. Just that second I saw a light flash on and off. The Warden changed direction and headed for the blinking light. NO! NO! No! I screeched in my head and tried to launch myself from the grip. It didn’t work. I gave up then. It was hopeless. I let myself walk over to the hole where two recognizable voices were cheering.
“We found it!” It was a hoarse Stanley. Their hole was really deep. They must have dug farther then changed their minds and dug wider. We had got to the edge and were staring down at the bobbing heads, one in a red hat the other just an afro. In between them was a dusty old chest with a huge padlock on the front. The treasure. That’s when The Warden, Mr. Sir and Pendanski turned on their bright flashlights and shone the beams down on a confused Stanley and Zero.
“Thank you boys, you’ve been a big help.” The Warden said down to them.
“Zero I’m so sorry she caught me!” I squealed. The Warden shoved me to the ground and pointed the gun at my head again. I curled into a ball and hid my face. Then the hole hissed. Literally.
“Get back!” Mr. Sir yelped pointing the gun at what was appearing from the hole. At least a dozen winding yellow spotted lizard climbed out from where the chest was and leapt on Stanley and Zero. I scrambled back as The Warden and Mr. P did. Stanley and Zero yelled but didn’t move a muscle as the lizards climbed all over their bodies and faces. Surely they would have died right then and there from a lizard bite but the lizards strangely didn’t bear their teeth.
“Well…get in there. Pull it out.” The Warden nodded her head at Mr. Sir.
“You get in there” he said back. He peered at it. “You won’t able to get into it anyways. That lock looks dead strong, and I’d be darned if metal cutters work.” He crouched on his knees not getting too close to the edge of the hole and squinted at it. Pendanski thought it was the perfect time to sneer at Stanley.
“Hey guess what Stanley? You’re innocent! You’re lawyer came by yesterday afternoon to get’cha. Too bad you weren’t there.”
“We’ll just wait then.” The Warden turned to me. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this. My granddaddy Trout Walker made me dig a hole everyday, even on Christmas.” Trout Walker. The guy in my dream. That’s him.
“What are we gonna do with Zero?” asked Pendanski.
“Zero was never here. We’ve got lots of holes to choose from.” Zero glanced up terrified but then concentrated on the lizard making its way up his shoulder.
“It says Barlow…” mumbled Mr. Sir. He was still observing the treasure.
“What?” The Warden and I said at the same time. She shoved him out of the way and shone the flashlight close to the lock. There was a bit of clumped rusted writing above a six-coded swivel lock. “Only a Barlow can.” She read out loud. Slowly everyone twisted and looked at me. I sat blinking. This made no sense. Wait yes it does! Six numbers. Only a Barlow can…073241! That’s it! That’s what those numbers mean. “Well?” She grabbed me firmly by the arm. “What’s that about?” I glanced at Zero and Stanley. They blankly stared back but were more concentrated on the lizards. The Warden shook me.
“I-I don’t get it-“ I lied trying to sound on the verge of tears.
“You are a Barlow aren’t you?” she screamed shaking me harder. I winced.
“Yes!” I squeaked.
“Well you better know something!” She pulled her gun out and pressed it against my head again. “Or you’ll know nothin’ no more” Anger swelled in me.
“That’s not going to make me say anything, because honestly I’d rather be dead.” I said thinking of Squid. Then I realized. The Warden’s face lit up. Uh-oh.
“Oh, but I think I know something that would make you confess.” She turned to Mr. Sir. “I think you should get them now.” Mr. Sir’s eyes sparkled with evil. She spun around. I noticed that she looked crazier than Mr. Sir on a bad day. “Actually, I think they should just come out of hiding!” she shouted into the distance. I looked where she was looking and I swear three heads ducked under a pile of dirt.
“You know, now that I think of it, there is something I do remember!” I started up.
“Oh, really…” Mr. Sir and Pendanski glided out towards the pile disappearing into the darkness where I could barely see them. They pounced behind the dirt pile and shouts erupted from inside the hole. They dragged three squirming shadows out from behind it. Mr. Sir was holding the most ferocious, leaping one whilst Pendanski held the other two. As they came back into the light, I saw whom the shadows were. Squid, Zigzag and Charlie.
“Don’t do it Kat! Don’t sing!” yelped Squid as he tried to pull himself out of Mr. Sir’s grip.
“Don’t say that Squid you retard!” Charlie screeched as Pendanski harshly dragged her and Zigzag with his pulsing arms next to me (he was scarily strong). I reached out to them but was yanked back by my hair by The Warden. Mr. Sir shoved Squid to the ground. I felt that all to familiar cold metal tube against my head.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
أدب الهواة"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...